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Measles Immunization

Immunization against measles provide active immunity against measles (tampek).
Measles immunization given as 1 dose when the child was 9 months or more. In exceptional events can be given at age 6 months and repeated 6 months later.
The vaccine is injected subcutaneously in as many as 0.5 mL.
Measles vaccine contraindications:
  • Acute infection with fever over 38 ° Celsius
  •  Immune system disorders
  • The use of immunosuppressive drugs
  • Allergy to egg protein
  • Hypersensitivity to kanamycin and erythromycin
  • Pregnant women.
Possible side effects include fever, skin rash, diarrhea, conjunctivitis and catarrhal symptoms and encephalitis (rare).