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basic concepts of nursing management


A. BackgroundSociety demands on the quality of nursing care perceived as a phenomenon that must be responded to by a nurse. Therefore nursing care needs to receive priority in the development of the future.Nurses must be willing to develop science and changed according to the demands of society, and become professional.Pengembangan nurses in various aspects of nursing are interrelated, interdependent, mutual influence and mutual interest. Therefore, innovation in nursing education, nursing practice, nursing and professionalism of life is the main focus in the process of professional nursing Indonesia. The process of professionalization is a process of recognition of something that is perceived, assessed and accepted by the public spontaneously, it is required to develop itself in kesehataan service systems.The change-the change will bring positive effects such as the increasing quality of healthcare / nursing held, the incompatibility of the type and expertise of health care / nursing available to public demand, increased employment opportunities for workers kesehatan.Oleh for the reasons above, nursing services must be managed in a professional manner, because it is necessary to Nursing Management.Nursing management must be applied within the framework of real service in the hospital, so nurses need to understand how the concept and Its Application in the nursing organization itself.To better understand the meaning of the Nursing Management then we need to know in advance what is meant by nursing organizations, how the duties and responsibilities of each personnel in the organization that will ultimately lead us to better understand how the basic concepts of Nursing Management's itself.B. PURPOSE OF WRITING
The paper is made to know, understand, and apply the concepts
nursing management in the health sector, particularly in the field of nursing.

Understanding managementManagement is a process or business activities to achieve organizational objectives through partnership with other people. (Harsey and Blanchard)Management as a process of planning, organizing, directing, supervising an activity. (James A. O'Brien)Management is implementing with other people. (Konte Harold and Cyril O'Donnel)
Management is organizing all the resources through planning, organizing, providing guidance and control in order to achieve the goals and objectives that have been set previously. (Henry L.Silk)From the definition above experts concluded that management is a process to achieve a goal that has been established through planning, organizing, leadership and mentoring.Management function to carry out all the activities that need to be done in order to achieve the objectives within limits - limits that have been determined at the administrative level. While Liang Lie said that management is a science and art of planning, directing, organizing and controlling of objects and humans to achieve predetermined goals.
2. Understanding Nursing Management
Nursing management is the process of implementing nursing services through the efforts of the nursing staff to provide nursing care, treatment and safety to patients, families and communities. (Gillies, 1989).
We know here that the nursing management is a specialized task that must be carried out by nursing managers to plan, organize, direct and supervise sources - sources, either the resources or the funds so as to provide effective nursing services both to patients, families and society.Ø Functions - Management FunctionsIn summary functions of management are as follows:a. Planning (planning), planning is:1. Picture of what will be achieved2. Preparation achievement3. The formulation of a problem to achieve4. Preparation of action - the action5. Formulated objectives should not be written only in the mind alone6. Each - each organization needs to planb. Organizing (organizing), an arrangement after plan, organize and determine what work tasks, sort, type, unit of work, tools - tools, finance and facilities.c. Activator (actuating), moving people - people that want / like to work. Create an atmosphere of work not only because of the order, but it must be with his own consciousness, motivated interval.d. Control / supervision (controling), an oversight function for the purpose can be achieved according to plan, if people - men, how and when appropriate. Control also serves to errors can be immediately corrected.e. Assessment (evaluation), is the process of measurement and comparison of the results - the work that should be accomplished. The essence of a particular phase after the assessment is completed the activities, before, as a corrective and treatment aimed at the organic functions of administration and management.3. Principles - Principles of Nursing ManagementPrinciple - the principle underlying the nursing management are:a. Nursing management should be based on planning because through the planning, leaders can reduce the risk of decision-making, effective problem solving and planning.b. Nursing management implemented through effective use of time. Nursing managers who appreciate the time will develop a well-rounded program planning and implementing activities in accordance with a pre-determined time.c. Nursing management will involve decision making. Various situations and problems that occur in the management of nursing activities require decision making at managerial level berbergai.d. Meet the nursing care needs of patients is the focus of attention of the nurse manager to consider what the patient saw, thought, believe and desire. Patient satisfaction is the main point of the whole purpose of nursing.e. Nursing management should be organized. Organizing conducted in accordance with the needs of the organization to achieve goals.f. The briefing is an element of nursing management activities covering the delegation, supervision, coordination and control of the implementation of the plans that have been organized.g. Good nursing division motivate employees to demonstrate a good working performance.h. Nursing management komunikasin effective use. Effective communication will reduce misunderstandings and provide shared vision, direction and understanding among employees.i. Staff development is important to be implemented as preparation efforts nurses - nurse practitioner positions higher or manager attempts to improve employee knowledge.Control is an element of nursing management that includes an assessment of the implementation of the plan has been created, providing instruction and establish principles - principles through standard-setting, comparing performance with standards and correct deficienciesPrinciple - the principle of organization by Fayol are:a. Division of work (division of labor)Task / Work divided equally to each individual or team.b. Authority and responsibility (authority and responsibility)Each personal or team has the authority and responsibility of the work that has been given to him.c. Dicipline (discipline)Discipline is very essential in the management system.d. Unity of command (unity of command)It is a unity of command, a command from a superior to a shared responsibility.e. Unity of direction (toward unity)It is the same purpose.f. Sub-ordination of the individual to generate interest (subject to individual interests to the public interest)g. Renumeration of personal (employee income)Revenue employee is given a form of reward for services performed.4. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK-Participative management which is based on the paradigm of nursing:-People will be interested and committed to his work.-If the information is useful and worth to the individual to make the best decision for himself.-Interest groups will be more easily achieved by the group.-Every individual has the characteristics and motivations, interests and ways to achieve group goals.-The function of coordination and control is very important in achieving objectives.Equation-qualification should be considered.Individuals have the right and responsibility to delegate authority to them the best in the organization.-Knowledge and skills are necessary in making professional decisions.-All system functions to achieve a common goal of the group and to establish common goals
5. Nursing Management ProcessThe process in accordance with the nursing management of open systems approach in which each - individual components interrelate and interact and are influenced by the environment. Because it is a system that will consist of five elements of input, process, output, control and feedback mechanisms.Input from the nursing management among other information, personnel, equipment and facilities.The process in nursing management is the manager of the highest level of nursing management to implementing nurse have a duty and authority for planning, organizing, directing and monitoring the implementation of the nursing service. To implement the management processes required technical skills, human relations skills, and conceptual skills.Output is nursing care, staff development and research.Controls used in the budget process, including nursing management of the nursing, nursing job performance evaluations, standards and accreditation procedures.Feedback mechanism in the form of financial statements, audit of nursing, quality control and performance survey of nurses ..Based on the principle - the principle described above, the managers and administrators should work together - together in the planning and organization and function - other management functions to achieve predetermined goals.Rounded Rectangle: Nursing Management Process6. Nursing Management System ComponentsComponents of Nursing Management:1.Input2.Proses3.Output4.Kontrol5.Feed back mechanismINPUT☺ InformationPersonal ☺☺ Equipment☺ FacilityPROCESSManejemen group [from the highest to the nurse practitioner] who has the duty and authority to carry out the planning, organization, direction and control of the implementation of the nursing service.OUTPUT☺ Askep (Nursing)☺ Staff development through researchCONTROL☺ Budget☺ Procedures☺ Performance Evaluation☺ AccreditationFEED BACK MECHANISM☺ Financial Statements☺ Nursing Audit☺ Survey Quality Control☺ PerformanceThe underlying principle mananejemen nursing.1.Berlandaskan planning2.Penggunaan time effective3.Melibatkan decision4.Memenuhi Ô patient nursing needs of patient satisfaction as the goal5.Terorganisir as needed to achieve the organization's goalsScope of Nursing Management
Maintaining health has become a huge industry that involves different aspects related to health. Health services became the most fundamental rights for all people and provide adequate health care will require efforts to improve overall system. Adequate health care is determined mostly by the image of nursing services contained therein.Nursing is a discipline of clinical practice. Effective nursing managers should understand this and facilitate the work of the nurse practitioner. Nurse practitioner activities include:a. Establish the use of the nursing processb. Implement nursing interventions based on diagnosisc. Accepting accountability nursing activities performed by nursesd. Accept accountability for results - the results of nursinge. Controlling the nursing practice environment
The entire implementation is always initiated by the managers in nursing through participation in nursing management process involving the nurse practitioner.
Based on the picture above, the scope of nursing management consists of:a. Operational ManagementNursing care in a hospital run by the nursing field consisting of three managerial levels, namely:1. Top management2. Middle management3. Under Managementb. Not everyone has a position in the management succeeded in its activities. There are several factors that need to be owned by the person - the person in order to succeed its management. Factors - these factors are1. Ability to apply knowledge2. Leadership skills3. Ability to perform the role as leader4. Ability to execute management functionsc. Management of nursing care
Management of nursing care nursing is a process that uses concepts - concepts in it management such as planning, organizing, directing and controlling or evaluation.7. Running Room Terms MPKPThe terms Non running MPKP are as follows:1. Having adequate treatment facilities.2. It has a minimum number of nurses number of beds available.3. Having a nurse who has specialized education4. All nurses have competence in primary care.Ø Role Manager
Role Manager can affect motivation and environmental factors. But other factors that may affect the dependent task, especially how the manager works in an organization. In general, the role of managers can be judged by its ability to motivate and improve staff satisfaction. Staff job satisfaction can be seen from the fulfillment of physical, psychological, psychic needs which can be met through the manager's role in treating his staff. It can be embedded to the manager in order to create an atmosphere of openness and provide the opportunity for staff to perform the task as well - good. The manager has five environmental factors impact on the professional tuga as discussed previously (Nursalam, 2002).According Rewland & Rewland (1997), there are twelve key to job satisfaction, namely: input, relationship manager with staff, work discipline, workplace environment, rest and enough food, discrimination, job satisfaction, performance awards, clarify policies, procedures and benefits, get a chance, decision making, and the style manager.Ø The role of head room
The responsibilities of the head of the room according to Gillies (1994) is the role of the head of the room should be more sensitive to hospital budgets and the quality of nursing services, responsible for the result of the quality of nursing care, and nurses avoid boredom and avoid the possibility of throwing errors.Head room disebuah room nursing, need to do a unit coordinating the activities which they are responsible and conduct performance evaluation of staff in order to maintain the quality of service delivery of nursing care. Various methods of delivery of nursing care can be selected according to the conditions and the number of patients, and the categories of education and experience of the staff in the unit concerned (Arwani, 2005).
Ø Head Function RoomsThe chief function of the room according to Marquis and Houston (2000) as follows:1. Planning begins with the application of the philosophy, goals, objectives, policies, and regulations - regulations: planning short and long term to achieve the vision, mission, and goals, organization, set up fees - costs for each activity as well as the planning and management of change plan.

2. Organizing: includes the establishment of structures to implement the plan, establish methods of nursing care to patients who are most appropriate, organize activities to achieve the purpose of the unit and perform their roles and functions within an organization, and use power and wewengan appropriately.3. Man Power: setting ketegagaan starting rekruetmen, interview, search, and orientation of new staff, scheduling, staff development, and socialization of staff.4. Briefing: covers the responsibilities in managing human resources for a spirit such as motivation, conflict management, delegation, communication, and facilitate collaboration.5. Supervision includes job performance, general supervision, oversight of legal ethics and professional supervision. A manager working on the five functions in the day - a day to move in a variety of sales, purchasing, production, finance, personnel, and others - others.
Ø Head Room As Manager of NursingAs a nursing manager, job description head space according to department of health (1994), are as follows:a. Carry out the functions of planning, including:1. Plan the number and categories of personnel as well as other maintenance personnel as needed.2. Plan a number of types of equipment necessary care.3. Plan and determine the type of activity / nursing care will be organized according to the needs of patients.b. Implement the function of movement and execution, including:1. Organize and coordinate all service activities in the ward.2. Prepare and manage maintenance personnel and service personnel in accordance with requirements and other provisions / regulations (monthly, weekly, daily).3. Implement an orientation program for the nursing staff or other personnel working in the ward yamg.4. Provides guidance and motivation to the personnel to carry out treatment according to standard of care treatment.5. Coordinate all activities available by working with the parties involved in the service ward.6. Know the types and uses of goods procured equipment and try fit the patient's needs in order to achieve optimal care.7. Prepare routine requests include the need for tools, medicine, and other materials needed in the ward.8. Organize and coordinate the maintenance of the equipment to keep it in a state ready for use.9. Accountable for the implementation of the inventory of equipment.10. Implement an orientation program to patients and their families covering about hospital rules, order room, the facilities are there and how to use them.11. Assisting doctors during rounds to check on patients and record programs.12. Classifying patients and arrange placement in a hospital for the gravity level, injection and non-injection, to facilitate the provision of nursing care.13. Hold approach to every patient being treated to determine the situation and accommodate complaints and help resolve the problem progresses.14. Keeping the patient's feelings in order to feel safe and protected during the implementation of the service takes place.15. Provide health education to patient / family within the limits of its authority.16. Keeping feelings of officers in order to feel safe and protected serlama ongoing service delivery.17. Maintain and develop a record keeping system of nursing care services and other activities dilakuakan appropriately and correctly.18. Hold a good cooperation with the heads of the other wards, the entire section chief, chief, head of the agency, and head of UPF in the Hospital.19. Creating and maintaining a good working atmosphere between staff, patients and their families, giving tranquility.20. Nonkeperawatan motivating force in maintaining the cleanliness of the room and the environment.21. Examining the patient daily census form filling room.22. Inspect and examine the list of requests filler food by kind and type of food the patient then check / re-examining the current study raised.23. Maintain a register and used medical records.24. Make a daily report on the implementation of nursing care as well as other activities in the hospital room.c. Carry out oversight functions, control and research, including:1. Monitor and assess the implementation of nursing care that has been determined, perform an assessment of the undertakings of improved knowledge and skills in the field of nursing.2. Carry out assessments and put into the List of Employee Work Implementation Assessment (DP3) for managing nursing and other personnel in the room under his responsibility for various purposes (promoted / class, go back to school) to supervise and control the utilization of equipment and drug treatments - drugs effectively and efficiently.3. Oversee the implementation of the system for recording and reporting nursing care activities and other activities noted in the ward.Ø Implementing Nurse
In nursing care as one of the professional nurse's role as a nurse practitioner. Nurses as implementers directly or indirectly provide nursing care to individual patients, families, and communities. The role of the nurse as a nurse practitioner nurse practitioner nurse as the nurse called the Care Giver problem solving method in helping patients overcome health problems. The role of nurses in providing nursing care xsecara directly or indirectly (Praptianingsi, 2006). In carrying out the role of a nurse practitioner to act as:a. ComferterNurses seek comfort and security of patients (Praptianingsi, 2006). According to Potter and Perry (2005), a role as a conduit of comfort that provide nursing services as a whole and not just physical, it provides comfort and emotional support often gives strength to the client to achieve a cure. In providing comfort to clients, nurses can demonstrate to clients.b. Protector and advocatesNurse seeks to protect patients, promote the implementation of the rights and responsibilities of patients in health care. (Praptianingsi, 2006).According to Potter and Perry (2005), as a protector of nurses to help maintain a safe environment for clients and take action.To prevent accidents and to protect clients from possible adverse effects of a diagnostic or treatment measures. Laneways stints as an advocate, a nurse to protect the rights and obligations of the client as a human being, by law, as well as assist clients in claiming their rights as needed. Nurses also protect the rights - the right clients in ways that are common with rejection rules or actions that may endanger the health of the client or opposes rights - the right client.c. CommunicationNurses as a mediator between the patient and health care team members, it is associated with the presence of perawatyang with the patient for 24 hours to provide nursing care in order to attempt health care in hospitals (Praptianingsi, 2006). According to Potter and Perry (2005), the role of the communicator is the center of the whole role of the nurse practitioner to another. Nursing includes communication with clients, families, caregivers san among other health professions, information and community resources. Providing effective care, decision making by clients and families, providing protection to clients from threats to health, mengokordinasi and manage nursing care and others are not possible without clear communication.d. RehabilitatorNurses provide care keparawatan is to restore the function of an organ or body part in order to recover and function normally.Rehabilitation is the process by which individuals return to the level of maximum function after an illness, accident, or other event giving rise to helplessness. Range rehabilitation and restorative activities ranging from mangajar client runs using the walker to help clients cope with lifestyle changes associated with chronic disease (Potter & Perry, 2005).

Nursing management theory developed from the general theory of management that yng ordered the use of human and material resources are efektif.Empat major elements of the theory of management are planning, organizing, directing or leading, and controlling or evaluating all management activities, cognitive, affective, and psychomotor are in one or more of these functions utsms moving simultaneously.
Keperawtan main thrust of the management is that the focus on the behavior of manusia.Manajer nurses educated in the knowledge and skills of human perilsku nurses manage nursing professional and non-professional workers to achieve the highest level of productivity in patient care services.

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