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Fundamentals of Nursing Clinical Practice

The practice of nursing is a professional nurse independent action through cooperation in the form of collaboration with clients and other health professionals in providing nursing care or in accordance with the authority and responsibility. (Nursalam, M.Nurs, 2002: 81)
According to CHS (1983) the practice of professional nursing as nursing actions using a solid theoretical knowledge and solid foundation of a variety of science (biology, physics, biomedical, behavioral and social) and basic nursing, clinics and the community as a foundation for nursing care.

According to Big Indonesian Dictionary, hospitals or clinics are health institutions where people seek treatment and obtain medical advice as well as a medical student observing cases of the illness of the patient. (Poerwodarminto, 2002)
So the nursing clinical practice is independent actions performed in a hospital nursing students in collaboration with the client kolaburasi shaped and other hospital staff in providing nursing care or in accordance with the authority and responsibility.
ICN defines nursing practice as a way to help individuals or groups to maintain or achieve optimal health throughout the life process that assesses the client's health status, establish nursing diagnoses, plans nursing actions to achieve the objectives and evaluate the client's response to interventions given. (Nursalam, M.Nurs, 2002: 81)