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concept of motivation in nursing management


Rear A.Latar
Function - organic functions of management are planning, organizing, directing, and pengendalian.Seorang good leadership is required to perform all functions ada.Karena leaders are people who achieve results through other people, then the leader must be able to carry out the functions of direction, one way is to increase efforts to stimulate action.
Thrust is inside of a person is often called a motive, thrust out a person must be brought olehg leadership that things outside oneself is mempengaruhinya.Pada initially thought that the driving force is "fear." In further developments improving the application held employment as a result of research.
Writing B.Tujuan
The paper was made in order to know and understand the concepts involved in the system Motivation Nursing Management.  

A. . Understanding
Motivation or motive or the need or urge or desire or impulse is a word often used to refer to the word motivation. The origin of the word actually
movere of motivation is the same as the Latin language to move in
English that means moving or pushing.
According to George R.Terry, motivation is a desire there to stimulate an individual to perform actions.
Motivation purposes:
1. To change the behavior of subordinates in accordance with the wishes of the leadership.
2. Heighten the excitement of the employment.
3. Improving discipline.
4. Improving the welfare of employees.
5. Improve employee morale and loyalty.
6. Increase the sense of responsibility of employees in their duties.
7. Increase productivity and efficiency.
B. Theory of Motivation
Motivsi work is divided into two basic theories, as follows.
1. Content theoris: associated factors that increase kelakuan.Jadi, content perspective tries to answer the question of what factors motivate people?
The theory that supports:
a. Maslow's theory of hierarchy
Five (5) Maslow's basic needs - is based on the needs of the most important
to a less crucial:
1) Physiological Needs
Examples: Clothing / apparel, food / food, shelter / housing, and
biological needs such as defecation, urination, breathing, and other
so on.
2) Safety and Security Needs
Example: Freedom from occupation, free from threat, free from pain, free from terror, and so forth.
3) Social Needs
Example is: having friends, having a family, needs the love of the opposite sex, and others.
4) Needs Award
Example: praise, awards, honors, prizes, and much more.
5) Self-Actualization Needs
Is the need and desire to act at will according to their talents and interests.
a. ERG Theory
ERG theories of motivation is the satisfaction theory which says that individuals have needs such extensions, linkages and growth
There are three hierarchies:
a) Existence
Needs that can be satisfied by factors such as meals, drinks, air, wages, and working conditions.
b) Linkage
Needs that can be fulfilled by social relationships, relationships.
c) Growth
Needs that can be satisfied if someone contributes a creative and productive
b. Two-factor theory Hersberg
Motivation theory proposed by Herzberg and his group. This theory is often referred to as M - H or the theory of two factors, how managers can control the factors that may result in job satisfaction or job dissatisfaction. Based on the research has been presented two groups of factors that affect a person in the organization, the "motivation". Called that the real motivation factors as sources of job satisfaction is the achievement, promotion, rewards and responsibilities.
The second group of factors is "good climate" proved not as a source of job satisfaction as a source of job dissatisfaction instead. This factor is a condition of employment, personal relationships, engineering supervision and salary. Repair of these factors will reduce job dissatisfaction, but will not cause a boost employment. Factors "good climate" will not lead to motivation, but it is not
c. The theory of learning needs
The theory is closely related to the concept belajar.teori said that through life in a culture, one learns about the needs. 3 needs to learn;
a) The need for achievement
For example: the job is challenging, won the competition, can solve the problem well.
b) The need for a relationship or affiliation
For example, make friends or friendship.
c) The need for power
For example, the power to rule over others, or the power to determine policy.
1. Process theories: focus on how (process) ditingkatkan.Proses motivated behavior that usually begins with a few flaws that reflect the needs of the individual.
The theory that supports:
a. Theory of Fairness (Justice)
Is that employees compare their efforts and reward that receipt of the remuneration of other employees working in the same situation.
There are four important measure in this theory:
- People are individuals who feel diperalakukan fair or unfair.
- Comparison with others that any group or person that is used by a person as a comparison of the ratio of inputs (input) or gains (outcomes).
- Input (input) the individual characteristics brought to the job, such as skills, experience, age, gender
- Acquisition (outcomes) that everything received an award as one of the jobs, wages and benefits others.
b. Hope Theory
This theory covers the basic concepts as follows;
- The first level is obtained from behavioral outcomes related to the implementation of the work itself, such as productivity, quality of work, attendance, and others - others.
- Instrumentality is the level of a person's belief that the results of the first level will yield the second level.
- Valence is the strength of one's desire to achieve a particular result, whether it concerns the results of the first level and second level.
- Hope relates to a person's beliefs about the likelihood of a particular behavior specific behavior will be followed by a particular outcome.
c. Reinforcement Theory
Reinforcement theory concerning the memory of the experience of stimulus, response, and consequence.
d. Preparation of purpose
In this theory the properties in goal setting is:
- The goal of the level of detail the purpose of quantitative determination
- Passions goal of the skill level or the level of achievement that you want to accomplish.
- Intensity of purpose which involves the process of determining how the objectives can be achieved
- Commitment to the goal of the levels of the work done for the purpose mencapoai
C. Motivation Relationships With Job Satisfaction
The relationship of high motivation and job satisfaction are both reflected a sense of responsibility and passion that creates a desire to work and give the best thing for the job. The importance of motivation and job satisfaction requires business leaders to be sensitive to the interests of the employees. Pedekatan corporate leaders do not only to employees but also to the family and the environment so that the company knows what causes employees motivated in their work.
Motivation is right and good to enhance and foster employee morale and job satisfaction, and employee morale will increase in work due to the presence of the appropriate salary or wages for the employee so that the employee will achieve high performance. So it can be concluded that motivation and job satisfaction are key in achieving performance. Hopefully, by the motivation and job satisfaction can achieve the desired company.
Many people assume that employees' job satisfaction are more common with higher wage rates and other financial aspects. This is an assumption that is less true because there are many other factors that affect the level of job satisfaction is evidence that the relationship between employees and between leaders and subordinates determines the level of job satisfaction.
According to As'ad (1995: 104) basically job satisfaction is the individual. Each individual will have a level of satisfaction varies according to the system of values ​​that apply to him. This is because of differences in each individual. More and more aspects of the work in accordance with the wishes of the individual, the higher the level of satisfaction felt, and vice versa.
    Motivation is an internal state of the organism that drive to do something. Motivation can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Is a state of intrinsic motivation that comes from within the students themselves can encourage them to learn, for example, enjoys feeling the material and the material needs, whether for a future life the student or to others. Extrinsic motivation is a condition that comes from the individual students are also encouraged to conduct learning activities.
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