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1.1 BackgroundMain problems are frequently encountered in the medical world is none other than the reaction to hospitalization and its impacts. As a commitment to tackle these both individually and socially the effort menimalisirkan impacts and maximize the benefits of hospitalization.Departing from the above problems have been the subject of major attention from the government, especially in the health world. Therefore, various efforts have been made by the government through education and outreach to the community. However, of the various efforts by the government are in fact not many answers of the problems faced.To overcome these problems, it is necessary to attempt to menyingkapi currents accompanying hospitalization and the impact of, among other things:1. Develop a sense of awareness on their duties and obligations.2. Fostering a love of self, family, and social environment.3. Anticipate as early as possible any impactsTherefore, we are challenged with the task given the "Hospitalization" and what is the impact of these problems.
1.2 Problem FormulationIn this paper we formulate the problem as follows;1. What factors are involved in Hospitalization?2. What are the benefits and impacts of Hospitalization?
1.3 Objectives Of ProblemsThe purpose of writing this problem in this hospitalization is;1. To megetahui factors involved in hospitalization.2. Knowing the extent of the benefits and impacts.1.4 Benefits Of ProblemsWith these problems expected results can be used as follows;1.4.1 For ChildrenAs input in determining the conduct and subsequent policies to overcome these problems.1.4.2 For ParentsAs a basis for addressing the impact of hospitalization for children and himself.1.4.3 For the FamilyAs input in addressing the issue hospitalization.1.4.4 For Social EnvironmentMaterial information about the importance of the participation of the social environment to participate overcome the problems hospitalization.

A literature review

2.1 Definition of HospitalizationA process for some emergency reason or plan requires the child to stay in the hospital undergoing treatment and care to return back home.During the process not only children but parents also have a habit of foreign, unfamiliar environment, parents who lack emotional support will indicate anxiety. Anxiety in the elderly will make a child's stress increased. Thus, nursing care is not only focused on child therapy also his parents.
2.2 Personnel involved in the hospitalization2.2.1 Children
Infancy (0-1 years) ü
Period toddler (2-3 years) ü
Preschool (3-6 years) ü
School years (6-12 years) ü
Adolescence (12-18 years old) ü2.2.2 Parents2.2.3 Family2.2.4 Social Environment
The approach used in the hospitalization2.3.1 Empirical ApproachIn instill self-awareness to the personnel involved in the hospitalization, empirical approach using strategies, namely;1) Through the education that instilled early on to students.2) Through the expected extension or dissemination of awareness of themselves and sensitive to the surrounding environment.
Approach via the method of gameMethods game is a natural way for children to express the conflict within him unconscious. Activities undertaken as desired themselves to have fun.1. Play is an activity- Fun / enjoyable- Physical- Intellectual- Emotions- Social- To learn- The development of mental- Play and work
2. Purpose of playing in the hospital- To be able to resume normal growth and development during hospitalization.- To express their thoughts and feelings and fantasies through the game.
3. Principles of play in hospital- It does not take a lot of energy- Time is short- Easy to do- Safely- Age group- Not opposed to therapy- Involve the family
4. Function plays- Sensory motor activity- Cognitive development- Socialization- Creativity- Moral development Therapeutically- Communication
5. Classification playa) Socio-affective play- Learning to respond to the environment.- Parents talk / spoil; children happy, smiling, sound, and others.
b) Sense of pleasure play- Children get pleasure from the surrounding objects.- Playing water / sand.
c) Skill play- Children acquire certain skills.- Riding a bike, moving the balloons, and others.
d) Dramatic play / tole play- Children fantasize about running a particular role, for example; nurse, doctor, father, mother, and others.
6. Social Characteristicsa) Solitary play- Performed by toddlers (toddler) or pre school- Playing in the group, a kind of game, no interaction, no hanging.- Playing in the group, the same activity, but not well organized- There is no division of labor, play with desire- School age / adolescant- Organized game plan, there are certain rules
7. Factors affecting play- Phase child development- Health Status- Gender- Musical game
Reaction hospitalizationReaction hospitalization is individual and depends on the child's developmental age, previous experience of the illness, available support systems and coping skills they have. In general, the child's reaction to pain is due to separation anxiety, loss, body injury, and pain.Child's reaction to hospitalization1) Infancy (0-1 years)The impact of separation, age> 6 months there stanger anxiety (anxiety)- Crying hard- The movement of the body that many- Facial expressions of unpleasant
2) The toddler (2-3 years)The main source is the result of separation anxiety. Here the child's behavioral responses to the stages.- Phase protest crying, screaming, refusing others' attention- Desperate cry reduced, children are not active, showed less interest in play, sad, apathetic- Denial / denial- Start accepting farewell- Cultivate relationships superficially- The child begins to like environment
3) The preschool (3-6 years)Often perceived as a punishment of school children, giving rise to an aggressive reaction.- Refusing to eat- Frequently asked- Crying slowly- No cooperative health workers
4) The school (6-12 years)Hospitalization force;- Leaving a beloved neighborhood- Leaving the family- Loss of social groups, giving rise to anxiety
5) Adolescence (12-18 years)Children are so trusting and affected youth peer group. The reaction occurs;- Refuse treatment / action taken- Not cooperative with officers- Wondering- Withdraw- Refused to others
Parental reactions to hospitalizationFeelings that arise in hospitalization;- Fear- Anxious- Feelings of sadness- FrustratedFamily's reaction to hospitalization- Angry- Jealous- Hate- Guilt
Social reaction to hospitalization- Indifferent- Impressed dodgeTreatment interventions in addressing the impact of hospitalizationThe focus of nursing interventions is;- Menimalkan stressor- Maximizing the benefits of hospitalization- Provide psychological support to family members- Preparing children before hospitalization
Efforts to minimize the stressor or stressorsCan be done by;- Prevent or reduce the impact of separation- Prevent feelings of loss control- Reduce / menimalkan fear of injury and body pain
Efforts to prevent / minimize the impact of separation- Involving parents take an active role in childcare- Modification of the treatment room- Maintain contact with school activities, correspondence, meeting classmates
Prevent feelings of loss of control- Avoid physical restrictions if the child can cooperate- When children are doing modifications isolated environment- Create a schedule for the therapeutic procedure, exercise, play
Minimizing the fear of bodily injury and pain- Preparing the child psychologically and parents to act procedures that cause pain- Perform physical preparation game before the child- Bringing parents when possible- Show empathy- The elective action whenever possible actions performed by telling stories and pictures- Need to do a psychological assessment of the child's ability to receive this information in an open
Maximizing the benefits of child hospitalization- To foster the children by giving parents the opportunity to learn- Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the child's illness- Improving the ability of self-control- Provide opportunities for socialization- Providing support to members
Preparing children for treatment in hospital- Recommend nurses and doctors- Recommend to the other patients- Give the child's identity- Explain the rules of the hospital- Carry out assessments- Perform a physical examination
Impact of hospitalizationExperienced the impact of hospitalization for children and families will lead to stress and did not feel safe. The amount and effect of stress depends on the perception of children and families against the damage the disease and treatment.


4.1 ConclusionBased on the above discussion, we conclude that the reaction of hospitalization and the effect common in children, ranging in age from infants to adolescence.
4.2 SuggestionWe urge the government particularly in the world of health and related parties would;1. More attention to the current hospitalization occurred, particularly common in children.2. More developed further methods to overcome the problems regarding hospitalisas