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nursing care family

Family nursing care is a complex process with a systematic approach to working with families and individuals as members of the family.
Stages of family nursing process include:
1. Assessment of families and individuals in the family

Were included in the assessment of the family are:
  1. Identify demographic and sociocultural
  2. Environmental data
  3. Structure and function of the family
  4. Stress and coping strategies used yag family
  5. The development of the family
Included in the assessment of individuals as members of the family are:
  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotion
  • Spiritual
2. Formulation of nursing diagnoses
3. The planning of nursing

Plans drawn for determining priorities, setting goals, identifying family resources, and selecting nursing interventions.
4. Implementation of nursing care
Planning has been compiled implemented by mobilizing the resources that exist in families, communities and governments.
5. Evaluation
In the evaluation phase, nurses assess the activities carried out


Assessment is a stage where a nurse took the data continuously cultivated for family members. Sources of information daoat stage assessment method:
  1. Interview family
  2. Observation home facilities
  3. Physical examination of family members (head to toe)
  4. Secondary data, such as laboratory results, X-ray results, PAP smear, etc.
Things that need to be assessed in the family are:

A. General Data
Pengnkajian the general data family includes:
1. Name of head of household (HH)
2. Address and phone
3. Work patriarch
4. Education head of household
5. Household composition and genogram
6. Type of family
    Describes the types of families with problems that occur with these types of families.
7. Tribe
     Assessing the family's ethnic origin and culture of identifying ethnicity are associated with health
8. Religion
    Assessing the religion professed by the family and beliefs that can affect health.
9. Socioeconomic status families
    Family socioeconomic status is determined by both the household income and other family members.  
    Besides family socioeconomic status is also determined by the requirements issued by the family and
    barangn goods owned by the family.

10. Family recreational activities
      Family recreation not only be seen anytime the family went together to visit certain places of recreation, 
      but by watching TV and listening to radio is also a recreational activity.

B. Family History and Development Phase
1. Family at this stage of development
Stages of family development is determined by the eldest of the family nucleus.
2. Phase p0erkembangan unmet family
Describes the tasks that have not been met by the development of the family as well as the constraints of why job growth has not been met.
3. Family history of heart
Explaining about his medical history to the nuclear family, which includes a history of hereditary diseases, the medical history of each member of the family, attention to disease prevention (immunization status), the usual source of health care and family use the experiences of the health service.
4. Family history of previous
Explained about his medical history to the family of the husband and wife.

C. Environmental Assessment
1., Characteristics of the
Household characteristics identified by looking at the spacious house, type of house, number of rooms, number of windows, septic tank distance to the water source, water source used and the house plans.
2. Neighbors and community characteristics RW
Explaining the characteristics of neighbors and local communities which include habits, physical environment, rules / agreements locals, affecting the health of the local culture.
3. geographic mobolitas family
Geographic mobility of families is determined by the habits of the family on the move.
4. Family gatherings and interaction with the community
Describes the time spent in the family to get together and family associations that exist and the extent to which family interaction with the community.
5. Family support system
Included in the family support system is a healthy number of family members, facilities owned by a family to support health. Facilities include improved physical, psychological facilities or support from family members and social facilities or support from the local community.

D. Family Structure
1. Family communication patterns
Explains how communication between family members
2. Family power structure
Family members' ability to control and influence others to change behavior.
3. The structure of the role
Describe the role of each member of the family either formally or informally.
4. Family values ​​or norms
Explaining about the values
​​and norms adopted by a family health-related.

E. Family Function
1. Affective functions
It needs to be studied is the family member of a self-image, a sense of belonging in the family, family support for other family members, how the warmth created by the members of the family and how the family developed a mutual respect.

2. Socialization function
It needs to be studied is how the interaction or relationships within the family, the extent to which family members learn discipline, norms, culture and behavior.
3. Health care function
Describe the extent to which families provide food, clothing, shelter and care for a sick family member. The extent to which knowledge about healthy family sick. Family's ability to implement health care can be seen from the family's ability to perform five tasks of family health, namely: the family is able to recognize health problems, a decision to act, perform maintenance tarhadap sick family members, creating an environment that can improve the health and kleluarga able to utilize health facilities are available in the local environment.
Things that need to be studied to determine the extent to which family did the fulfillment of family care duties are:
a. To determine the ability of families to know the health issues, which need to be assessed is the extent of the family understand the facts of the health problems that include: pen gertian, signs and symptoms, causes and influencing factors, and the family's perception of the problem.
b. To determine the ability of families make decisions about appropriate health actions, things that need to be studied are;
  1. The extent of the family's ability to understand the nature and extent of the problem
  2. Is the health problems experienced by families
  3. Does the family feel succumbed to the problems experienced
  4. Are family feared the consequences of the disease
  5. Does your family have a negative attitude towards health issues.
  6. Is the family able to reach health facilities.
  7. Are families less reliant on health.
  8. Is the family got the wrong information on actions to address the problem.
c. Knowing the extent of the ability of families caring for ill family members, including the ability to preserve the environment and using resources / health facilities in the community, which needs to be studied are;
  1. Does your family know the nature and perkembangnan care needed to tackle health problems / diseases.
  2. Do families have the resources and facilities needed for the treatment.
  3. Families about the range of skills required adequate treatment.
  4. Does your family have a negative view of the care needed
  5. Is there a conflict of individual and self-interested behavior in the family
  6. Are families less able to maintain an advantage in maintaining the environment in the future.
  7. Does the family have penuingkatan efforts health and disease prevention
  8. Is your family aware of the importance of health facilities and how the family will view the facility.
  9. Did the family was afraid of the consequences of the action (diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation).
  10. How family life philosophy relating to the treatment and prevention efforts.
4. Reproductive function
Things need to be assessed on the reproductive function of the family are:
a. How many children
b. How family planning family size
c. What methods are used by the family in an effort to control the number of family members.

5. Economic functions
Things need to be assessed on the economic function of the family are:
a. The extent family needs clothing, food and shelter
b. The extent to families utilize existing resources in the community sdalam efforts to improve the health status of the family.

F. Family Stress and Coping
1. Short and long-term stressors
   a. Short-term stressors are stressors experienced by families that require resolution in less than 6 months.
   b. Long-term stressors are stressors experienced by families that require resolution for more than 6  
2. Family's ability to respond to situations / stressors
    It needs to be studied is the extent of the family respond to situations / stressors.
3. Coping strategies used
    Used coping strategies when dealing with family problems.
4. Dysfunctional adaptation strategies
5. Adaptation strategies used dysfunctional family when dealing with problems

G. Physical examination
Physical examination performed on all family members. The method used in the physical examination was not different from the physical examination in the clinic.

H. Hope Family
At the end of the assessment, the nurse asked her family's expectations of existing health workers.