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handling Turn Over Hospital

 Turnover Genesis nurses will hurt hospitals, both in terms of cost, resources, and employee motivation. turnover led to a number of hospitals will lose employment and automatically process this loss should be replaced with new employees to meet the needs of the client service personnel. Hospitals are faced back to spend from recruitment to get ready workforce.

Robbins (1998) stated that a strong corporate culture has a considerable influence on the behavior of employees and directly reduce turnover. In a strong culture, core values ​​of an organization or company is held firm and embedded in all employees. So it can have an impact on improving employee satisfaction.
Job satisfaction for employees is necessary because it can improve the quality and productivity. The existence of job dissatisfaction employees will bring unfavorable consequences, both for the company and for the employees themselves. Wexley and Yuki (1997) suggested that dissatisfaction will rise to two kinds of behavior that withdrawal (turnover) or aggressive behavior (sabotage, willful misconduct).

The results of several studies found that turnover in foreign countries, the incidence of turnover can be as high as 60% per year (Hatton, 2003). The cause of the turnover include: low wages, workload is too high, the opportunities, and others.
A. Nurse Turnover1. Definition of Turnover
Turnover is the turnover of employees in an organization (Davis, 1985). Turnover nurse is a decision taken by a nurse to volunteer to leave the company / hospital where she worked.Turnover nurses closely related to nurse job satisfaction. Turnover is not only detrimental to the company in terms of the cost of hiring, training replacement employees and the disruption of productivity, but also have an impact on social workers.
2. Causes of TurnoverCauses of nurse turnover (Gillies, 1996) is due to job dissatisfaction as:- The low standard of patient care- The high demand and workload- Salary is not appropriate- The lack of career- No chance of continuing education- Lack of recognition and appreciation- Lack of job challenge.- Lack of supervision from superiors.
3. Impact of High TurnoverThe impact of high turnover is decreased quality of care, the high cost and disruption of the company's system of employment and labor relations.
4. Efforts to reduce turnover (Robbins, 2008)Efforts to reduce turnover is to increase employee satisfaction include:a. Creates a challenging work.
Employees prefer jobs that give them opportunities to use their skills and abilities they have.b. Provide appropriate award
Employees want pay systems which they feel is fair, unambiguous and in line with expectations.c. Creating a supportive working conditions
Employees associated with their work environment for personal comfort and ease of doing a good job.d. Creating a supportive colleague
Employees get something more than just money or tangible achievements of the work. Employees also need social interaction.e. Making career
Employees want an organization has an opportunity for them to enhance careers.
B. Reducing Turnover Health Workers (Results Erin Hatton and Laura Dresser of the Center on Wisconsin Strategy)The results of the Center on Wisconsin Strategy (Cows) found that the incidence of nursing home health worker turnover exceeds 60% per year, even some nursing homes that have a turnover of health care workers more than 100% per year.
Major cause of turnover is:1. Wages are too low, not according to the workload.2. A work environment that does not support such as:- The lack of appreciation.- The lack of supervision and training of the organization's care.- The lack of benefits such as health insurance.- The lack of a career path.- Work hard and work load is too high.
Cows The results indicate that, nursing homes that provide higher wages, lower worker turnover. In contrast, nursing homes that provide lower wages than the average, the high worker turnover. High worker turnover resulted in a job in the organization becomes more difficult, the staff were left to be stressful, affecting the poor quality of the care provided. This is a crisis in the center of Southern Wisconsin. Therefore, Southern Wisconsin making strategies to reduce turnover by health care workers:1. Increasing wages.
The increase in wages is a successful strategy to reduce employee turnover, due to higher-paid workers, are less likely to leave the workplace. Compensation will also encourage workers to acquire education and training that will enhance their skills. Health care workers who are paid more inclined to invest more in terms of: work, time, dedication, initiative, so as to provide a better quality of care.
2. Increase profits / benefits
Increased profits / benefits such as the provision of health insurance and other benefits will increase the chances of dedicated staff will continue to work in the field.
3. Improved trainingHealth care facilities should provide orientation for new staff and training staff for the long term. Better training would improve the quality of care.4. Ensuring safety and schedule
Workers will benefit from a balanced workload and secure with a full time job, without excessive work.5. Making career
The existence of career will benefit for career development and advancement within the organization.6. Increase support networks.
To ensure that workers have a greater voice in the workplace, companies can improve the supervision of nurses and two-way communication at staff meetings.7. Provide rewards and greater recognition.
Health care institutions should establish recognition program to reward workers who have the dedication and high quality of care.
C. Reduce Nurse Turnover in Hospital (Gayle Kipnis results from the University of New Mexico).The results American Association of College of nursing in 2005, states that, of the 138 nurses who were recruited in the hospital, found the average number of nurse turnover was 13.9% and 16.1% nurse vacancy rate. Cause of nurse turnover is due to job dissatisfaction, high workload and organizational culture. Discontent was caused by the failure of the assessment work performance, lack of respect, lack of confidence in management.The impact of high turnover is the emergence of human resource issues and financial issues for healthcare organizations, because the turnover led to instability in the labor force and were expensive for healthcare organizations.
Flagstaff Medical Center (FMC), which is the interface the hospitals in this study, conducted by a reduction in nurse turnover increase nurse job satisfaction using Watson's caring theory, namely transformational leadership training program.
This educational program will integrate holistic principles to create and maintain a good working environment, mutual benefit between nurses and patients, where nurses and patients alike feel respected, appreciated. From the results of education / training of nurses is expected to bring themselves to work every day with a spirit which is reflected by the creativity, enthusiasm and integrity.Watson's theory more spiritual approach to pay attention to or known by Watson's ten which includes:1. To practice love and peace of mind with awareness and care.2. Preserving belief system3. Open yourself to others with sensitivity and compassion.4. Developing and maintaining trust, helpful, caring.5. Support the expression of positive and negative feelings.6. Creative, using all the way to the caring / concerned.7. Involved in the learning process.8. Creating a comfortable environment (physical and non-physical) at all levels, the creation of unity, awareness, beauty, comfort, peace.9. Assist with care.10. Opening and attending spiritual guidance.
To reduce nurse turnover can also use human capital theory, this theory believe that the skills, knowledge and ability of the individual is the human capital that can increase productivity and generate a return on investment, therefore, necessary to reduce turnover:- Provide higher wages- Increase benefits.- Creating a comfortable working environment and satisfying.- Increased compensation and reputation- Creating career.
D. Integrating Process and Purpose Theory of Turnover (Carl results P.Maertz & Michael from Saint Louis University and Purdue University)The process of turnover is one of the much-studied behavior in management research (Grieeffeth, Hom & Gaertner, 2000). Many multivariate and empirical testing in this study and the model focuses on how individuals decide to quit and why he stopped.
Hom, Caranicas, ett all (using indirect steps to menenttukan reason individuals quit his job, among other things: they are not satisfied with their jobs, and then think to stop working and sometimes look for a better job and then came the intent remedy to stop.
Stress and Modwey (1981, cited from Maertz & Michael, 2004) was the intention to quit may lead directly seek pertimbsangan or alternative to decide to stop. Lee and Mitchell (1994, cited in Maertz, 2004) also introduced the theory of shock events that make employees intentionally to quit his job.
The theory of Lee and Mitchell argued turnover process consists of five strands, namely: from the beginning there was a plan to stop working and depending on the circumstances in the future, both the shock and the flow pelanggalan, plot the three families are not satisfied, there is discontent fourth groove, no alternative and job dissatisfaction of the fifth groove and no alternative employment.
Conclusions about the turn over of the results of this research are:1. Employees will stop working if the other jobs that are considered more important than his job today.2. Employees have quit his job earlier plan to quit and will follow up if there is an opportunity and a particular event.3. employee planning a conditional plan to stop working if there is no improvement in the future.4. Employees do not possess planning to quit his job but if there is a better alternative jobs outside, the employee will immediately take the decision to stop working.
Description of the reason the employee to quit include: employees compare and see the advantages of alternatives other than pekerjaannnya work today, they make definite plans before deciding to stop, they will stop at a certain time and if there is a specific event, the employee makes a conditional plan to quit , then because of the conditions, it was decided to stopEfforts to address the above, the motivation Eight introduced to handle the conditions of employees desire to quit, that is:1. Organizational approach by providing positive support.2. The desire to remain obligations in the current work environment.3. The desire to maintain the current condition or otherwise to stop.4. Confidence in the ability to secure alternative option.5. Evaluation of the achievement of desire in the future6. The desire to meet the expectations of a family member or friend of a friend outside the organization7. The desire to avoid the rule against company policy for position8. The desire to be consistent only between the behaviors and values ​​related to what they are doing.
Gillies, D. A. 1996. Nursing management of a systems approach / Nursing Management of a systems approach. Second Edition. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. , 2008. Organizational behavior / Organizational behavior. Jakarta: Four Salemba.
Davis, K., & Newstrom, J. W. 1985. Behavior in organizations / Human behavior at work, organizational behavior. Jakarta: grants.
Kipnis, G. , 2007. Integrating holism into the hospital setting to reduce nursing turnover. Downloaded 21 November 2009 from About%% 20N596% 20Us/Kipnis 20Paper.pdf
Hatton, E., & Dresser, L. , 2003. Caring about caregivers reducing turnover of frontline health care workers in South Central Wisconsin. Downloaded 21 November 2009 from
Maertz, C.P., & Michael. , 2004. Integrating process and content turnover theory. Downloaded 20 November 2009 from file :/ / / C :/ Documents% 20and% 20Settings/User/My% 20 Documents / turnover% 20New.html.
Yuki., Wexley. 1997. Effect of compensation to satisfaction. Downloaded 20 November 2009 from