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HBV immunization

HBV immunization provides immunity against hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B is an infection of the liver that can cause liver cancer and death.
The first dose is given shortly after birth or if the mother has a negative HBsAg, can be given at 2 months old baby.
Primary immunization given 3 times at intervals of 1 month between injections HBV I with HBV II, as well as the time interval between injections 5 months with HBV HBV II III. Immunizations given 5 years after repeat injections of HBV III. Before giving repeated immunizations recommended to check the levels of HBsAg.
The vaccine is injected in the arm or thigh muscle.
To infants born to mothers with positive HBsAg, HBV vaccine given in the left arm and 0.5 mL HBIG (hepatitis B immune globulin) on the right arm, within 12 hours after birth. A second dose is given at the time the child is 1-2 months, a third dose is given at the time the child is 6 months.
To infants born to mothers who HBsAgnya status is unknown, given the HBV I within 12 hours after birth. At the time of delivery, maternal blood samples were taken to determine the status HBsAgnya: if positive, then immediately given HBIG (before the baby is older than 1 week).
Providing immunizations to children seriously ill should be postponed until the child is fully recovered.
HBV vaccine can be administered to pregnant women.
Side effects of HBV vaccine are local effects (pain at the injection site) and systemic (mild fever, lethargy, feeling uncomfortable in the digestive tract), which will disappear in a few days.