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Humans Interpersonal (Human Relations)

Humans Interpersonal (Human Relations)

According BONNER
relationship between two or more individual human beings and the individual behavior affect, change, and improve the behavior of other individuals or otherwise.

HAM (broad sense): the interaction between a person with other people in all circumstances and in all areas of life, can be done at home, on the street, in public transport (eg bus, train) and so on.
HAM (narrow sense): the interaction between a person and another person. However, the interaction here is the work situation and the organization of work (work organization).

Transactional where there is a mutual interaction between affecting and affected individuals.
each individual can be a sender and a receiver at the same time
Disorders misperceptions (ineffective communication)

contains dimensions and dimensions related content
Fill dimension means that communication is the process of conveying information using easy language
Dimensions related to the status relates the relationship between sender and receiver.
According to Stewart L. Tubbs and Sylvia Moss (2000)

Geographical closeness (proximity): intensity often affects social interaction.
The similarity (Similarity): terms of age, education, ethnic background, religion, race, socio-economic status.
Taste like a perceived mutual reciprocity
Changes in self-esteem influence self-esteem enhancement.
Anxiety change criteria within choosing friends
Isolation of human instincts For interacting
Kebutuhankebutuhan complementary
Another factor is psychological:

Imitation Factor follow something beyond himself
The reason for doing imitation:

Lack of interest and considerable attention
Admire or respect to what is in imitation
There is hope of reward after imitation.

Performed when beneficial

Factors Suggestion
receive guidance perspective or the behavior of others without criticism or judgment first. occur in people who have problems in thinking (client)

Identification of factors
follow and accept the footsteps of others who are considered Ideally for him.

Sympathy Factor
feeling of drifting to follow what is perceived by others.

There is a sense of trust
reliance behavior of others to achieve the desired goal will not run smoothly if there is no mutual trust.
influencing factors:

Receive, without judging, criticizing
Supportive attitude
attitude lessen protect themselves (defensive) in communication (receptive, honest interaction within)
Jack R. Gibb, said:

Evaluation vs. description
Evaluation is the assessment of others (praise, criticism) description is delivering an explanation of feelings and perceptions without any element of an assessment
Control vs orientation problems
orientation problem: an attempt to solve the problem by communicating the issue to someone else to work finding solutions.
Spontaneity vs. strategy
strategy: the way that serve to influence others.
Spontaneity shows immediate response and shows a person's honesty.
strategy: the way that serve to influence others.
Neutrality vs. empathy
Neutrality: treat others not as they should be, indifferent, empathy is an attitude of understanding others
Superior vs. equation
superior will lead others shut themselves equation attitude, do not discriminate
Certainty vs. provincialism
Someone who feel certainty are generally opinionated, selfish provincialism: a willingness to review the opinions of others
Open attitude
Openness enormous influence in fostering effective interpersonal communication.

Lack of role
people do not understand the role and authority of the health workers provide a correct explanation of the role of each health

Conflict Responsibility
Clients open about his condition and nurses listened to the complaints sincere nurses are responsible for providing an explanation, or support

The difference in status
nurses have the ability to feel more, causing more dominant nurse communication is unidirectional and authoritarian

Perception Differences
The use of terms and language that is not understood client nurse a common communication problems.

The pre-interaction
preparation period prior to relate and communicate with others.

evaluate themselves (anxiety)
Preparation phase relationship (client data)
Plan for the interaction (communication engineering)
Phase orientation
Stage of work
stage nurse met with the patient
to explore and gain an accurate and objective information necessary to use communication techniques in relation wawancara.inti nurse with patient
meet the goals set in the previous stage. mal adaptive behavior change and adaptive
Phase termination
is the final meeting of nurses and patients
include: evaluation of the results of evaluation activities and follow-up