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formulate nursing diagnoses nutritional needs

1. preparation tool
2. action procedures
2.1 Validating data relating identified during history collection and physical assessment
2.2 Group related data that is generally the signs and symptoms that indicate a public health problem
2.3 Identify the need - the need of the client (the problem - the problem)
2.4 Making nursing diagnoses: Nutrition less than body requirements and nutrients the body needs, high risk or poor nutrition more than body requirements
2.5 Evaluation of the list of nursing diagnoses are developed for each individual client meetings
3. documentation

  • Documented patient response
  • The timing of the action
  • Documentation recorded with clear and readable
  • The documentation was signed and given a clear name

planning nursing nutritional needs

1. preparation of client
1. 1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly at the meeting.
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Re Dikai client readiness
2. preparation tool
 2.1. stationery

3. action procedures
3.1. Set priorities of nursing care, sort and target appropriate nursing diagnoses interests
3.2. Setting goals and expected outcomes of nursing care based on the client for each nursing diagnosis
3.3. Determining nursing action plan for each client-centered goals and expected results.
3.4. Writing nursing plan of action aimed at achieving the objective.
4. documentation
4.1. Documented patient response
4.2. The timing of the action
4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and readable
4.4. The documentation was signed and given a clear name

implement techniques gliserin spuit

1. Preparation of client
1. 1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family
       friendly at the meeting.

1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand

1.3. Plan validated program back

1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified

1.5. Re examined client readiness

2. preparation tool
2.1. Prepare environment that supports the implementation of maintenance actions

2.2. Instrument prepared, including:

  • Bath blanket or fabric cover
  • Alas potty
  • Perlak or buttocks pad
  • Glycerine syringe
  • hand gloves
  • Nierbekken
  • Glycerin in place soaked in hot water
  • A small bowl
  • Bedpan
  • cebok bottles or paper closed
  • schrem

3. Working procedures

3.1. The door closed kcmudian sampiran dipasan, g

3.2. Patients dimiringkar, to the left

3.3. Attach blanket bath

3.4. Alas buttocks and perla.k in pairs

3.5. Wash hands and wear handgloves

3.6. Clothing patients, the bottom is raised (to the back) or opened then the opening was covered with a blanket or cloth bath cover

3.7. Nierbekken placed on the buttocks

3.8. Glycerin dripped on the back of the hand the clerk to check the level of warmth, then poured into a small bowl

3.9. Glycerine filled syringe 10-20 cc and the air is removed

3.10. Tangon encourage officers left upper buttock patients, while the right hand Spuit insert into the anus to the base of the cannula with the tip of the syringe is directed to the front

3.11. Enter the glycerine slowly while the patient was told to take a deep breath

3.12. Syringes removed and placed in a crooked, then soaked in a disinfectant

3.13. Patients remained on his side for a few moments, then potty in pairs

3.14. After completion of patient trimming

3.15. Equipment is cleaned, cleared and restored to its original place

4. Documentation
4.1. Documented patient response

4.2. The timing of the action

4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and readable

4.4. The documentation was signed and given a clear name

new admissions procedure

1. preparation of client
1. 1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly at the meeting.
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Re Dikai client readiness
2. Preparation tool
21. Fomulir charging.
2.2. Form layout tenih hospital
2.3. Formulis charging admission of new patients
3. Procedures respect the rights of patients
- Acceptance of patients into the health care system

  1. greet clients and families with a warm, introduce yourself by name and title and then if possible between the patient to the treatment
  2. Talk with the patient understandable language, clear and concise
  3. Use language style and posture polite
  4. Instruct patients to read the general consent form for treatment, assess understanding about tursebut
  5. lnstruksikan clients to sign a form if they have agreed to go to the hospital for treatment, and the actions to be performed
  6. Give each brochure that describes the purpose and organization of the agency and the policy
  7. or regulations affecting client behavior
  8. Set the room based on the client's condition, health care needs and personal preferences of clients and family members to the nursing
  9. Orient the client to the nursing section
  10. Provide care in a humane, fair and honest
  11. provide quality nursing care based on standards of the nursing profession
  12. Encourage choose nurse or doctor on desired by patients
  13. Provide privacy and safety assurance, given the actions of the nursing care measures and not interfere with other clients
  14. give freedom to worship according to religion and faith do not conflict with the maintenance treatment program andnot disturbing other clients.
  15. provide legal protection, and improvement suggestions to the patient's hospital treatment

4. Documentation
4.1. Documented patient response
4.2. The timing of the action
4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and readable
4.4. The documentation was signed and given a clear name

carry out spiritual guidance dying patients and their families

1. client preparation
1.1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly at the meeting.
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Readiness client be re-examined
2. preparation tool
2.1. For a Muslim

  • al-qur'an
  • sembayang tools such as prayer mat, Mukena for women, sarongs for men; Tasbih, Clean Clothes
  • Clean water for ablution
  • clean table and tablecloth

2.2. For the Christian protestant

  • The Bible
  • Songbook

2.3. To The Catholic Christian

  • The Bible
  • hymn book
  • Rosario clean desk


3. action procedures
3.1. Explain to the patient's family clan's actions do
3.2. Prepare tools and equipment brought kedekat patients
3.3. Handwashing nurse
3.4. Contacting Ustaz (for a Muslim, a Christian pastor for the Protestant and         Catholic Protestant)
3.5 Assisting take ablution water whenever possible (for a Muslim)
3.6. Helping Patients to wear prayer (For those who are Muslims)
3.7. Assist in the implementation of patient prayer (For those who are Muslims)

3.8. Position patient was matched with the patient's ability (for a Christian Protestant, Catholic)
3.9. Assist patients in the implementation of reading the Bible and hymn book (for
        the Protestant and Catholic Christians, reading the Qur'an (For those who are Muslims)
3.10. To repack the tool - the tool
4. documentation
4.1. Documented patient response
4.2. The timing of the action
4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and readable
4.4. The documentation was signed and given a clear name