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Supervision in nursing

Supervision in nursing
1. Definition of SupervisionSupervision is an easy process to completion of nursing tasks (Swansburg & Swansburg, 1999). Supervision is to plan, direct, guide, teach, observe, encourage, improve, believe, evaluate continuously at each nurse with the patient, fair and wise (Kron, 1987).Based on these definitions, it can be concluded that supervision is an effective way to achieve organizational goals.
2. Supervision destination
The purpose of supervision is:
Provide direct assistance to subordinates so that with the help of subordinates will have enough stock to be able to perform a task or job with good results (Suarli, 2009).
3. Benefits of Supervision
If supervision can be done well, will get many benefits, including the following:a. Can further increase the effectiveness of the work, this increase is closely associated with increased knowledge and skills of subordinates, and more terbinanya relations and a more harmonious working atmosphere between superiors and subordinates.b. Can further improve work efficiency, this increase is closely related to the less mistakes made by subordinates, so the use of resources (labor, property, and facilities) are in vain will be prevented (Anwar 1996, in Nursalam, 2007).If both this increase can be realized, then the same means that the goal has been achieved with good organization.
4. Principles of Supervision (Suyanto, 2009)
In order to run properly supervised then a suprvisor must understand the principles of supervision in nursing as follows:a. Supervision in accordance with the organizational structureb. Based on professional and not personal relationships.c. Activities are planned carefully.d. Is instructive, supporting and informal.e. Providing a sense of security to the staff and implementing nursingf. Establishing a democratic cooperative relationship between supervisors and staff.g. Must be objective and able to hold a "self evaluation".h. Should be progressive, innovative, flexible and able to develop their merits nurse supervised.i. Constructive and creative in developing themselves as needed.j. Can improve the performance of subordinates in an effort to improve the quality of nursing care.k. Suprvisi done regularly and periodically.l. Supervision be flexible and always adjusted to the development.
5. How Supervision (suyanto, 2009)
Supervision can be done directly and indirectly, its application tailored to the circumstances and purpose of supervision.

a. Direct Supervision:Supervision is done directly on the ongoing activities. How supervision is intended for guidance and direction as well as to prevent and correct any errors.
How supervision consists of:1. Plan
A supervisor, before doing supervision should make plans on what will be supervised, who will be supervised, how the technique, the timing and reason do supervision (Kron, 1987).
In making the necessary planning elements: objective / purpose of the plan, description of activities, procedures, Target execution time, the responsible and the budget (Suarli, 2009).2. Direct
Briefing conducted supervisor to staff include guidance on how activities can be implemented so that organizational goals can be achieved. In providing guidance necessary communication skills of supervisors and democratic cooperation relationships between supervisors and staff.
How effective guidance is:· Briefing must complete· Using the right words· Speaking clearly and slowly· Provide a logical direction.· Avoid giving much direction at a time.· Ensure that referrals understood.· Make sure that the direction of the supervisor needs to be implemented so that follow-up activities.

3. GuideThat staff can get the job done well, then in doing the work, staff need the guidance of a supervisor. Supervisors should provide guidance to the staff who have difficulty in carrying out their duties, guidance should be provided in a planned and regular. Guided staff how to conduct and complete a job. Guidance can be given include: the briefing, directing and teaching, support, and giving direct examples.
4. MotivatingSupervisors have an important role in motivating staff to achieve organizational goals. Activities that need to be implemented in a motivating supervisor include (Nursalam, 2007):• Have clear expectations for staff and communicate these expectations to staff.· Provide positive support to the staff to get the job done.· Provide opportunities for staff to complete the task and provide challenges that will provide a meaningful experience.· Provide opportunities for staff to take the appropriate decision given the task of abundance.· Creating an environment of trust and familiarity with the staff.· Being a role model for staff.5. Observing (Nursalam, 2007)To improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the staff in carrying out their duties so as to complete the work as expected, then the supervisor should observe the capabilities and behavior of the staff in completing the work and results of the work done by the staff.
6. Evaluate
Evaluation is the process of assessing the achievement of goals, if a job has been completed by the staff, it would require an evaluation of the implementation effort and compared with the plans that have been prepared previously.Evaluations are also used to assess whether the work has been done in accordance with the provisions in order to achieve organizational goals. Evaluation can be done by directly assessing the activities, monitoring activities through the object activities. If an activity is evaluated, then the necessary feedback to the activity.
b. Indirect SupervisionSupervision conducted through written reports, such as reports and records patient nursing care and can also be done by using verbal reports as received and weigh as nursing rounds. In the indirect supervision may be discrepancies fact, because the supervisor did not see the incident field. Therefore, in order that the problem can be solved, need clarification and feedback from supevisor and staff.