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route of administration of medicines

Dispensing way
Provision of a safe and accurate medication is an important responsibility for a nurse. Although the drug benefit, but not without adverse reactions. As a nurse should know the principles of safe administration of drugs known as the principle of six correctly.
way-giving-obatDalam drugs, found many ways to do depends delegation doctor. Here are some ways the administration of drugs:

Is the way drug administration by mouth. For the way this administration is relatively safe, practical and economical. Weaknesses of oral drug delivery is usually slow the effects arising, not effective if users frequently vomiting, diarrhea, impatient, uncooperative, less preferred if it tastes bitter.
Is a drug which is how the gift is placed under the tongue. The aim is that the effects can be faster because the blood vessels under the tongue is the center of the pain. The advantages of the method of drug delivery is by sublingual drug effects will be felt more quickly and damage the drug in the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism in the intestinal wall and the liver can be avoided.

Is the way drug administration through the respiratory tract. The advantages of drug delivery by inhalation is rapid and homogeneous absorption occurs, the drug levels can be controlled, avoiding first-pass effect and can be given directly to the bronchi. For drugs given by inhalation in the form of gas or vapor to be absorbed quickly through the alveoli of the lungs and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Is the way drug administration via the rectum or anus. The intention is to accelerate the action of the drug as well as local and systemic.

For these drugs resemble the shape similar or rectally administered drug, just inserted into the vagina.

Is the drug that way without going through the mouth pemberiaannya (without going through the digestive tract) but directly into a vein. For example, preparation of injection. The goal is to direct toward the target. The surplus could be for patients who are not aware, often vomiting and uncooperative. But the mode of administration of the drug in this way is less safe because if it is injected into the body can not be removed again if something goes wrong.

a.Intravena (IV)
No absorption phase in intravenous drug administration because the drug directly into the vein, "onset of action" fast, efficient, bioavailability 100%, both for drugs that cause irritation if given by other means, usually in the form of a continuous infusion of the drug for a time short-beak (Joenoes, 2002).

b.Intramuskular (IM)
"Onset of action" varies intramusculer drug delivery, in the form of a solution in which water is absorbed faster than the drug solution in the form of oil, and also in the preparation of the drug suspension, then have the drug absorption rate depends on the size of the suspended particles: the smaller particles, the faster the absorption process (Joenoes, 2002).

c.Subkutan (SC)
"Onset of action" is faster than suspension dosage, absorption rate is the determinant of the total surface area where absorption occurs, causing constriction of the blood vessels so that the diffusion of the drug locally restrained / prolonged, the drug can be accelerated by adding hyaluronidase, an enzyme that breaks down the tissue matrix mucopolysaccharide of (Joenoes, 2002).
Topical / Local
Is the way medicine is local administration, such as eye drops, ointments, ear drops, and others.