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human beings kholistik

Human (creature BioPsikoSosialSpiritual)


    The concept of humans by humans is composed of several elements / systems:
    adaptive systems,
    sitem personal,
    interpersonal system,
    social system.

nursing paradigm:

    Humans as a client: Individuals, families, communities, and as a system
    SGB ​​Human Systems in nursing????

 MNS as System in Nursing:

    An open system
    Adaptive system
    As a system of personal, interpersonal and social

 Basic Human Needs (KDM):

    elements needed by humans to maintain physiological and psychological balance to maintain health and life.
    Everyone has the same basic needs

Characteristics of basic human needs:

    the same needs, but those needs changed as the culture and circumstances that exist
    meet their needs in accordance with the priorities
    to feel the needs and respond in various ways.
    Failure to meet the needs of generating imbalances.
    thinking and struggling to meet
    internal and external stimuli

Factors affecting the KDM:

    The concept of self.
    Stage of development.

Needs Physiology / Basic.:

    Very basic physiological needs,
    to survive physically.
    Eat, drink, shelter, sexs, sleep, and oxygen.
    Humans will suppress their needs so that physiological needs (basic) it fulfilled.

Physiological needs

    balance between the values ​​of life,
    balance with the purpose of life, and self-confidence with others

Spiritual Needs: Have the needs Close to God

The opinion of some experts about KDM models:

    Virginia Henderson → 14 component
    Jean Waston → 2 ratings
    According to Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory → basic human


Homeostatic and hemodynamics.


    Homeostasis is the regulation of stability and natural adaptation to the surrounding environment konsisi continuously.
    Homeostasis is a state of the body to maintain balance in maintaining her condition
    The process of homeostasis may occur when the body is stressed that there is so that the body will naturally do the self-defense mechanism to maintain a balanced,
    Homeostasis is a process that changes constantly to maintain stability and adapt to the local environment


    Physiological homeostasis
    Psychological homeostasis

    Homeostasis are present in the human body can be controlled by the endocrine and autonomic nervous system.
    In studying how the body is able to process homeostasis through four ways

How the Body → Homeostasis:

    Negative feedback system
    Feedback to correct a physiological balance is not

Self-regulation. :

    The system can occur automatically in otherwise healthy people as in setting the physiological systems of the human body.

Way of compensation:

    The body will tend to react to abnormalities in the body. For example, if the environment suddenly becomes cold, the blood vessels will undergo constricting peripheral blood vessels and stimulates the inside to enhance the activity (eg shivering) that produce heat, so the temperature remains stable, pupil dilation to improve visual perception at the time of threat to the body, increased perspiration to control the rise in body temperature.

How negative feedback:

    This process is a deviation from the normal state.
    In the abnormal state of the body will automatically do a feedback mechanism to balance deviations.

Feedback to correct:

physiological imbalance.
For example, if someone is experiencing hypoxia will be the increase in heart rate and blood to carry enough oxygen to the body cells

Psychological homeostasis:

    Focusing on the emotional balance and mental well-being.
    This process gained from life experiences and interactions with others and are influenced by the norms and culture of the community.
    Examples of psychological homeostasis is a defense mechanism such as crying, laughing, screaming, hitting.




    Homeodinamik is the process of continuous exchange of energy between human beings and the place of residence.
    In this process of human interaction with the environment and adapt to survive.

Hemodynamic Principles:

    Helicy principle,
    The principle of resonance,
    Principle integralitas

Principle helicy:
The principle that any change in the process of human life takes place slowly and the relationship between humans and the environment.

Principle integralitas:
The main principle in the relationship between man and the environment can not be separated.
Changes in life processes occur continuously due to human interaction with the environment affect each other.

The principle of resonance:
The principle that the human life is always rhythmic and frequency varies, since humans have the experience to adapt to the environment.