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Philosophy and Development of Nursing Nursing Paradigm

Philosophy and Development of Nursing Nursing Paradigm
Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing is a professional services form an integral part of health care, based on nursing knowledge and tips.
Nursing Philosophy: the assurance nurse to the values ​​that guide nursing in providing nursing care.

Confidence To Be Held Nurses

Man is a unique individual holistic
Improve the health of the optimal
Collaboration with the health care team and patient / family.
Nursing process
Nurses are responsible and accountable
Nursing education should be carried out continuously
Nursing Paradigm

Paradigm nursing: Is a global view held by nurses who manage the relationship between the theory in order to develop conceptual models and theories of nursing as a nursing framework.
Elements of the nursing paradigm

Providing health care
Provide a complete and effective assistance to clients
Helping clients (from the individual to the community level)
Implement nursing interventions:

Human beings as unique
Has the nature and characteristics of different
Humans as adaptive systems / open
require input from various subsystems and suprasystem.
Humans as holistic makluh
Human beings as bio
Human beings psycho
Man as a social being
Beings as spiritual beings
Human Needs

The need for self-actualization
The need for self-esteem
Needs love and be loved
The need for safety and security
Physiological Needs

Healthy is the state of perfect balance of physical, mental, and social, not just freedom from disease and weakness (WHO)
Healthy is the optimal ability of individuals to carry out their roles and duties effectively (Parson)
Health is a state of complete body, soul, social, allowing each person to live a socially and economically productive (Act - Health Act No.23 of 1992)

Pain is an imbalance of the normal functioning of the human body, including the number of biological systems and the condition of the condition of adjustment (Parson).
Pain is a symptom, objec perception of pain is felt, and the ability of daily activity decreased (Bauman).
Pain is an unpleasant condition that afflicts a person causing interference on physical and social activity (Perkins).
kesimpulanya pain is not normal or healthy state.Healthy Range - Sick
Factors Influencing Health Status
Healthy behaviors are influenced by factors

Pain Behavior

Does not hold responsibility for illness
Free of duty and social roles
Attempting to achieve a healthy condition as quickly as possible
Joint families seek help immediately
Role of Individuals Against Pain Effect

Role Changes
The financial problems
Changes in social habits
Development of Nursing
ScienceIs a solid body of knowledge and the process of knowing through a systematic and controlled investigation (the scientific method).Characteristics of science:

Accelerating rational as a means to acquire the right knowledge
Have a logical flow of thought and consistent with existing knowledge
Through empirical testing as a criterion of objective truth
Having a mechanism open to correction
Keperawatn For ScienceIs nursing requirements to exist as an independent discipline?

Nursing science from the point of the philosophy of science (philosophy of science)
How knowledge is acquired and organized (epistemology)
As well as the value associated with knowledge (axiology)
Nursing Science from the point of ontology

Having a sense, philosophy, history, purpose, recipient of nursing services, the focus of nursing, a formal object, material object.
Object materia nursing is human can not function perfectly in relation to health and healing.
The focal point in nursing is the human response to imbalances that can be handled by nursing.
Formal objects: assistance to individuals in a holistic healing process.
From the angle of Nursing EpistemologyProperties / characteristics of nursing

Knowledge (public knowledge)
To develop nursing knowledge needed another partially-forming body of knowledge of nursing science, among others:

Humanities groups, methodologies, legal and ethical
Group of basic science: biophysics, chemistry, biology
Behavioral science group that includes psychology
Group social sciences: sociology, anthropology, demography and politics
Group of biomedical science: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pathophysiology, farmako etc.
Group of public health sciences
Group clinical medicine: diseases of the nerves, skin, etc.
From the angle of Nursing Axiology

Application of moral principles of the science of nursing is a professional responsibility to clients, community and God Almighty.
Moral principle embodied in the nursing code of ethics is manifested into keperwatan
Nursing code of ethics: principles / morals should be written guidelines / principles for each nurse to interact with clients in order to nurse behavior within the remit of truth.
Nursing code of ethics Indonesia (PPNI)

Nurses and clients
nurses in providing nursing services respect human dignity
Nurses in providing nursing services continue to maintain that environment seasana appreciate cultural values
The primary responsibility of nurses are those who need nursing
Nurses required to keep everything that's unknown who entrusted him with the task of
Nurses and practice
Nurses and community
Nurses maintain and enhance competence in nursing
Nurses continue to maintain a high quality nursing service and professional
Nurses menbuat decisions based on adequate information
Nurses always menjungjung high reputation of the nursing profession
Nurses and community
Nurses expands the responsibility for initiating and promoting activities of public health needs
Nurses and associates
Nurses continue to maintain good relations with fellow perwat and other health professionals
Nurses act to protect clients from the health workers who provide service that is not incompetent, unethical, and illegal
Nurses and the profession
Nurses have a significant role in determining the standard of education and nursing service
Nurses play an active role in various development activities of the nursing profession
Nurses actively participate in efforts to build and maintain professional working conditions that is conducive for the realization of high-quality nursing reply