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    Primary infertility: the wife had never been pregnant even copulate and faced the possibility of pregnancy for 12 months.
    Secondary infertility: wife been pregnant, then the pregnancy does not happen again though copulate and faced with the possibility of pregnancy for 12 months.

Infertility problems can occur in:
• Problem sperm:

    Sperm concentration: 20-60 million / ml are considered normal, if less than 10 million / ml increasingly difficult
    Motility: motile sperm increasingly more effective
    Morphology: to determine the shape of sperm

• Vaginal Problems

    Blockages: psikogen, vaginismus, disparenia
    Inflammation: Candida albicans, Trichomonas vaginalis

• Cervical Problems

    Cervical canal blockage
    Abnormal cervical mucus
    Malposition of cervix

• Uterine Problems

    Uterine cavity distortion
    Myoma uteri
    Uterine polyps
    Impaired contraction of the uterus

• Problem tuba

    Tubal blockage, checked with pertubasi, examining the potential for tube with streets on CO2 gas blowing through a cannula or Foley catheter is placed in the cervix canal

• Ovarian Problems

    Presence or absence of ovulation

• Problem peritoneum

    Presence or absence of inflammation or other abnormalities that interfere with fertility


And menstrual cycle disorders can be classified in:
1.Kelainan in the amount and duration of menstrual bleeding blood:

    Hipermenorea or Menorrhagia

2Kelainan cycle:


3.Perdarahan outside of menstruation:


Another 4.Gangguan are associated with menstruation:


HIPERMENOREA / menorrhagia

    Menstrual bleeding that much more and much longer than normal, cause uterine myomas, endometrial polyps cause contractility.


    Menstrual bleeding is shorter than usual., Usually caused by endocrine disorders or myomectomy


    Menstrual cycles shorter than normal (<21 days). The cause was ovarian endocrine disruption or congestion due to inflammation, endometriosis, etc.. If accompanied by heavy bleeding called: Polimenoragia


    Menstrual cycle is longer than normal (. 35 days), can be caused by the influence of psychological or TB disease


    The absence of menstruation 3 consecutive months. Could be due to tuberculosis, lues, or due to tumor curettage (Asherman's syndrome)


    Irregular bleeding and no relation to the menstrual cycle. Caused by abortion, pregnancy ektopic, corpus uteri carcinoma, carcinoma cervix and endometritis haemoragika.


    State of pain during menstruation. Psychic causes, anemia, chronic illness (tuberculosis), cervikalis canal obstruction, endocrine abnormalities.

KET (ruptured ectopic pregnancy)

    Limitation: Air implantation of the conceptus beyond the endometrium, usually in the Fallopian tubes, but can also be in the ovaries or abdomen


    Disruption of transportation of the products of conception
    Pelvic inflammatory (PID)
    Narrowing of the lumen due to tumor
    Hormonal disorders:
    Ovulation induction
    Late ovulation

Clinical symptoms:

    Signs of pregnancy: amenoroe, nausea
    Enlargement of the uterus, which is accompanied by a mass / tumor adnexal region
    Abdominal pain, and pain during cervical shaken
    Bleeding, and consequently hypovolemic
    Stand of Douglas cavity due to blood clot


    Laparotomy: salfingektomi or salfingo-oophorectomy
    Overcome the shock with transfusions


    Ovarian tumors are benign cyst, the corpus luteum derived from (non-neoplastic) but there is also a neoplastic.
    The cyst has a flat and smooth surface, usually stemmed, often bilateral, and can be great. Thin cyst wall and cyst fluid in the clear, serus and yellow.

Clinical symptoms:

    The existence of mass in the abdomen
    Pain when no torque on that stemmed kistoma

Management: operative, with resection of ovarian cyst removal

Myoma uteri

    Benign tumors in the uterine muscle, based on shared location:
    Myoma submucosa: located under the endometrium
    Interstitial / Intramural: terlrtak the myometrium
    Subserous: located under the tunica serosa

Etiology: not clear, suspected of cells are immature muscle cells
Clinical symptoms:

    Often no symptoms
    The existence of mass / lump under belly
    Lower abdominal pain


    Conservative, if there is no complaint, with periodic checks
    Hysterektomi: the large and multiple myoma

Hydatidiform mole

    Limitation: a benign neoplasm of the trophoblast, where there is a failure formation of the placenta or fetus, with the villi that bubble like formations that resemble grapes.

Clinical symptoms:

    Early pregnancy signs that accompanied repeated bleeding
    Not felt fetal movement or balotemen
    High uterus is larger than gestational age
    The exit bubble mola with bleeding
    Galli-Mainini positive titration until dilution 1/400


    Fix general state
    Give ergometrin 3 x I tablets for 5-7 days

Carcinoma of the cervix

    Malignant tumor of the cervix, and a majority of cases, patients aged between 30-60 years, most 45-50 years


    The direct cause is unknown, but closely related factors:
    Rarely found in the virgin (virgo)
    Often at the wedding, especially at first coitus girl at a young age <16 years
    Often on multiparity, especially at closer distances
    Often in women with poor hygiene suksual
    Often in women who changed partner change sek
    Often in women whose husbands were not circumcision (no smegma)
    Often in women who are infected with HPV (Human Papilloma Virus, type 16 or 18)
    Often in women smokers

Division rate of malignancy:

    Level I: carcinoma in situ, the basal membrane is intact
    Level II: micro-invasive carcinoma, has occurred but has not spread to the pelvic wall
    Level III: the spread was up to third distal vagina or parametrium to the pelvic wall
    Level IV: distant metastases have occurred

Clinical features:

    Whitish, the longer stink
    Bleeding after coitus
    Spontaneous bleeding
    Symptoms of distant metastases

To find an early diagnosis is necessary to check the cervix called cytology smears: Pap Smear


    At an early stage (in situ) performed a simple hysterectomy
    At level II performed radiotherapy
    At level III and IV and palliative radiotherapy