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Code Of conduct


            This Code of Conduct is a set of behavioral expectations intended to assure the public that the Board of Nursing and its individual members uphold the highest level of integrity and ethical standards.  Board members and staff will conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of the process and all participants, including board members, staff, licensees and the public during conferences, hearings, and general meetings.  

            The mission of the Board of Nursing is to ensure safe and competent practice of nursing to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the Commonwealth.

The following guidelines and protocol provide the foundation for assuring the public trust in professional regulation:

1.      The Board of Nursing shall fulfill the oath taken to uphold and familiarize themselves with the laws of the State of Virginia, rules, Board of Nursing regulations, policies, guidance documents and procedures of nursing for the protection of the public that govern their service.

2.      Being a member of the Board of Nursing is a privilege to serve the public.

3.      The Board of Nursing shall provide an annual continuing education session support the ongoing effective and efficient work of the Board.

4.      Board members shall disclose any actual or perceived conflict of interest and recuse themselves from those decisions, if deemed appropriate.

5.      Board members shall strive to avoid any relationships, activity or position that may influence, directly or indirectly, the performance of his or her official duties as a board member.

6.      Board members shall communicate to Board staff through the Executive Director; staff members communicate to the Board members through the President of the Board.

7.      Board of Nursing members shall conduct themselves with the following guidelines and protocol while in official capacity as a member of the Board:

a.      Members shall be on time for all sessions, preferably be present ten minutes before the opening session or meeting;
b.      Members shall ensure that their demeanor and body language remains professional and respectful at all times;
c.      Members shall signal for recess by a red card or correspond with the President for any additional concerns;
d.      All electronic equipment will be off, including those on vibrate mode.   The public will be advised to do the same;
e.      Members shall inspect all mailed materials against agenda and inform
the chair prior to the opening of the session of any concerns;
f.       Members shall address respondent, board, staff and public by their last name and/or title and stay focused during the hearings or meetings in a fair, equitable, impartial and just manner.
g.      Members shall refrain from speeches during hearings and avoid repeating questions, unless a clear answer was not given;
h.      Members shall accept responsibility, accountability and resolution with respect and support for the decisions made by the Board;
i.        Members shall maintain confidentiality of all confidential documents, information and general Board matters;
j.        Members shall not speak or act for the Board of Nursing without authorization;
k.      Members shall not confer with licensee and/or legal counsel even if members know them personally.