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carry out spiritual guidance dying patients and their families

1. client preparation
1.1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly at the meeting.
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Readiness client be re-examined
2. preparation tool
2.1. For a Muslim

  • al-qur'an
  • sembayang tools such as prayer mat, Mukena for women, sarongs for men; Tasbih, Clean Clothes
  • Clean water for ablution
  • clean table and tablecloth

2.2. For the Christian protestant

  • The Bible
  • Songbook

2.3. To The Catholic Christian

  • The Bible
  • hymn book
  • Rosario clean desk


3. action procedures
3.1. Explain to the patient's family clan's actions do
3.2. Prepare tools and equipment brought kedekat patients
3.3. Handwashing nurse
3.4. Contacting Ustaz (for a Muslim, a Christian pastor for the Protestant and         Catholic Protestant)
3.5 Assisting take ablution water whenever possible (for a Muslim)
3.6. Helping Patients to wear prayer (For those who are Muslims)
3.7. Assist in the implementation of patient prayer (For those who are Muslims)

3.8. Position patient was matched with the patient's ability (for a Christian Protestant, Catholic)
3.9. Assist patients in the implementation of reading the Bible and hymn book (for
        the Protestant and Catholic Christians, reading the Qur'an (For those who are Muslims)
3.10. To repack the tool - the tool
4. documentation
4.1. Documented patient response
4.2. The timing of the action
4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and readable
4.4. The documentation was signed and given a clear name