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Assessment CARE (nursing) Myocarditis

3.1 Assessment
Assessment is the first step in the nursing process and basic overall
a. The main complaint
• Fever
• Chest pain similar to angina pectoris and pericarditis
• Palpitations
• Shortness of breath
b. Important Signs
• Tachycardia
• Kardomegali (rapidly occurring)
• weakened heart sound
• Rhythm gallopTanda signs of heart failure, especially right heart failure.
Assessment of patients myocarditis (Marilynn E. Doenges, 1999) include:
Activity / rest
Symptoms: fatigue, weakness.
Signs: tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, dyspnea with activity.
Symptoms: shortness of breath (chronic shortness of breath worse at night).
Signs: DNP (paroxismal nocturnal dyspnea), coughing, wheezing inspiration; tachypnea, krekels, and ronkhi; breathing shallow.
Symptoms: a history of rheumatic fever, congenital heart disease, cardiac surgery, heart palpitations, fainting.
Signs: tachycardia, dysrhythmias, perpindaha point of maximal impulse, cardiomegaly, frivtion rub, murmur, gallop rhythm (S3 and S4), edema, DVJ, petechiae, splinter hemorrhage, Osler nodes, Janeway lesions.
Symptoms: a history of renal disease / renal failure; decreased frequency / jumlsh urine.
Signs: dark concentrated urine.
Symptoms such as pain struck and burned bert load
Signs: distraction behavior, such as anxiety.
Symptoms: a history of viral, bacterial, fungal (myocarditis; chest trauma; malignancy / irradiation thorakal; handling gear; sitem endoscopic examination of the GI / GU), decreased immune system, SLE or other collagen diseases.
Signs: fever.
3.2 Special Examination
a. Examination of ECG: Not a typical
• inferior ST-T changes
• cardiac conduction disorders
1. Thoracic Photo: Not your typical
• Enlarged heart or pleural effusion perikard.
1. Echocardiography:
• Enlargement of the left heart
• Can be confused with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mitral stenosis.
3.3 Nursing Diagnosis
Nursing diagnosis is a unification of the problem of real or potential patients based on data that has been collected.
Nursing diagnoses that appear in patients with myocarditis (Doenges, 1999) is
1. Pain associated with myocardial inflammation, systemic effects of infection, tissue ischemia.
2. High risk for decreased cardiac output associated with heart muscle degeneration, decreased / kontriksi ventricular function.
3. Infection associated with the spread of infectious agents
4. Impaired peripheral tissue perfusion related to penrunan cardiac output.
5. Activity intolerance related to inflammation and degeneration of myocardial muscle cells, decreased cardiac output.
6. Lack of knowledge (learning need) regarding condition, treatment plan related to lack of knowledge / memory, mis-interpretation of information, cognitive limitations, deny the diagnosis.
3.4 Intervention
Intervention is planning nursing actions that will be implemented to address the problem in accordance with the nursing diagnoses.
Nursing interventions and implementation occur in patients with myocarditis (Doenges, 1999).
1. Painful
Purpose: Pain is lost or controlled.
Results Criteria: - Pain is reduced or lost
  - Clients look cool.
• Collaboration of drugs as indicated (nonsteroidal agents: aspirin, indocin; antipyretic; steroids).
R: to relieve pain, reduce inflammation response, reduce fever; steroids given for more severe symptoms.
• Collaboration of oxygen supplementation as indicated.
R: maximizing the availability of oxygen to reduce the workload of the heart
• Provide a quiet environment and comfort measures eg change of position, rub your back, use a warm compress / cold, emotional support.
R: This action can reduce the physical and emotional discomfort of patients.
• Provide appropriate distraction techniques
R: redirect attention, provide distraction in individual activity levels.
• Menitoring complaints of chest pain and a weighting factor or lowering. Note the nonverbal cues of discomfort, for example; lay silent / anxiety, muscle tension, crying.
R: the pain is worse in the inspirations, move or lie down and disappear by sitting upright / bent.
2. High risk for decreased cardiac output
Objective: Identify the behavior to decrease the heart's workload.
Criteria Results -Melaporkan/menunjukkan period decreased dyspnea, angina, and dysrhythmias.
  -Shows stable cardiac rhythm and frequency.
• Maintain bed rest in a semi-Fowler position.
R: decrease the heart's workload, maximize cardiac output.
• Provide comfort measures eg change of position, rub his back, and entertainment activities in tolerransi heart.
R: increase relaxation and redirect the attention.
• Collaboration of drugs as indicated, such as digitalis, diuretics.
R: can be provided to increase myocardial contractility and cardiac workload meurunkan.
• Collaboration of antibiotic / antimicrobial intervena
R: is given to address the identified pathogens and prevent further heart damage.
• Monitor frequency / heart rhythm, blood pressure, and respiratory rate before and after the activity and as long as necessary.
R: help determine the degree of cardiac decompensation and pulmonary. Decrease TD, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, and tachypnea are indicative of the damage tolerance of the heart to the activity.
• Auscultation of heart sounds. Note the distance / muffled tone heart murmur, S3 and S4 gallops.
R: provide early detection of serious complications such as: GJK, cardiac tamponade.
3. The risk of the spread of infectious agents b.d infection
Objective: Do not spread the infection occurs
Expected outcomes are:-normal body temperature, 36.5 to 37 C
Normal WBC values ​​3800-9800/mcl
• Collaboration of antibiotics
R / antibiotics to reduce infectious agents
• Perform complete blood tests to monitor the value of granulocytes and WBC
R / to find out the value of WBC and granlosit as an indicator of infection
• Observation of vital signs
R / Monitor the patient's condition and progress further action
4. Activity intolerance
Objective: the patient has enough energy to move.
Criteria results: - Behavior reveal the ability to provide for ourselves.
 - Patients expressed able to do some activities without assistance.
 -Coordination of muscle, bone and other limbs either.
• Assist patients in gradually progressive exercise program as soon as possible to get out of bed, take vital signs and responses of patients at increased activity tolerance.
R: when inflammation / basic condition is resolved, the patient may be able to perform the desired activity, except for permanent myocardial damage / complications occur.
• Assess the patient's response to the activity. Watch for changes and complaints of weakness, keletiahan, and dyspnea with respect to activity.
R: myocarditis causing inflammation and possible damage to the function of myocardial cells.
• Maintain bed rest during periods of fever, and as indicated.
R: improving the resolution of inflammation during the acute phase.
• Collaboration of oxygen supplementation as indicated.
R: menmgimbangi maximize the availability of oxygen to oxygen consumption that occurs with activity
• Meantau frequency / heart rhythm, blood pressure, and respiratory rate before and after the activity and as long as necessary.
R: help determine the degree of cardiac decompensation and pulmonal.Penurunan TD, tachycardia, dysrhythmias, and tachypnea are indicative of the damage tolerance of the heart to the activity.
5. Impaired tissue perfusion bd decreased cardiac output.
Objective: Impaired tissue perfusion resolved within 3x24 hours.
Results Criteria: - RR 30-60 x / mnt
-Nadi 120-140 x / mnt.
-Temperature 36.5 to 37 C
-Cyanosis (-)
• Give oxygen as needed
R / Help increase cardiac output
• Observation frequency and heart sounds
R / frequency heart sounds were normal and indicates the blood flow smoothly, which means back to normal tissue perfusion.
• Observe for cyanosis.
R / presence of cyanosis or bluish indicate impaired tissue perfusion.
• Observation TTV.
R / Monitor development of the condition of patients
• Collaboration with physicians for the provision of therapy.
R / Increase cardiac output
6. Lack of knowledge
Objective: To express understanding of the disease process and treatment regimen.
Expected outcomes:-Identify the side effects and possible complications to consider.
-Memperlihatan behavior change to prevent complications.
• Assess readiness and barriers to learning, including people nearby.
R: A feeling of well-being has long enjoyed affect the interests of patients / significant other to study the disease.
• Explain the effects of inflammation on the heart, the patient individually. Ajarakkn to pay attention to the symptoms associated with complication / recurrence and symptoms reported immediately to the caregiver, for example fever, increased chest pain that is not normal, weight gain, increased tolerance to activity.
R: to take responsibility for their own health, patients need to understand the specific causes, treatment and long-term effects are expected from inflammatory conditions, according to the signs / symptoms that indicate recurrence / complications.
• Instruct the patient / significant other about the dosage, purpose and side effects of medication; dietary needs; special considerations; activity is allowed / restricted.
R: the information necessary to improve self-care, increased involvement in the therapeutic program, prevent complications.
• Review the need for long-term antibiotic / antimicrobial terapy.
R: length of hospitalization / giving IV antibiotic / antimicrobial necessary until blood culture negative / other blood results showed no infection.
3.5 Evaluation
Evaluation addalah stadium on the nursing process in which the degree of success in achieving the goals of nursing assessed and the need to modify or nursing intervention defined purpose.
The evaluation is expected in patients with myocarditis (Doenges, 1999) are:
1. Lost or uncontrolled pain
2. Identify behaviors to reduce the heart's workload.
3. No systemic infection
4. Peripheral tissue perfusion returns to normal
5. Patients have enough energy to move.
6. Stating understanding of the disease process and treatment regimen.
4.1 Conclusion
            Myocarditis is rarely obtained at the peak of the infection because the disease will be covered by the systemic manifestations of the disease and new infections clear on the recovery phase. This form is generally heal by itself, but most continue to be a form of cardiomyopathy, and there is also a cause of arrhythmias, conduction disorders or heart trouble which is structurally considered normal.
Most of the clients are not the typical complaints, may be obtained weakness, palpitations, shortness of breath, and chest discomfort. Chest pain is usually there when accompanied by pericarditis. Sometimes resembling obtained pain of angina pectoris. The most common symptoms are tachycardia that does not conform to the temperature rise. Sometimes hypotension obtained with a small pulse or the pulse interference.
4.2 Suggestion
            As a nurse should always alert in the management of myocarditis as it would be fatal if too late to handle it. Besides nurses also provide health education to clients and their families to understand with myocarditis and how its treatment.
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