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II. Nursing Diagnosis


    Family nursing diagnoses are formulated based on the data obtained in the study were composed of nursing problems that will be associated with the etiology from studies of family care functions. Nursing Diagnosis refers to the PES which can be used for problem formulation NANDA.
Typology of family nursing diagnosis consists of:

  • Actual (deficit / health problems)
  • Risk (health threats)
  • The state of peace (wellness)
Examples duiagnosa family nursing;

Actual Family Nursing Diagnosis
Example 1
a. Alteration in nutrition: less of a need in toddlers (Child M), Mr R family dealing with ignorance families recognize the problem of shortage of nutrients.
b. Alteration in nutrition: less of a need in toddlers (Child M), Mr R family unwillingness family related decisions / actions to address nutritional deficiencies.
c. Alteration in nutrition: less of a need in toddlers (Child M), Mr R family associated with the inability of family members caring for a family view of nutritional deficiency problem.
In the example above, the etiology (job family) contains three elements, namely ignorance (no known problems), unwillingness and inability to make decisions treat, then from 3 diagnosis is enough to determine one (1) diagnosis of the diagnosis of the third, will but in metrumuskan objectives and interventions must involve the three etiology

Example 2
Changing role in the family (father's) associated with the inability of families to know the problem the role of husband

Example 3
Limitation of movement in the elderly (mother A) family of Mr. B relates to the inability of caring for family members with reduced mobility (arthritis).
Family Nursing Diagnosis Risk (threat)

There are already data menunjangtapi interference not occurred, for example, less clean home environment, inadequate diet, growth stimulation is not adequate, and so on.

a. Risk of conflict in families dealing with ignorance father B family recognize communication problems
b. Risk of developmental disorders in Toddlers (Children's) father families associated with B family unwillingness to Toddler mellakukan stimulation.

Nursing Diagnosis Family Welfare / Potential

A state in which the wealthier families in the state of family health can be improved. Especially for potential nursing diagnoses (peace) may not use etiology.
  1. Potential occurrence in pregnant women welfare (Capital M) family of Mr. R
  2. Potential improvement of health status in infants (Kids L) family of Mr. R
  3. Potential improvement in the health status of newly married couple family father R