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nursing Breech position

A. Understanding Layout Breech
Breech position is elongated layout with buttocks as part of the lowest (percentage buttocks). Breech position is divided as follows:

1.Letak pure breech that is involved in the buttocks while the front legs straight up.
2.Letak buttocks legs
3.Letak knee
4.Letak feet
The frequency of pure breech position higher in early pregnancy than pregnancy and multigravida more than primigravida.
B. Etiology Location of Breech
The cause lies Sungang:
1.Fiksasi head on the pelvic not good or does not exist, for example in panggulsempit, hydrocephalus, placenta previa, tumor - pelvic tumors and others - others.
2.Janin easy to move, such as hydramnios, multipara, small fetus (premature).
3.Gemeli (multiple pregnancy)
4.Kelainan uterus, such as uterine arkuatus; bikornis, myoma uteri.
5.Janin sedah ​​long dead.
6.sebab unknown.
C. Classification
1.Letak breech (frank breech)
Location of buttocks with both legs lifted up (75%)
2.Letak perfect breech (breech Complete)
The layout of the buttocks where there legs beside the buttocks (butt location is perfect feet / folding seizures)
Breech 3.Letak imperfect (incomplete breech)
breech position which is in addition to the lowest part buttocks legs and knees as well, consisting of:
- Kadua feet: Location of perfect legs
One foot: foot layout is not perfect
- Both knees: knee layout is perfect
One knee: knee layout is not perfect
The position is determined by the sacrum buttocks, there are 4 positions:
1) Left anterior sacrum (the sacrum front left)
2) Right anterior sacrum (the sacrum front right)
3) Left sacrum posterior (rear left sacrum)
4) Right sacrum posterior (rear right sacrum)
D. Signs and Symptoms of Placemark Breech
1. The movement felt by the child's mother down below the center of the abdomen and mothers often feel a hard object (head) urged the ribs.
2. On palpation palpable hard parts, round and bouncy at the fundus uteri.
3. Child's back can be felt on one side of the abdomen and prayers small parts on opposite sides. Above sympisis budar the less palpable and tender.
4. Fetal heart sounds audible on the child's back as high as the center.
E. Diagnosis
1. Palpation
Head palpable fundus, lower buttocks, and back frame on the left or right.
2. Auscultation
DJJ most clearly audible at a higher place than the center.
3. Examination of the
Can be palpated os sacrum, tuber ischii, and anus, sometimes - sometimes feet (on the location of the foot)
Distinguish between:
- Small hole - Sucking
- Bones (-) - Jaw Mouth
- Sip (-) Anus - Tongue
- Mekoneum (+)
- Heel - Finger length
- Angle 90 0 Feet - No Hands average elbow
- Average finger - the finger - patella (-)
- Patella knee
- Popliteal
4. X-ray examination: the shadow of the head in fundus
F. Pathophysiology Maternity Location of Breech
Baby breech position because:
1. Hydramnios: children easy to move because of the mobilization
2. Placenta Previda: Block head down to the pelvis
3. Pelvic Cramped: Head trouble adjusting to the birth canal