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nutrition for babies and children


one form of stimulation to optimize the growth and development of the baby's brain is to apply the sharpening, compassion and care in day to day maintenance, the breastfeeding also be supported by the fulfillment of nutrients appropriate.
Breast milk is the main food source and most perfect for babies aged 0-6 months. For it to be applied to a healthy diet of nutrients needed in order to be met through breast milk.
Exclusive breastfeeding according to WHO (World Health Organization) is giving only breast milk without any additional moisture either milk formula, water, juice, or other food additives. Before reaching the age of 6 months baby's digestive system is not able to function properly, so he was not able to digest food other than breast milk. the recommended 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding was also issued by the American Dietetic Association in October 2001 in conjunction with the issuance of manual titled "Exclusive Breastfeeding for 6 month and Breastfeeding with Complementary Foods for at Least 12 months is the ideal feeding