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Goals The History of Health and Social

The History of Health and Social Care Research Group plays a significant role in assisting the school to achieve the goals relating to research as stated in the 2009/2010 edition of the publication "Advancing the Manchester 2015 Agenda". The group includes two leading members of the UK Centre for the History of Nursing, Midwifery (Christine Hallett and Jane Brooks) and the School hosts the UK Centre for the History of Nursing and Midwifery (UKCHNM) web-site. Thus the group is well positioned to recruit postgraduate research students in this field and through its work is contributing to world-leading research in the history of nursing and midwifery.

Research students are encouraged to attend all meetings of the research group and actively contribute to the group's work in promoting and conducting ground-breaking work in the history of nursing and midwifery. The Group is therefore actively contributing to the achievement of the "Advancing the Manchester 2015 Agenda" goals relating to the provision of superb higher education.

The group is also contributing to the achievement of the "Advancing the Manchester 2015 Agenda" goals relating to social responsibility through furthering the scholarly understanding of the historical roots and historical development of the nursing and midwifery professions so that nursing and midwifery researchers have access to knowledge that will enable them to fully understand the social and historical context in which their research is conducted; thus contributing to the development of research which is ethically aware and socially responsible.

Appendix A
Dissemination of previous research

Scholarly publications

Michele Abendstern

Abendstern, M., Hughes, J., Clarkson, P., Sutcliffe, S. and Challis, D. (2010) “We need to talk”: Communication between PCTs and other health and social care agencies following the introduction of the Single Assessment Process for older people in England. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 11, 61-71.


Challis, D., Abendstern, M., Clarkson, P., Hughes, J. and Sutcliffe, C. (2010) Comprehensive assessment of older people with complex care needs: the multidisciplinarity of the Single Assessment Process in England. Ageing and Society. 30, (forthcoming).

Clarkson, P., Abendstern, M., Sutcliffe, C., Hughes, J. and Challis, D. (2009) Reliability of needs assessments in the community care of older people: impact of the single assessment process in England. Journal of Public Health. 31, 521-9.

Abendstern, M., Clarkson, P., Challis, D., Hughes, J. and Sutcliffe, C. (2008) Implementing the Single Assessment Process for older people in England: lessons from the literature. Research, Policy and Planning. 26, 1, 15-31.

Sutcliffe, C., Hughes, J., Abendstern, M., Clarkson, P. and Challis, D. (2008) Developing multidisciplinary assessment—exploring the evidence from a social care perspective. International Journal Of Geriatric Psychiatry. 23, 1297–305.

Sutcliffe, C., Hughes, J., Abendstern, M., Clarkson, P. and Challis, D. (2008) Developing Multidisciplinary Assessment - Exploring the Evidence from a Social Care Perspective. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 23, 1297-305.

Abendstern, M. (2007) ‘Project Unity’. In B. Pullan (Historical Consultant) A Portrait of the University of Manchester. Third Millennium Publishing, London.

Phillips, S., Abendstern, M. and Hallett, C.E. (2007) ‘They more or less blended in with society’: changing attitudes to European migrant workers in post-war Lancashire. Immigrants and Minorities. 25, 1, March 2007, 49-72.

Phillips, S., Abendstern, M. and Hallett, C.E. (2007) ‘If we depart from these conditions…‘: Trade union reactions to European Immigrant Workers in the textile industry, c.1946-1952. Labour History Review. 72, 2, August 2007, 135-54.

Hallett, C.E., Abendstern, M. and Wade, L. (2006) Industry and autonomy in early occupational health nursing: the welfare officers of the Lancashire cotton mills, 1950-1970s. Nursing History Review. 14, 89-109.

Abendstern, M., Reilly, S., Hughes, J., Venables, D. and Challis D. (2006) ‘Levels of integration and specialisation within professional community teams for people with dementia’. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 21: 77-85.

Phillips, S., Abendstern, M. and Hallett, C.E. (2006) An exploratory study of the health of European Volunteer Workers in the cotton towns of Lancashire. A report presented to the British Cotton Growing Association. University of Manchester.

Venables, D., Reilly, S., Challis, D., Hughes, J. and Abendstern, M. (2006) Standards of care in home care services: A comparison of specialist and generic services for older people with dementia. Aging and Mental Health. 10, 187-94.

Reilly, S., Venables, D., Hughes, J., Abendstern, M. and Challis, D. (2006) Standards of care in day hospitals and day centres: A comparison of services for older people with dementia. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 21, 460-8.

Reilly, S., Abendstern, M., Hughes, J., Challis, D., Venables, D. and Pedersen, I. (2006) Quality in long term care homes for people with dementia: An assessment of specialist provision. Ageing and Society. 26, 649-68.

Abendstern, M., Hallett, C.E., and Wade, L. (2005) Flouting the Law: Women and the Hazards of Cleaning Moving Machinery in the Cotton Industry, 1930-1970. Oral History. 33, 2, 69-78.

Pullan, B. and Abendstern, M. (2004) A History of the University of Manchester, 1973-90. Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Hallett, C.E., Abendstern, M. and Wade, L. (2004) The struggle for sanitary reform in the Lancashire cotton mills: the role of the welfare officer. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 48, 3, 257-65.

Abendstern, M., Hallett, C.E. and Wade, L. (2003) The health of female cotton mill workers in Oldham and Ashton, 1920-1970. A report presented to the British Cotton Growing Association. University of Manchester.

Pullan, B. and Abendstern, M. (2000) A History of the University of Manchester, 1951-73, Manchester University Press, Manchester.

Thompson, P., Itzin, C. and Abendstern, M. (1991) I Don’t Feel Old. The experience of later life. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Janette Allotey

Allotey, J.C. (in press) Midwives’ responses to the medicalisation of childbirth (1671-1795).

Allotey, J.C. (2010) ‘Quick response’ letter published online in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine in relation to a paper in the January edition of the journal by D. Shelton, The Emperor’s new Clothes. Available online March 2010.

Allotey, J.C. (2009) Writing midwives’ history: problems and pitfalls. Midwifery. Available online 8 May 2009 doi:10.1016/j.midw.2009.03.003.

Allotey, J.C. and McIntosh, T. (2009) History of midwifery; professional luxury or essential legacy? MIDIRS Midwifery Digest. 19, 4, 488-91 (commissioned paper).

Allotey, J. (2004) Research notes. Nursing Standard. 18, 40, p22.

Helen Barnes

Barnes, H. (2010) Contributing editor: ‘Elders and Mental Health’. In J. Pierson and M. Thomas (eds). Dictionary of Social Work (Maidenhead, Open University Press).

Barnes, H. (2010) ‘Does mental illness have a place alongside social and recovery models of mental health, in service users’ lived experiences?’. Conference Paper: Living and Learning, Learning and Teaching: Mental Health in Higher Education 30-31 March 2010, Lancaster University. Contribution to Conference Proceedings – published online at:

Barnes, H. (2008) The two faces of social exclusion: ethics, evidence base and practice in responding to health and social care concerns within policy-led social theory and its emancipatory alternatives. Bermidji State University (USA)/Inter-University Centre Journal of Social Work Theory and Practice. 17, 17, 8.

Barnes, H., Green, L. and Hopton, J. (2007) Guest editorial: social work theory, research, policy and practice – challenges and opportunities in health and social care integration in the UK. Health and Social Care in the Community. 15, 3, 191-4.

Hopton, J., Barnes, H. and Green, L. (2007) Mixed Martial Arts and Masculinity: A case study in treating internet sources as oral history. Oral History. 35, 2, 91-9.

Tew, J., Gould, N., Barnes, H., Beresford, P., Carr, S., Copperman, J., Ramon, S., Rose, D., Sanchez, D., Sweeney, A. and Woodward, L. (2006) Values and Methodologies for Social Research in Mental Health. (On behalf of the Social Perspectives Network, the Social Care Research Forum of the National Institute for Mental Health in England (NIMHE), and the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) London, Policy Press).

Barnes, H. (2004) Social Exclusion and Psychosis: exploring some of the links' and their implications for practice. Social Work in Mental Health. 2 (2/3), 207-33.

Barnes, H. (2002) Contribution to M. Thomas and J. Pierson (eds). Dictionary in Social Work. (2nd Edition). London: Collins. Contributor in areas including mental health problems, mental health social work, mental health policy and legislation, substance misuse, dual diagnosis, personality disorder, mental incapacity, dementia, social work theories.

Barnes, H. (2001) A comment on Stroud and Pritchard: Child Homicide, Psychiatric Disorder and Dangerousness: A Review and an Empirical Approach. British Journal of.Social Work. 31, 481-92

Barnes, H., Ing, P. and Smith (1999) Users voices: Who's Listening? Research Report on User Involvement in Substance Misuse Services. Housing and Community Research Unit, Staffordshire University. ISBN 1-897898-49-5.

Barnes, H. (1999) Exclusion and Mental Health: the Relationship Context of Mental Health Practice. Social Work Education. 18, 4, 401-16.

Barnes, H. (1995) Contribution to M. Thomas and J. Pierson (eds). Dictionary in Social Work (London, Collins).

Jane Brooks

Brooks, J. (2010) Education and role conflict in the health visitor profession, 1918 – 1939. Nursing Inquiry. 17, 2, 142-50.

Brooks, J. and Rafferty, A.M. (2010) Degrees of ambivalence: The attitudes of the nursing profession to university education in mid-twentieth century UK. Nurse Education Today. 30, 579–83.

Brooks, J. and Hallett C.E. (2009) ‘Literary Angels: the portrayal of nursing in the writings of female nineteenth-century authors’. In S. Malchau (ed.). Proceedings of the First Danish History of Nursing Conference (Aarhus, The University of Aarhus).

Brooks, J. (2009) ‘The geriatric hospital felt like a backwater': Nursing the aged and infirm in Britain, 1955-1980. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 18, 19, 2764-72.

Brooks, J. and Rafferty, A.M. (2009) Degrees of ambivalence: The attitudes of the nursing profession to university education in mid-twentieth century UK. Nurse Education Today. doi:10.1016/j.nedt.2009.12.004.

Brooks, J. and Rafferty, A.M. (2007) Dress and Distinction in Nursing, 1860-1945: A corporate (as well as corporeal) armour of probity and purity. Women's History Review. 16, 1, 41-57.

Brooks, J. (2007) ‘Women in-between': The ambiguous position of the sister tutor, 1910 1960. Nurse Education Today. 27, 169-75.

Brooks, J. (2006) 'Visiting rights only': The Diplomas in Nursing in the UK in the inter-war period. Nursing Inquiry. 13, 4, 269-76.

Brooks, J. (2006) ‘Hector, Winifred Emily’. In B. Harrison and C. Matthew (eds). The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, OUP).

Brooks, J. (2001) Structured by class, bound by gender: Nursing and special probationer schemes, 1860-1939. International History of Nursing Journal. 6, 2, Spring, 13-21.

Brooks, J. (2000) Ghost of the past: Capturing history and the history of nursing. International History of Nursing Journal. 5, 2, Spring, 36-41.

Brooks, J. (2000) ‘Nursing in the academy: The early years’. In B. Mortimer and S. McGann (eds) Defining Nursing History: Proceedings of the 5th Colloquium for Nursing History Research September.

Brooks, J. (1999) Nursing in the academy: The early attempts. Wellcome History. No. 9, February, p8.

Brooks, J. and Crump, A. (1998) Breaking down the barriers. Elderly Care. June/July 10, 3, 37.

Brooks, J. (1996) Non-compliance to treatment: can professionals ethically refuse to treat? EDTNA-ERCA XXII 1. February, 26-8.

Hannah Cooke

Cooke, H. (2009) Theories of risk and safety: What is their relevance to nursing. Journal of Nursing Management. 17, 2, 256-64.

Cooke, H. and Philpin, S. (eds) (2008) Sociology in Nursing and Healthcare (Elsevier).

Attree, M.J. and Cooke, H.F. (2008) Patient Safety in an English Pre-Registration Nursing Curriculum. Nurse Education in Practice. 8, 4, 239-48.

Cooke, H. (2007) “Out there you’re on a stage”: emotional labour and nurses’ experience of complaints management. International Journal of Work Organisations and Emotion. 2, 2, 145-59.

Cooke, H. (2007) Scapegoating and the unpopular nurse. Nurse Education Today. 27, 3, 177-84.

Cooke, H. (2006) Seagull management and the control of nursing work. Work Employment and Society. 20, 2, 223-43.

Cooke, H. (2006) Examining the disciplinary process in nursing: a case study approach. Work Employment and Society. 20, 4, 687-707.

Cooke, H. (2006) The surveillance of nursing standards: An organisational case study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 43, 975-84.

Wakefield, A., Attree, M., Braidman, I., Carlisle, C., Johnson, M. and Cooke, H. (2005) Patient Safety: Do nursing and medical curricula address this theme? Nurse Education Today. 25, 333-40.

Cooke, H. (2002) ‘Empowerment’. In G. Blakely and V. Bryson (eds) Contemporary Political Concepts Pluto Press London.

Cooke, H. (2000) The social and organisational factors affecting the identification and management of the ‘problem’ nurse. UKCC Research Scholarship Study. UKCC, London.

Cooke, H. (2000) When Someone Dies: A Practical Guide to Holistic Care at the End of Life. Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford.

Williams, A., Cooke, H. and May, C. (1998) Sociology, Nursing and Health. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford.

Tate, S. and Cooke, H. (1996) Postoperative nausea and vomiting: Management and treatment. British Journal of Nursing . 5, 17.

Tate, S. and Cooke, H. (1996) Postoperative nausea and vomiting: Aetiology and Risk Factors British Journal of Nursing. 5, 16.

Attree, M., Button, D. and Cooke, H. (1994) Students’ evaluation of the process of conducting a patient assessment. Nurse Education Today. 14.

Cooke, H. (1994) The role of the patient in standard setting. British Journal of Nursing. 3, 22.

Cooke, H. (1993) Boundary work in the nursing curriculum: The case of sociology. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 18.

Cooke, H. (1993) Why teach Sociology. Nurse Education Today. 13.

Cooke, H. (1991) The family and caring: Section 1.Insights from Sociology. Continuing Nurse Education Project, HMSO, London.

Cooke, H. (1991) Women and Health: Care Section 2. Insights from Sociology. Continuing Nurse Education Project, HMSO, London.

Cooke, H. (1991) Organisations and healthcare: Section 3. Insights from Sociology. Continuing Nurse Education Project, HMSO, London.

Tommy Dickinson

Dickinson, T. (2010) Nursing history: aversion therapy. Mental Health Practice. 13, 5, p31.

Dickinson, T., Wright, K.M. and Harrison, J. (2009) The Attitudes of Nursing staff within secure environments towards Young People who Self-Harm. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 16, 10, 947–51.

Dickinson, T., Ramsdale, S.L. and Speight, G. (2009) Managing aggression and violence using rapid tranquilisation. Nursing Standard. 24, 7, 40-9.

Dickinson, T and Wright, K.M. (2008) Stress and Burnout in Forensic Mental Health Nursing: a review of the literature. British Journal of Nursing. 17, 2, 82-7.

Dickinson, T. (2007) Section 5 (4) of the Mental Health Act 1983: the art of applying the Act. British Journal of Nursing. 16, 20, 1272-8.

Lorraine Green

Green, L. (2010) (in press) Understanding the Life Course: Sociological and Psychological Perspectives. Cambridge: Polity.

Young, A., Rogers, K. and Green, L. (2010) (in press) ‘A Critical Discussion of the Concept of Resilience in the Context of Deaf Children’. In D. Zand (ed.) Risk and Resilience: Adaptation in the Context of Being Deaf. Springer Publishing.

Green, L. and Taylor, J. (2010) ‘Exploring the Relationship between Gender and Child Health: A Comparative Analysis of High and Low Economic Resource Countries’. In B. Featherstone., C.A. Hooper, J. Scourfield and J. Taylor (eds) Gender and Child Welfare. London: Wiley.

Young, A., Green, L. and Rogers, K.D. (2008) Resilience and Deaf Children: A Literature Review. Deafness and Education International. 10, 1, 40-55.

Taylor, J. and Green, L. (2008) Children, Health and Gender: Recognition in Nursing Research? Journal of Clinical Nursing. 17, 3226-37.

Green, L. and Grant, V. (2008) Gagged Grief and Beleaguered Bereavements: An Analysis of Multidisciplinary Theory and Research relating to Same Sex Partnership Bereavement. Sexualities. 11, 3, 275-300.

Green, L. and Featherstone, B. (2008) chapter 5 under section on theorists - ‘Butler’. In M. Gray and S. Webb (eds) Social Work: Theories and Methods. London: Sage.

Barnes, H.M., Green, L. and Hopton, J. (2007) Guest Editorial: Social Work Theory, Research, Policy and Practice: Challenges and Opportunities in Health and Social care Integration in the UK. Health and Social Care in the Community. 15, 3, 191-4.

Hopton, J., Barnes, H. and Green, L. (2007) Mixed Martial Arts and Masculinity: A case study in treating internet sources as oral history. Oral History. 35, 2, 91-9.

Green, L. ( 2006) Pariah Profession, Debased Discipline: An Analysis of Social Work's Low Academic Status and the Possibilities for Change. Social Work Education. 25, 3, 245-64.

Green, L. (2006) An Unhealthy Neglect? Examining the Relationship between Child Health and Gender in Research and Policy. Critical Social Policy. 26, 2, 450-66.

Green, L. (2006) An Overwhelming Sense of Injustice? An Exploration of Child Sexual Abuse In Relation to the Concept of Justice. Critical Social Policy. 26, 1, 74-100.

Green, L. (2005) Theorising Sexuality, Sexual Abuse and Residential Children's Homes: Adding Gender to the Equation. British Journal of Social Work. 35, 4, 453-81.

Green, L. (2004) ‘Gender and the Social Construction of Identity’. In G. Taylor and S. Spencer (eds) Social Identity: Multidisciplinary Approaches. London: Routledge.

King, N., Butt, T. and Green, L. (2003) Spanking -The Sexual Story. The International Journal of Children’s Rights (special edition on the corporal punishment of children). 11, 2, 199-217.

Green, L. and Masson, H. (2002) Peer Sexual Abuse in Residential Care: Issues of Risk and Vulnerability. British Journal of Social Work. 32, 2, 149-68.

Green, L., Butt, T. and King, N. (2002) Taking the Chaste out of Chastisement: An Analysis of the Sexual Implications of the Corporal Punishment of Children. Childhood-A Global Journal. 9, 2, 205-24.

Green, L. (2002) ‘Gender’. In G. Taylor and S. Spencer (eds) Perspectives on Social Identity. Sheffield: Sheffield Hallam University Press.

Green, L. (2001) Analysing Adult/Child Sexual Abuse in Residential Care: Characteristics, Dynamics and Contributory Factors. The Journal of Sexual Aggression. 7, 1, 5-24.

Green, L. (2001) ‘Children, Sexual Abuse and the Child Protection System’. In P. Foley, J. Roche and S. Tucker (eds) Children in Society: Contemporary Theory, Policy and Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave/Open University Press.

Hearn, J., Parkin, W. and Green, L. (2001) chapter 7 in J. Hearn and W. Parkin (2001) Gender, Sexuality and Violence in Organizations: The Unspoken Forces of Organization Violation. London: Sage.

Green, L. (2000) ‘Young Women in Residential Childcare: Silenced Voice/Zero Choice'. In P. Cox, S. Kershaw and J. Trotter (eds) Child Sexual Assault and Feminisms. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Green, L., Parkin, W. and Hearn, J. (2000) 'Power’. In E. Wilson (ed.) Organizational Behaviour Reassessed: The Impact of Gender. London: Sage.

Green, L. and Parkin, W. (1999) 'Sexuality, Sexual Abuse and Children's Homes: Oppression or Protection?'. In The Violence Against Children Study Group (eds) Children, Child Abuse and Child Protection: Placing Children Centrally. Chichester: John Wiley.

Green, L. and Parkin, W. (1999) ‘Researching Sexuality In Residential Children’s Homes’. In G. Barlow (ed.) Caring for the Individual in a Group Setting: Individual Work and Service Design in Residential Care (International Perspectives in Child Care). The Centre for Residential Childcare, University of Glasgow.

Parkin, W. and Green, L. (1997) Cultures of Abuse Within Residential Childcare. Journal of Early Child Development and Care. July 1997, 133, 73-86.

Christine Hallett

Hallett, C.E. (2011) ‘Protecting, sustaining, and empowering: An historical perspective on the control of epidemics’. In M. Truglio-Londrigan and S.B. Lewenson (eds). Public Health Nursing: Practicing Population-Based Care (Boston, Jones and Bartlett - appeared 2010).

Hallett, C.E. (2010) Celebrating Nurses: A Visual History (London, Fil Rouge Press, distributed in the USA by Barrons and in Australia by Ausmed).

Hallett, C.E. (2010) Portrayals of suffering: perceptions of trauma in the writings of First World War nurses and volunteers. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History. 27, 1, 65-84.

Hallett, C.E. and Fealy, G. (2009) Nursing history and the articulation of power. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 18, 19, 2681-3.

Hallett, C.E. (2009) Containing trauma: nursing work in the First World War (Manchester, Manchester University Press).

Hallett, C.E. (2009) Russian Romances: Emotionalism and spirituality in the writings of ‘Eastern Front’ nurses, 1914-1918. Nursing History Review. 17, 1, 101-28.

Clancy, K., Hallett, C.E. and Caress, A.L. (2009) The meaning of living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness. 1, 78-86.

Brooks, J. and Hallett, C.E. (2009) ‘Literary Angels: the portrayal of nursing in the writings of female nineteenth-century authors’. In S. Malchau (ed.). Proceedings of the First Danish History of Nursing Conference (Aarhus, The University of Aarhus).

Hallett, C.E. (2008) Colin Fraser Brockington (1903-2002) and the revolution in nurse education. Journal of Medical Biography. 16, 2, 89-95.

Fairman, J., Hallett, C.E. and Godden, J. (2008) A Lady Displaced Again, Again and Again: Review Symposium. Metascience. 17, 3, 329-49.

Hallett, C.E. (2007) A ‘gallop’ through history: nursing in social context. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 16, 3.

Hallett, C.E. (2007) The personal writings of First World War nurses: a study of the interplay of authorial intention and scholarly interpretation. Nursing Inquiry. 14, 4, 320-9.

Phillips, S., Abendstern, M. and Hallett, C.E. (2007) ‘They more or less blended in with society’: changing attitudes to European migrant workers in post-war Lancashire. Immigrants and Minorities. 25, 1, March 2007, 49-72.

Phillips, S., Abendstern, M. and Hallett, C.E. (2007) ‘If we depart from these conditions…‘: Trade union reactions to European Immigrant Workers in the textile industry, c.1946-1952. Labour History Review. 72, 2, August 2007, 135-54.

Evans, M.J. and Hallett, C.E. (2007) Living with dying: a hermeneutic phenomenological study of the work of hospice nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 16, 4, 742-51.

Benjamin, C., Flynn, M., Hallett, C.E., Ellis, I. and Booth, K. (2007) The use of life course paradigm and life course charts to explore referral for family history of breast cancer. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 45, 1, 95-109.

Hallett, C.E. (2007) ‘The Truth about the Past? The Art of Working with Archival Materials’. In S. Lewenson and E.K. Herrmann (eds). Capturing Nursing History: A Guide to Historical Research (New York, Springer Publishing Company).

Millard, L., Hallett, C.E. and Luker, K.A. (2006) Nurse-patient interaction and decision-making in care: patient involvement in community nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 55, 2, 142-50.

Hallett, C.E., Abendstern, M. and Wade, L. (2006) Industry and autonomy in early occupational health nursing: the welfare officers of the Lancashire cotton mills, 1950-1970s. Nursing History Review. 14, 89-109.

Phillips, S., Abendstern, M. and Hallett, C.E. (2006) An exploratory study of the health of European Volunteer Workers in the cotton towns of Lancashire. A report presented to the British Cotton Growing Association. University of Manchester.

Hallett, C.E. (2005) The attempt to understand puerperal fever in eighteenth- and early- nineteenth-century Britain: the influence of inflammation theory. Medical History. 49, 1-28.

Abendstern, M., Hallett, C.E., and Wade, L. (2005) Flouting the Law: Women and the Hazards of Cleaning Moving Machinery in the Cotton Industry, 1930-1970. Oral History. 33, 2, 69-78.

Hopkinson, J., Hallett, C.E. and Luker, K.A. (2005) Everyday death: how do nurses cope with caring for dying people in hospital? International Journal of Nursing Studies. 42, 2, 125-33.

Hallett, C.E. (2005) The ‘Manchester scheme’: a study of the Diploma in Community Nursing, the first pre-registration nursing programme in a British University. Nursing Inquiry. 12, 4, 287-94.

Anton-Solanas, I., Hallett, C.E. and Wakefield, A. (2005) El Diario de Priscilla-Scott-Ellis: Enfermera en Tiempo de Guerra. Temperamentum: Revista Internacional de Historia y Pensamiento Enfermero. 2. [Online journal].

Anton-Solanas, I., Hallett, C.E. and Wakefield, A. (2005) La influencia de la Guerra Civil Sobre el desarrollo de la profesion de enfermeria en Espana: su évolution a traves de un siglo de historia. Temperamentum: Revista Internacional de Historia y Pensamiento Enfermero. 2. [Online journal].

Hallett, C.E., Abendstern, M. and Wade, L. (2004) The struggle for sanitary reform in the Lancashire cotton mills: the role of the welfare officer. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 48, 3, 257-65.

Hopkinson, J., Hallett, C.E. and Luker, K.A. (2003) The experience of caring for dying people in hospital. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 44, 5, 523-33.

Wade, L. and Hallett, C.E. (2003) ‘The dynamic city’: recruitment to nursing in early-twentieth- century Manchester. Nurse Education Today. 23, 370-6.

Hallett, C.E. (2003) ‘Puerperal fever as a source of conflict between midwives and medical men in early nineteenth-century Britain’. In B. Mortimer and S. McGann (eds). New Directions in the History of Nursing (London, Routledge, 2003).

Abendstern, M., Hallett, C.E. and Wade, L. (2003) The health of female cotton mill workers in Oldham and Ashton, 1920-1970. A report presented to the British Cotton Growing Association. University of Manchester.

Hopkinson, J. and Hallett, C.E. (2002) Good death? An exploration of newly qualified nurses’ understanding of good death. International Journal of Palliative Nursing. 8, 11, 532-9.

Hopkinson, J. and Hallett, C.E. (2001) Patients’ perceptions of a hospice day care: a phenomenological study. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 38, 117-25.

Hallett, C.E. (2000) Infection control in wound care: a study of fatalism in community nursing. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 9, 103-9.

Hallett, C.E., Austin, L., Caress, A. and Luker, K.A. (2000) Wound care in the community setting: clinical decision-making in context. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 31, 4, 783-93.

Luker, K.A., Austin, L., Caress, A. and Hallett, C.E. (2000) The importance of ‘knowing the patient’: community nurses’ constructions of quality in providing palliative care. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 31, 4, 775-82.

Hallett, C.E., Austin, L., Luker, K.A. and Caress, A. (2000) Community nurses’ perceptions of patient ‘compliance’ in wound care: a discourse analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 32, 1, 115- 23.

Hallett, C.E. and Pateman, B.D. (2000) The ‘invisible assessment’: the role of the staff nurse in the community setting. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 9, 751-62.

Austin, L., Luker, K.A., Caress, A. and Hallett, C.E. (2000) Palliative care: community nurses’ perceptions of quality. Quality in Health Care. 9, 151-8.

Hallett, C.E. (1998) Historical texts: factors affecting their interpretation. Nurse Researcher. 5, 2, Winter 1997/1998, 61-7.

Hallett, C.E. (1997) Managing change in nurse education: the introduction of Project 2000 in the community. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 25, 836-43.

Hallett, C.E. (1997) Learning through reflection in the community: the relevance of Schon’s theories of coaching to nursing education. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 34, 2, 103-10.

Hallett, C.E. (1997) Pragmatism and Project 2000: the relevance of Dewey’s theory of experimentalism to nursing education. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 26, 1229-34.

Hallett, C.E. (1997) The helping relationship in the community setting: the relevance of Rogerian theory to the supervision of Project 2000 students. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 34, 6, 415-9.

Hallett, C.E. (1997) The use of descriptive statistics in nursing research. Nurse Researcher. 4, 4, Summer, 1997, 4-16.

Hallett, C.E., Williams, A. and Butterworth, T. (1996) The learning career in the community setting: a phenomenological study of a Project 2000 placement. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 23, 578- 86.

Hallett, C.E., Hillier, V.F., Orr, J.A. and Butterworth, T. (1995) The Time Commitment of the Community Nursing Services to Project 2000. Nurse Education Today. 15, 250-6.

Hallett, C.E., Williams, A., Orr, J.A., Butterworth, T. and Collister, B. (1995) The implementation of Project 2000 in the community: a new perspective on the community nurse’s role. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 21, 1159-66.

Hallett, C.E. (1995) Understanding the phenomenological approach to research. Nurse Researcher. 3, 2, December 1995, 55-65.

Hallett, C.E., Williams, A., Butterworth, C.A. and Collister, B. (1993) The Provision of Learning Experiences in the Community for Project 2000. Research Highlights. The English National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, London.

Hallett, C.E., Williams, A., Collister, B. and Butterworth, C.A. (1992) The Provision of Learning Experiences in the Community for Project 2000. Five Papers. The University of Manchester.

Butterworth, C.A., Hallett, C.E. and Orr, J.A. (1992) Briefing papers on the provision of learning experiences in the community for Project 2000. The University of Manchester.

Orr, J.A. and Hallett, C.E. (1991) The provision of community experience for Project 2000 students: an interim report for the English National Board for Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting. The University of Manchester.

Val Harrington

Harrington, V. (2009) Innovation in a Backwater: The Harpurhey Resettlement Team and the mental health services of North Manchester 1982-1987. Health and Place. 15, 819-26.

Byford, S., Barrett, B., Aglan, A., Harrington, V., Burroughs, H., Kerfoot, M. and Harrington, R. (2009) Lifetime and current costs of supporting young adults who deliberately poisoned themselves in childhood and adolescence. Journal of Mental Health. 18, 297-306.

Harrington, R., Pickles, A., Aglan, A., Harrington, V., Burroughs, H. and Kerfoot, M. (2006) Early adult outcomes of adolescents who deliberately poisoned themselves. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 45, 337-45.

Kerfoot, M., Harrington, R., Harrington, V., Rogers, J. and Verduyn, C. (2004) A step too far? Randomized trial of cognitive-behaviour therapy delivered by social workers to depressed adolescents. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 13, 92-9.

Chitsabesan, P., Harrington, R., Harrington, V. and Tomenson, B. (2003) Predicting repeat self-harm in children: how accurate can we expect to be? European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 12, 23-9.

Harrington, R., Kerfoot, M., Dyer, E., McNiven, F., Gill, J., Harrington, V. and Woodham, A. (2000) Deliberate self poisoning in adolescence: why does a brief family intervention work in some cases and not others? Journal of Adolescence. 23, 13-20.

Byford, S., Harrington, R., Torgerson, D., Kerfoot, M., Dyer, E., Harrington, V., Woodham, A., Gill, J. and McNiven, F. (1999) Cost effectiveness analysis of a home based social work intervention for children and adolescents who have deliberately poisoned themselves. British Journal of Psychiatry. 174, 56-62.

Harrington, R., Kerfoot, M., Dyer, E., McNiven, F., Gill, J., Harrington, V. and Woodham, A. (1998) Randomized trial of a home based family intervention for children who have deliberately poisoned themselves. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 37, 512-8.

Kerfoot, M., Dyer, E., Harrington, V., Woodham, A. and Harrington, R. (1996) Correlates and short-term course of self poisoning in adolescents. British Journal of Psychiatry. 168, 38-42.

Aya Homei

(Forthcoming) Introduction: Nuclear Japan and the Effects of Radiation, 1945-1960. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences.

(Forthcoming) Treatment for Radiation Sickness and the U.S.-Japan Medical Cooperation after the Lucky Dragon Incident. Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences.

(2008) Medical Specialization and the Development of Medical Mycology in the USA, Britain and Japan. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. 39, 1, March 2008, 80-92.

(2007) Fallout from Bikini: The Explosion of Japanese Medicine. Endeavour. 31, 4, December 2007, 129-33.

(2006) Birth Attendants in Meiji Japan: The Rise of the Biomedical Birth Model and a New Division of Labour. Social History of Medicine. 19, 3, December 2006, 407-24.

(2006) Medical Mycology: Development and Epidemiology in the USA, UK and Japan. Medical Mycology. 44, October 2006, S39-S54.

(2005) ‘Sanba and Their Clients: Midwives and the medicalization of childbirth in Japan’. In B. Mortimer and S. McGann (eds). New Directions in History of Nursing: International Perspectives (London, Routledge, pp 68-85).

(2004) With Shin Fujinaga and Maomi Iwase, Kyōkasho [Textbook of Social Sciences and Humanities for students at Miyakonojo National College of Technology], Kyoto: Heirakujishoten.

(2002) Seijōsan to eisei: kindai sanba wo meguru poritikkus [“Normal Birth” and “Modern Hygiene”: Politics surrounding modern midwife’s expertise]. Japanese Journal of the History of Biology. 70, December 2002, 1-16.

(2002) Tempos modernos, novos partos e novos parteiras: o parto no Japão de 1868 aos anos 1930 [Modern Time “New-Midwives”: History of Japanese midwives, 1868-1930s]. Estudos Feministas, Brazilian Journal of Feminist Studies. 10, 2, 429-40.

(2002) Igirisu no sanba no rekishi kara – sanba to “otokosanba”’ [Leaning from the History of English Midwives: From midwives to “man-midwives”]. Josanpu: The Journal of Japanese Midwives’ Association. 56, 1, 44-7.

John Hopton

Hopton, J., Barnes, H. and Green, L. (2007) Guest editorial: Social work theory, research, policy and practice – challenges and opportunities in health and social care integration in the UK. Health and Social Care in the Community. 15, 3, 191-4.

Hopton, J., Barnes, H. and Green, L. (2007) Mixed Martial Arts and Masculinity: A case study in treating internet sources as oral history. Oral History. 35, 2, 91-9.

Hopton, J. (2006) The future of critical psychiatry. Critical Social Policy. 26, 1, 57-73.

Hopton, J. and Higate, P. (2005) ‘War, Militarism and Masculinity’. In M.S. Kimmel, J.R. Hearn, and R.W. Connell (eds). Handbook of Studies In Men and Masculinities. Sage, Thousand Oaks p432-46.

Hopton, J. (2003) ‘The State and Military Masculinism’. In P.R. Higate Military Masculinities: Identity and the State. Greenwood, Westport Ct (USA) p111-24.

Hopton, J. (2002) SFUK Open Mat 5: A Case Study In Community Spirit and Collaborative Learning, (Joint Newsletter of Association of Therapeutic Communities, Charterhouse Group of Therapeutic Communities) 6, 40-2 (previously published on SFUK website).

Hopton, J. (2000) Therapeutic Communities: Alive and well- but hard to find. Openmind. 103, 9.

Hopton, J. and Coppock, V. (2000) Critical Perspectives On Mental Health. Routledge, London.

Hopton, J. (1999) Militarism, masculinism and managerialisation in the British public sector. Journal Of Gender Studies. 8,1, 71-82.

Hopton, J. (1999) Prestwich Hospital in the twentieth century: A case study of slow and uneven progress in the development of psychiatric care. History Of Psychiatry. 10, 3, 349-69.

Hopton, J. and Simic, P. (1998) Inter-agency Mental Health Training in Bolton: Extending the Framework. The University of Manchester, Manchester.

Hopton, J. (1998) Risk assessment using profiling techniques - an evaluation of possibilities. British Journal Of Social Work. 28, 2, 247-61.

Hopton, J. (1997) Towards a critical theory of mental health nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 25, 3, 492-500.

Hopton, J. (1997) Anti-discriminatory practice and anti-oppressive practice: A radical humanist psychology perspective. Critical Social Policy. 47-61.

Hopton, J. (1997) Towards anti-oppressive practice in mental health nursing. British Journal Of Nursing. 6, 15, 874-8.

Hopton, J. (1997) Daily life in a 20th century psychiatric hospital - an oral history of Prestwich Hospital. International History Of Nursing Journal. 3, 2 (Spring 1997) 27-39. ISSN 1360-1105/ISBN 1 873853 54 8.

Hopton, J. (1996) Re-conceptualising the theory-practice gap in mental health nursing. Nurse Education Today. 16, 3, 227-32.

Hopton, J. and Glenister, D. (1996) Working In Partnership: Vision Or Pipedream. Critical Social Policy. 47, 111-9.

Hopton, J. (1995) The application of the ideas of Frantz Fanon to the practice of mental health nursing. Journal Of Advanced Nursing. 21, 4, 723-8.

Hopton, J. (1995) Control and restraint in contemporary psychiatric nursing: some ethical considerations. Journal Of Advanced Nursing. 22, 1, 110-5.

Hopton, J. (1995) The political correctness debate and caring in psychiatric nursing. Nurse Education Today. 15, 5, 341-5.

Hopton, J. (1994) User involvement in the education of mental health nurses: an evaluation of possibilities. Critical Social Policy. 42, 47-60.

Jacinta Kelly

Kelly, J. (2010) Guest Editorial: What did Florence Nightingale ever do for clinical nursing? Journal of Clinical Nursing. 1, 301.

Kelly, J. (2010) Guest Editorial: Is a 'mini' dress code only skirting around the issue? Journal of Clinical Nursing. 1, 301.

Kelly, J. and Simmons, J. (2010) ‘Integumentary System’. In I. Coyne, F. Neill and F. Timmins (eds). Clinical Skills in Children’s Nursing 1st Edition (London, Oxford Press 423 – 456).

Kelly, J. and Evans, L. (2010) The burning issue of injury in Ireland: Part 1. British Journal of Nursing. 19, 6, 374 – 8.

Kelly, J. (2008) Nurses' and doctors' perspectives of slow codes. Nursing Ethics An International Journal for Healthcare Professionals. 15, 1, 110 – 20.

Kelly, J. and Timmins, F. (2008) Spiritual Assessment in Intensive and Cardiac Care. Nursing in Critical Care. 13, 3, 124 – 31.

Kelly, J. (2007) Caring for patients with cocaine associated chest pain. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 2, 8, 384 – 91.

Kelly, J. (2007) Decision making regarding slow cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a literature review. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 16, 11, 1989 – 96.

Kelly, J. (2007) Mending broken hearts: acute stress cardiomyopathy. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 2, 10, 525 – 31.

Kelly, J. (2006) An overview of conflict. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 24, 3, 292 – 9.

Kelly, J. (2004) Evidence based care of a patient with a myocardial infarction. British Journal of Nursing. 13, 1, 12 – 18.

Kelly, J. (2004) Spirituality as a coping mechanism. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 23, 4, 162 – 8.

Kelly, J. (2004) Accountability and recent developments in nursing. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing. 23, 1, 31 – 7.

Appendix B


Janette Allotey

2009: Allotey, J.C. Invited to be rapporteur for the key note lecture by Professor Elaine Hobby at the History of Nursing and Midwifery Colloquium held at Open University, Milton Keynes.

2009: Allotey, J.C. Use of visual arts to convey understanding of the process of childbirth from the fifteenth century onwards’. Invited lecture at Kings College London (expenses and honorarum).

2007: Allotey, J.C. Recorded commentary for a display of a baby labelling identikit, circa 1925, Medicine Man Exhibition, The Wellcome Trust, June (expenses and fee).

2005: Allotey, J.C. Invited to conduct a workshop on the history of symphysiotomy (expenses paid). University of Glasgow, Centre for the History of Medicine, June.

Jane Brooks

2010: Brooks, J. Well trained women health visitors. International Women’s Day: Pioneering Women. The University of Manchester, March.

2007: Brooks, J. The divine cause of eugenics. UK Centre for the History of Nursing and Midwifery Research Colloquium, Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation, Hull, March.

2006: Brooks, J. Degrees of ambivalence: The attitudes of the nursing profession to university education, 1899-1958. UK Centre for the History of Nursing and Midwifery Research Colloquium, University of Manchester, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work, March.

Hannah Cooke

2008: Cooke, H. Blame, Responsibility and Nursing. Invited Seminar ,British Sociological Association Medical Socology Group, University of Wales, Cardiff, July 2008.

2008: Cooke, H. Audit Culture and Nursing. Invited Conference paper Socialist Health Association , Manchester, May 2008.

2008: Cooke, H. What is missing from Darzi? Nursing and Team Leadership. Invited Conference paper, Socialist Health Association, Leeds, March 2008.

2007: Cooke, H. Patterns of blame and responsibility in nursing: discipline and the unpopular nurse. Invited Master-class, University of Salford, December 2007.

2001: Cooke, H. Changing Nursing Culture, Learning from our mistakes: Clinical governance and the Bristol Royal Infirmary Enquiry. Conference sponsored by the NHS Consultants Association, Bristol, October 2001.

2001: Cooke, H. A critical reflection on empowering and patient centred approaches to quality assurance. Centro di Ricerca e Documentazione Febbraio ’74 (CERFE) Conference ‘Promoting Quality in a Globalised World’, Cuneo, Italy, May 2001.

1999: Cooke, H. Empowerment and Accountability. ‘Apologies for Capitalism’ Conference, Department of Politics, Huddersfield University, September 1999.

Christine Hallett

2010: Hallett, C.E. ‘The work of the First World War nurse’. Keynote presentation at a national event to celebrate ‘Nurses’ Day’, to be held jointly by The University of Central Queensland and The University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia, 12th May.

2010: Hallett, C.E. (forthcoming) ‘Celebrating Nurses’: Day Conference and book-signing in Brisbane, organised by AusMed, 24th May.

2009: Hallett, C.E. ‘Death and the Maiden: purity and self-sacrifice in the image of the First World War nurse’. Invited Seminar, The Barbara Bates Center for the Study of the History of Nursing, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 3rd December.

2009: Hallett, C.E. ‘Containing Trauma: Nursing Work in the First World War’. Keynote presentation, International Conference on the History of Nursing, The University of Tromso, Norway, 8th July.

2009: Hallett, C.E. ‘The significance of nursing work during the First World War’. Keynote presentation at the launch of the English Honour Society of Nursing, The University of Bournemouth, 11th November.

2009: Hallett, C.E. ’Containing Trauma: Nursing Work in the First World War'. Public lecture, The Thackray Museum, Leeds, UK, 19th September.

2009: Hallett, C.E. ‘The work of the First World War nurse’. Public lecture, The Nurses’ Association of the Manchester Royal Infirmary, 25th April.

2009: Hallett, C.E. ‘The life and career of Jean McFarlane’. Invited presentation given as part of a Keynote event: ‘Witness Panel on the RCN Study of Nursing Care Project’, at the Royal College of Nursing National Research Conference, Cardiff, 27th March.

2008: Hallett, C.E. Participation, by invitation, in discussion at the Conference of the Fundacion Index, Granada, Spain, Cabra de Santo Cristo, Spain, 14th July.

2008: Hallett, C.E. ‘”Reviving the cold dead”: nurses and the treatment of physiological shock during the First World War’. Invited seminar, The Centre for the History of Medicine, The University of Birmingham, 13th November.

2008: Hallett, C.E. ‘Panel discussion: Biographer, Mark Bostridge, Nursing History Expert, Christine Hallett, and President of the Royal College of Nursing, Maura Buchanan debate Florence Nightingale’s contribution to the development of nursing’. The Times Cheltenham Literature Festival, 10th October.

2008: Hallett, C.E. ‘Front Line Nursing: Work with Trauma Patients in the First World War’. The Monica Baly Lecture, The Royal College of Nursing Congress, Bournemouth Conference Centre, 28th April.

2008: Hallett, C.E. Concluding presentation. The History of Nursing Colloquium, The Centre for the History of Medicine, The University of Birmingham, 11th April.

2008: Hallett, C.E. ‘Russian Romances: Emotionalism and Spirituality in the Writings of “Eastern Front” Nurses, 1914-1918’. Invited seminar, The Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, The University of Glasgow, 28th February.

2007: Hallett, C.E. ‘From “experimental programmes” to mass higher education: the revolution in nursing education in the UK’. Guest lecture to the inaugural celebration for the launch of the first pre-registration degree in nursing, The Catholic University of Freiburg, Germany, 23rd November.

2007: Hallett, C.E. ‘First World War nurses as witnesses to trauma’. Invited seminar, The Centre for Nursing Historical Inquiry, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, 23rd July.

2007: Hallett, C.E. ‘Russian Romances: Emotionalism and spirituality in the writings of “Eastern Front” nurses, 1914-1918’. Invited seminar, University College, Dublin, 11th October.

2007: Hallett, C.E. Concluding presentation. The History of Nursing Colloquium, The WISE Institute, the University of Hull, 23rd March.

2007: Hallett, C.E. ‘Portrayals of suffering: the trauma writings of First World War nurses’. Workshop of the Centre for the Study of the Two World Wars, Department of History, The University of Edinburgh, 29th March.

2007: Hallett, C.E. ‘The nurse’s role in health promotion: a brief history’. The Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Institute of Health Promotion and Education, The Mandec Conference Centre, The University of Manchester, 10th May.

2007: Hallett, C.E. ‘A study of the trauma writings of First World War nurses’. Invited paper, Day Conference on ‘Women’s Writing in the Past’, Women’s History Scotland, The University of Stirling, 13th October.

2006: Hallett, C.E. ‘Fraser Brockington and the quiet revolution in nursing education, 1959-1979’. Paper given by invitation to the Robert Bosch Conference on the History of Nursing, Stuttgart, Germany, 27th September.

2006: D’Antonio, P., Fairman, J., Keeling, A., Hallett, C.E., Stuart, M. and Fealy, G. Round table presentation and discussion on the role of research centres in promoting the discipline of Nursing History worldwide. Paper given by invitation to The American Association for the History of Nursing, The Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA, 29th September.

2006: Hallett, C.E. ‘Occupational Health Nursing in the Lancashire Cotton Industry’. Seminar given by invitation to the School of Health Sciences, The University of Swansea, 22nd February.

2006: Hallett, C.E. ‘The invisibility of care giving in the reconstructive process: nursing and rehabilitation in the Great War’. Paper given by invitation to the Conference on ‘War, Welfare, and Reconstruction’, University of the West of England. 7th April.

2006: Hallett, C.E. ‘”Nurses’ germs” in the 1990s: a study of fatalism in infection control’. Paper given by invitation to a ‘Conference on Iatrogenesis’, organised by the Centre for The History of Science, Technology and Medicine, The University of Manchester, 19th May.

2006: Hallett, C.E. ‘Great War Nurse’. Seminar given by invitation to the Senior Common Room of Ashburne Hall, The University of Manchester. 29th November.

2005: Hallett, C.E. ‘Research in the History of Nursing and Midwifery’. The Centre for the History of Nursing, The University of Ottawa, 5th June.

2005: Hallett, C.E. ‘Nursing work in the Great War’, ‘Town, Gown, Crown’. Public lecture, The Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, 30th August.

2005: Hallett, C.E. ‘Occupational Health Nursing in the Lancashire Cotton Mills, 1920-1970’. Paper given by invitation to the Royal College of Nursing, History of Nursing Society, RCN Headquarters, London, 3rd March.

2004: Hallett, C.E. ‘The welfare officers of the Lancashire cotton industry, 1920-1970’. Paper given by invitation to the Centre for the Study of the History of Nursing, The University of Pennsylvania, USA, 23rd April.

2004: Hallett, C.E. ‘The invisibility of nursing work: occupational health nursing in the cotton mills of North West England, 1920-1970’. Keynote speech, The Australian Historical Society Conference, Newcastle, NSW, Australia, 8th July.

2004: Hallett, C.E. ‘Myth, Memory and the Great War Nurse’. Paper given by invitation to the First Annual Conference of the History of Nursing Society of the Royal College of Nursing, RCN Headquarters, London, 16th November.

2003: Hallett, C.E. A one-day workshop on historical research methods. Workshop given by invitation to the School of Nursing, The University of Central Queensland, Bundaberg, Australia, 6th February.

2003: Hallett, C.E. Poster presentation on the’ History of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting at the University of Manchester’. School-hosted reception, held at the Manchester Municipal Art Gallery, as part of the Royal College of Nursing International Research Conference, Manchester, March.

2003: Hallett, C.E. ‘Nursing Education and Research at the University of Manchester, 1959-2003’. Paper given as part of the Bachelor of Nursing Alumni celebration at the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, The University of Manchester, 24th September.

2003: Hallett, C.E. ‘The standing of the History of Nursing within the nursing curriculum’. Paper given by invitation to the Round Table on the History of Nursing, The Centre for Social and Cultural History, The University of Essex, 10th December.

2003: Hallett, C.E. ‘The History of the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting at the University of Manchester’. Paper given as part of the Thirtieth Anniversary Celebration for the School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting, The University of Manchester, 15th December.

2002: Hallett, C.E. ‘Conflict between midwives and physicians in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries’. Plenary paper given by invitation to the Conference on the History of Childbirth at the University of Sheffield, 11th October.

Val Harrington

2010: Harrington, V. ‘ Learning about mental health services through local histories: lessons from the Manchester region, UK’ Paper given by invitation at the Eighth Bergen Workshop on the History of Health and Medicine. University of Bergen, 5th March.

2009: Harrington, V. ‘ Between asylum and community: the DGH psychiatric nurse, Withington Hospital. 1971-91’ Paper given by invitation at the History of Nursing Workshop, Centre for Medical History, University of Exeter, 3rd July

John Hopton

2009: Hopton, J. (with Beresford, P. and Quinlan, N.) ‘Can traditional mental health services be part of a wellbeing approach?’ Plenary Presentation given at Brighton Racecourse, 27th November.

Aya Homei

2010: ‘Reaching out for Multiple Views: An examination of the history around Japanese family planning’. Annual Meeting of the Council on East Asian Libraries, Marriott Hotel, Philadelphia, 24 March.

2009: ‘Cosmopolitanism and “International Health” in East Asia: Japanese Family Planning Initiatives in Taiwan during the 1970s’. Conference ‘Cosmopolitanism and Cultural Flows in East Asia’, University of Manchester, 21-22 May.

2009: ‘The Contentious Death of Mr Kuboyama: Radiation sickness and medical research in cold-war Japan’. Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford, 8 May.

2009: ‘The Contentious Death of Mr Kuboyama: Radiation sickness and medical research in cold-war Japan’. Asian Studies Centre Seminar Series, University of Cambridge, 27 April.

2009: ‘“Old” and “New” Midwives and Japan’s Medical Modernity’. Chaucer College, Shumei University, 7 January.

2008: ‘Midwives and Health in Japan’s Hygienic Modernity’. Japan Research Centre, School of Oriental and African Studies, 19 November.

2008: ‘Bombs, Suffering and Doctors in Cold-War Japan’. Brown-Bag Seminar Series, Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge, 11 November.

2008: ‘The Sanba Tebikiso and Reforming Midwives in Meiji Japan’. Text Reading Seminar, Needham Research Institute, University of Cambridge, 31 October.

2007: ‘Infection from the H-Bomb: Debate over Radiation Sickness and US-Japan Relationship’. Lunchtime Seminar, Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester, 20 March.

2007: ‘Bikini jiken no kansenshō: hōshanōshō wo meguru giron tono kanren yori [An Infectious Disease from the Bikini Incident: Debates around Radiation Sickness]’. Tuesday Seminar Series, Graduate School of Decision Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, 20 February.

2007: ‘Midwives and Hospitals in Japan: An Ambivalent Relationship’. Workshop (The International Study of Hospitals in the Twentieth-Century), Hitotsubashi University, Japan, Tokyo, 26-27 January.

2006: ‘The Bikini Incident, H-bomb Research and the Rise of New Medicine in Japan’. History of Modern Medicine and Biology Seminar Series, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge, 28 November.

2006: ‘Women at Work: Midwives, Advertisements and the Economics of Childbirth in 1920s Japan’. Seminar Series by the East Asian Research Society, University of Leeds, 20 March.

2002: ‘Medical Midwives in the Field: State, Midwives and “Clients” in Japan, 1868-1910s’. Workshop Series at the Centre for the History of Medicine, University of Glasgow, 5 December.

2001: ‘The Nationalization and the Professionalization of Midwives in Modern Japan.’ PhD Kenkyukai Seminar, International House in Tokyo, 18 August.