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Nursing As a Profession

Nursing As a Profession

Florence Nightingale (1895)
Nursing is putting the patient in the best condition for nature to act and its contents. Another source mentions nursing by Florence Nightingale is "the act of exploiting the patient to help him recover" (Nightingale, 1860)

Marta Roger (1970)
Nursing is a knowledge that is intended to reduce the anxiety about the maintenance and health promotion, disease prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of sick and disabled people.

King (1971)
Nursing is the process of action and interaction, to help individuals of various age groups in meeting their needs and addressing their health status at a given moment in a life cycle

Calista Roy (1976)
Nursing is a scientific definition of nursing practice-oriented that has a bunch of know-how to provide services to clients.

Dorothea Orem (1976)
Maintenance is human services are focused on meeting human needs for self-care, recovery from illness or injury, and overcoming complications that can support life.

V. Henderson (1978)
Nursing is an effort to help individuals both healthy and sick to use the power, the will and the knowledge he has so that individuals are able to carry out daily activities, recovering from illness, or died peacefully. Role of nurses to help people not to rely on the help of others in the shortest possible time.

National Workshop (1983)
Nursing is a professional service that is an integral part of health care based on science and nursing tips, covering aspects of the biological, psychological, social and spiritual is comprehensive, targeted at individuals, families and communities healthy and diseased humans include life cycle to achieve optimal health status .
Principles of care / nursing service professional:
Based on the knowledge and tips for nursing

Nursing science: the synthesis of basic nursing, clinic nursing, biomedical sciences, life sciences (psychology) and social sciences.
Tips for Nursing (Nursing Arts) is more focused on the ability of nurses to provide nursing care in a comprehensive manner with a touch of art (using the tips given) in order to provide satisfaction and comfort to the client.
Is comprehensive

Comprehensive nursing care if the nursing care provided is comprehensive covering aspects of biological, psychological, social and spiritual.
Addressed to individuals, families and communities healthy or sick.

Nursing care given to individuals at health care institutions such as health centers, polyclinics, nursing clinics and hospitals independently.
An integral part of health care.

Health services include medical care (medicine), nursing services and health support services (nutrition, pharmacy, laboratory, etc.). Nursing service is a subsystem of the health service and can not be separated from the health service.
Includes human life cycle

Nursing care can be provided to clients in the womb to breathe his last. On the basis of this well known specialties of nursing services.
are efforts to provide nursing services / care that is humanistic and professional, based on science and holistic tips, have a standard of care and code of conduct, as well as based on the professionalism of the independent and / or collaboration.


As the science and art
As a service-oriented profession
Has three goals in nursing services (individual, family and community)
Nursing services cover the entire range of health services
PROFESSIONProfession comes from the Latin word "Proffesio" which has two meanings that promise / pledge and work.

Wilensky (1964)
Profession proffesion derived from the word meaning a job that requires the support of science body (body of knowledge) as the basis for the development of a systematic theory to face many new challenges, requiring education and training for a long time, and has a code of ethics with a focus on service ( altruism).

Schein EH (1962)
Profession is a collection or set of jobs that build a particular set and comes from a special role in society.

Hughes EC (1963)
Profession is a skill in knowing everything better than anyone else (the client).

Abraham Flexner (1915)

A work can be said to be a profession if eligible as:
The existence of intellectual activity
Work based on knowledge and learning for the purpose of practice and service
Can be taught
Organized internally as well as altruistic (for public)

Greenwood E (1957)
Characteristics of a job as a profession is:

The existence of a systematic theory
Dignity (dignity)
Code of Conduct
Professional culture

Hall (1968)
Profession is a job that has to go through four stages are:

Body of knowledge has been gained from higher education institutions
Being the main job
The existence of professional organizations
There is a Code of Ethics

Miller (1985)
Characteristics of a profession are:

The existence of the body of knowledge gained in the University
Orientation on science, competence with a clear theoretical foundation

Shortridge (1985)
The main characteristic of the profession:

The existence of the Code (as a basis for the implementation of the standard responsibilities of the task
Service-oriented and based on science
Have autonomy within the authority and responsibility in the areas of professionalism

Traits - traits profession by H. Zaidin Ali (2001):

Powered by the agency in accordance with the field of science (anthology), clear the work area of ​​their knowledge (epistemology), and application (axiology).
Professional education and training acquired through a planned, continuous and gradual.
Work profession governed by a code of professional conduct and legally recognized through legislation - legislation.
Rules and regulations that govern life and professional life (education and training standards, service standards, codes of conduct) and supervise the implementation of the rules was done by the citizens of the profession (Winsley, 1964)

Moore and Rosenblum (1970)
Criteria work as a profession is one where basic job:

Having a systematic theory
Have the authority, dignity and prestige
Having a code of ethics, professional culture
Be a major source of income

H. Zaidin Ali (2001)
Criteria profession:

Provides services for human well-being
Having the knowledge and skills and developed continuously.
Meticulousness, intellectual ability, and sense of responsibility.
Graduation from higher education.
Independent in appearance, activity and function.
Having a code of ethics to guide practice.
Ties / organizations to ensure quality service.