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In this age babies are able to communicate even in a very simple form. Thanks to the fulfillment of nutrients obtained from milk in line with the increase in the growth process is being followed, now milk alone is not enough to meet the nutrients needed by the body, it starts this age need to be introduced some kind of solid food is called complementary feeding (MP- ASI).
Keep in mind, this feeding schedule flexible (can be shifted, but not too much)

0600: Milk 
At 08.00: Porridge strain / Rice team 
10:00 am: Dairy / Food interlude 
At 12.00: Porridge strain / Rice team 
At 14.00: Milk 
At 16.00: Food interlude 
At 18:00: Porridge strain / Rice team 
At 20.00: Milk. 
Intake of nutrients that children need comprehensive continued during the growth process continues. Nutrients required children ages 12-18 months is the portion of food consumed today are growing, according to body weight and peniningkatan growth process that occurs.Child's body still needs all the major nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Daily food intake for children should contain 10-15% of calories, 20-35% fat and the rest carbs. Each kg of body weight children need energy intake by 100 kkal.Asupan fat also needs to be improved because the main structure-forming brain is fat. Fat can be obtained, among others, oil and margarine.

• Food plays an important role in physical growth and intelligence. Therefore, a good diet and regular need to be introduced early on, among others, with the introduction of the hours eating and variety of foods.• Nutrient balance can be met by the provision of food as follows:
• In order to balance the nutritional needs of children are met, the daily diet should consist of three classes of these foods.• The need for food that needs to be regulated, so that children get the nutrition it needs a whole in a single day. Suggested times are:• In the morning at breakfast.• At 10.00 as a distraction. Add the milk.• At 12.00 at lunch time.• At 16:00 as a distraction• At 18:00 at dinner time.• Before going to bed the night, add milk.• Do not forget to rinse his mouth with water or brush your teeth.
At age five, children begin to have a good memory and sharp, so that what is received will continue to cling tightly to the next age. By introducing children during the hours of regular eating and variety of foods, it is hoped the child would have to eat a good discipline. A good diet should also follow a pattern of balanced nutrition, which is the fulfillment of nutrients that are tailored to the needs of the body and obtained through the daily diet. By eating a balanced nutritious diet on a regular basis, is expected to be optimal child growth. Whether we realize it or not, you're teaching regular and healthy lifestyles in children early