Set Various Positions
1. Perform Patient Preparation
1. 1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly upon meeting
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Readiness client be re-examined
2. Doing persippan tool
2. 1. prepared with a complete tool:
a. Supine position (supine)
1. 1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly upon meeting
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Readiness client be re-examined
2. Doing persippan tool
2. 1. prepared with a complete tool:
a. Supine position (supine)
2. Preparation tool
Prepared With
A Complete Tool:
- Pillows
- Blankets
- The bed
- Bel if necessary
Leaning b.Posisi
- 4 pieces pillow
- The bed
c. position Fowler
- Backrest or seat backs
- The special tidttr (functional bed) - Pillow
d. Semi-Fowler position
- Backrest or seat backs
- Special Beds - Pillow
e. position orthopnce
- The bed
- Table Overbed / pillow 4-5 pieces
- Ball pimpong
f. position Lithotomi
- A special bed obstetric examination
- Blankets or fabric cover
b. Genu Pectoral position (Knes Chest)
- The bed
- Pillows
h. Dorsal Recumbent Position
- The bed or operating table or counter checks
- Blankets
i. position Sim
- In accordance with the measures to be taken, such as providing huknah
j. Trendelenberg Position
- Beams supporting foot of the bed - Pillow
- A special bed, when there
2.2. Tool neatly organized
2.3. The tool below to near patient
- Blankets
- The bed
- Bel if necessary
Leaning b.Posisi
- 4 pieces pillow
- The bed
c. position Fowler
- Backrest or seat backs
- The special tidttr (functional bed) - Pillow
d. Semi-Fowler position
- Backrest or seat backs
- Special Beds - Pillow
e. position orthopnce
- The bed
- Table Overbed / pillow 4-5 pieces
- Ball pimpong
f. position Lithotomi
- A special bed obstetric examination
- Blankets or fabric cover
b. Genu Pectoral position (Knes Chest)
- The bed
- Pillows
h. Dorsal Recumbent Position
- The bed or operating table or counter checks
- Blankets
i. position Sim
- In accordance with the measures to be taken, such as providing huknah
j. Trendelenberg Position
- Beams supporting foot of the bed - Pillow
- A special bed, when there
2.2. Tool neatly organized
2.3. The tool below to near patient
3. Regulatory Action Position
a. Supine position.
- Patients stretched carefully and trimming
- Blanket is installed to cover the limit of the patient's neck
- Tell the patient places and positions bell and how to use them
- Patients trimming
b. Position Tilt
- A pillow is placed normal or transverse
- A pillow slightly tilted to the right, if the patient is placed on the right side
- Patients stretched carefully and trimming
- Blanket is installed to cover the limit of the patient's neck
- Tell the patient places and positions bell and how to use them
- Patients trimming
b. Position Tilt
- A pillow is placed normal or transverse
- A pillow slightly tilted to the right, if the patient is placed on the right side
- A support pillow placed
- Feet on ditekuk, placed somewhat to the front of the lower leg, supported on a pillow
- Hands on straightened out, placed on a pillow in the back butt
- Arm below lest depressed
- Dada should be able to expand / deflated by independent
- Leaves folded ears lest
c. Fowler position
- The patient is seated and trimmings, cushions arranged according to the needs
- In particular bed, the patient and his bed and arranged seating
- Both arms propped up with pillows
- Patients may be made up
d. Semi-Fowler position
- The patient is seated, backup backs or placed under the seat or on kasw head, arranged
until half sat and made up. Pillows arranged according to the needs
- In specific patient bed and arranged directly tidurny half sitting, under the knee elevated as needed, both arms propped up with pillows
- Patients may be made up
e. position Orthopnoe
- The position remains the same bed
- * Overbed table taken transverse to the place of sleep and one or two pillows placed on it.
* If using a pillow, pillows stacked neatly overlap and put in front of the patient
- The patient leans forward, arms on the table above or beside a pillow
- Organize patient to do inspiration and expiration affordably
- Tell the patient that done repeatedly
f. position Lithotomi
- The patient lying supine and the bottom of the dress is open
- Second leg ditekuk and assisted by a nurse to put on penahanlutut
g. Genu Pectoral position (Knes Chest)
- Pillow removed from the bed
- Patient must menungging
- Under clothes should be removed, if necessary
h. Recumbent dorsal position
- The patient lying supine and the clothes in open
- Bend knees, thigh Try leaving and stepping foot on bed
- Feet on ditekuk, placed somewhat to the front of the lower leg, supported on a pillow
- Hands on straightened out, placed on a pillow in the back butt
- Arm below lest depressed
- Dada should be able to expand / deflated by independent
- Leaves folded ears lest
c. Fowler position
- The patient is seated and trimmings, cushions arranged according to the needs
- In particular bed, the patient and his bed and arranged seating
- Both arms propped up with pillows
- Patients may be made up
d. Semi-Fowler position
- The patient is seated, backup backs or placed under the seat or on kasw head, arranged
until half sat and made up. Pillows arranged according to the needs
- In specific patient bed and arranged directly tidurny half sitting, under the knee elevated as needed, both arms propped up with pillows
- Patients may be made up
e. position Orthopnoe
- The position remains the same bed
- * Overbed table taken transverse to the place of sleep and one or two pillows placed on it.
* If using a pillow, pillows stacked neatly overlap and put in front of the patient
- The patient leans forward, arms on the table above or beside a pillow
- Organize patient to do inspiration and expiration affordably
- Tell the patient that done repeatedly
f. position Lithotomi
- The patient lying supine and the bottom of the dress is open
- Second leg ditekuk and assisted by a nurse to put on penahanlutut
g. Genu Pectoral position (Knes Chest)
- Pillow removed from the bed
- Patient must menungging
- Under clothes should be removed, if necessary
h. Recumbent dorsal position
- The patient lying supine and the clothes in open
- Bend knees, thigh Try leaving and stepping foot on bed
i. position Sim
- The patient lies down, then tilted to the kid with half a face down position of the
body, while the left leg straight, bend the right knee and thigh and pulled toward the
chest while the left hand above the head
- Or behind his back and his right hand wrought diata.s sleep
- Patients trimming
- The patient lies down, then tilted to the kid with half a face down position of the
body, while the left leg straight, bend the right knee and thigh and pulled toward the
chest while the left hand above the head
- Or behind his back and his right hand wrought diata.s sleep
- Patients trimming
j. Trendelenburg position
- The bed with the foot elevated beam
- The patient was placed supine without a pillow and a pillow under the folds of the knee were
- Among the patient's head and foot of the bed were pillows as a buffer
- At a special bed, the leg can be instantly elevated as needed
- The bed with the foot elevated beam
- The patient was placed supine without a pillow and a pillow under the folds of the knee were
- Among the patient's head and foot of the bed were pillows as a buffer
- At a special bed, the leg can be instantly elevated as needed
4.1. Documented patient
4.2. The timing of the action
4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and
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alisar juni padang, AMK |
4.4. Documentation signed and clearly named