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Food intake of pregnant women in the first trimester

Pregnant women need the intake of foods that need to be considered, because the food dikunsumsi must meet the needs for the mother and for the fetus, but that does not mean adding portions. Food intake What is meant here is that in addition to food to meet the nutritional needs of the mother, can also meet the required nutrients in the growing fetus. Intake of food consumed by pregnant women was also very influential in shape now and after childbirth. Food intake of pregnant women in the first trimester are the foods that contain the following:
Folic Acid
B vitamins are essential for the development of the fetal nervous, when the fetus does not get enough vitamin B aupan can cause problems in neurodevelopmental implications also at birth. Folic acid can you get by eating green vegetables, citrus fruits, nuts, cereals, and whole grains.
Magnesium is necessary for the development of the organs and bones and tissues of the mother. This substance is also used to prevent premature births are contracted dini.Bila deficiency can cause kidney problems. To obtain this substance, multiply to consume wheat bread, cereals, broccoli, spinach, nuts, soy and whole grains.
This mineral is dibuthkan to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, while also boosting metabolism and helping the transition of nerve impulses. This substance can be found in bananas, strawberries, watermelon, oranges, raisins, apricots, dates, beets, spinach, peas, tomatoes, beans, turkey, and beef.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is very good for the development of the eyes, ears, tanga, and membrane development of the baby, but it also required the mother to improve the body's cells are damaged after delivery. But be careful not mengasupnya in the form of supplements, medications or creams that contain Retin-A because it can lead to excess vitamin A can interfere with liver function. Should consumption in its natural form, such as fish, meat, fortified cereals An vitamins, fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A.
Vitamin B6
Besides effective to treat nausea in pregnant women in the first trimester, vitamin also mebantu protein metabolism, helps the production of antibodies and blood cells. It is also good for brain development and the nervous system of the baby in the womb. Vitamin B6 can be found in avocados, bananas, watermelon, potatoes, wheat, beef, poultry, and red rice.
This substance is essential for the synthesis of DNA, which is required to build the body's immune system. This substance can be obtained from prenatal vitamins, food red meat, poultry, beans, whole grains, fortified cereals zinc, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds. And by consuming milk can help the absorption of iron.
And in fact not only that the required nutritional intake of pregnant women, many others. But the above substances is the most important substances required pregnant women in the first trimester.