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patient relationship with health officer by islamic law


I. Islamic view on Health

Islam is concerned about the health, both physical and mental health, and environmental health. This can be ketemukan in the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet, which is the source of Islamic law and a rule of life (way of life) for all Muslims.

The teachings of Islam with regard to health can be divided into three kinds, namely:

A. Prohibits actions that could endanger the health of themselves and / or others / society (preventive), among others:

1. Prohibition (illicit) sexual relations between men and women outside of marriage (fornication / prostitution), because it could lead to venereal disease and AIDS. Note Qur'an Surat Al-Isra 'verse 32Dan not nigh to fornication; fact that adultery was a heinous act. and an evil way.

2. Prohibition (haram) to homosexuals, because it can lead to AIDS anyway. Note Qur'an Surat Al A'raf verses 80-81

 (80) And (We also sent) Lut (his people). (Remember) when He said to them: "Why are you doing that faahisyah action [551], which has never been done by anyone (in this world) committed before you?" (81) Indeed you went to him to release the passions (to them), not to the woman, even you are a people who exceed the limits.

[551] He is the act faahisyah here: homosexuals as described in paragraph 81 below.

3. Prohibition of sexual intercourse with his wife in a state of menstruation, menstrual blood because it contains bacteria (microbes) that can harm our health is concerned. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqoroh paragraph 232

If you mentalak wives and iddahnya expires, so do not be (the trustees) prevents them from going to marry again with her husband [146], where there has been a willingness among them in a way that ma'ruf. That is advised to those among you who believe in Allah and the Last Day. it's better for you and more holy. Allah knows, while you do not know.

[146] Married again with ex-husband or the other man.

4. Ban marriages between men and women who are closely related by blood / lineage, because it can cause disability offspring physical and / or mental health. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqoroh paragraph 23

And if you (still) in doubt about the Quran which We have revealed to Our servant (Muhammad), make [31] of the letter (only) such as the Koran and ask the helper-helpers besides Allah, if ye are truthful .

[31] This verse is a challenge for those who are dubious about the truth of the Quran can not be replicated even by exerting all literary and linguistic experts because it is the miracle of Prophet Muhammad

5. Prohibition of eating carrion, blood, pork, animals slaughtered to be served to idols, drinking, marijuana, narcotics, etc., and eat drink beyond the limit. For all that can damage physical health, spiritual, and faith. Note Qur'an Surat Al Maida verse 3 and 90, and Surat Al A'raf verse 30

Forbidden to you (take) carrion, blood [394], pork (meat animals) are slaughtered in the name of other than Allah, who choked, hit, a fall, gored and killed the beast, except that you could kill [395 ], and (forbidden) to be slaughtered for idols. and (also forbidden) gambled the fate of the arrow [396], (raffle luck with the arrow) is wickedness. on this day [397] disbelievers have been desperate to (beat) your religion, so do not fear them, and fear Me. this day have I perfected for you your religion, and I'd had both ends My favor unto you, and I'd had it so ridhai Islam religion for you. If anyone had [398] starvation accidentally sin, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.

[394] He is: the blood out of the body, as mentioned in Sura An-aam paragraph 145.

[395] The point was he: animals strangled, battered, falling, a torn headlong and wild animals are slaughtered halal if it was before he died.

[396] Al Azlaam means: arrows not wear fur. Ignorance Arabs use the arrows do not wear fur to determine whether they will perform an action or not. How was he: they took three darts not wear fur. after each Namely written by: do it, do not do, while the third is not written anything, put in a place and kept in the Kaaba. if they want to do something, so they requested that the temple caretaker took a dart. Whatever you later Whether they will do or not do something, according to the paper dart taken it. if the arrows drawn no writing, then toss again repeated.

[397] He is defined as the day: the time, ie: during the Farewell Pilgrimage, the last Hajj performed by the Prophet Muhammad

[398] That is: are allowed to eat foods that are forbidden by this paragraph if forced.

O ye who believe, Truly (drinking) alcohol, gambling, (sacrificing to) idols, raffle luck with arrows [434], is included deeds devil. So stay away from those deeds that ye may prosper.

[434] Al Azlaam means: arrows not wear fur. Ignorance Arabs use the arrows do not wear fur to determine whether they will perform an action or not. How was he: they took three darts not wear fur. after each Namely written by: do it, do not do, while the third is not written anything, put in a place and kept in the Kaaba. if they want to do something, so they requested that the temple caretaker took a dart. Whatever you later Whether they will do or not do something, according to the paper dart taken it. if the arrows drawn no writing, then toss again repeated.

His partly given and partly further guidance has certainly heresy for them. Indeed, they make the devil-devil protector (them) other than Allah, and they think they got the hint.

6. Prohibition urinating, defecating, and dispose of all kinds of dirt or plant waste in rivers, streets, and places for public / shelter, in order to avoid environmental pollution can cause a variety of diseases. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqarah verse 11, verse 41 Ar Rum and hadiths of the Prophet.

 And when it is said unto them: "Do not make mischief on the earth [24]". They said: "Verily, We Hold those improvements."

[24] The damage they do on earth does not mean the destruction of objects, but rather incite unbelievers for enemies and against Muslims.

Have seen the damage on land and sea because of actions manusi hand, God supay feel to them partly from (due to) their actions, so that they come back (to the right).

B. Telling (mandatory) or suggest (sunnah) that have a positive impact, ie, prevent disease and refresh / healthy body and mind, such as:

1. Command (obligatory) prayers berwudlu for each work with a clean face, ears, nose (sucking water), mouth (brushing teeth and rinsing), hands and feet at least 5 times a day. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqarah verse 83 and hadiths Prophet

And (remember) when We took a promise from the Children of Israel (ie): do you worship besides Allah, and do kebaikanlah to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, and the poor, and say good words to man, steadfast in prayer, and fulfill zakat. then you do not fulfill that promise, but partly smaller than you, and you are always turning.

2. Command prayer 5 times a day with gymnastics movements. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqarah verse 43, Al Isra 'verse 78 and verse Hud 115

establish prayer, pay the zakat and ruku'lah with people bowing [44].

[44] The term was he: prayer in congregation, and can also be interpreted: submit to God's commands together people who are submissive.

Establish regular prayers from when the sun until the dark of the night and slipping (also steadfast in prayers) at dawn [865]. Indeed dawn prayer is witnessed (by the angels).

[865] This verse describes the times of prayer were five. sun slipping to perform the noon prayer and Asr time, dark night for a sunset and Isha.

And be patient, for surely Allah not waste the reward of those who do good.

3. Command fasting for a month every year in the month Ramadlon for physical and spiritual health. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqarah verse 183

O ye who believe, fasting is obligatory upon you as required above those before you, that ye righteous,

4. Recommendation (sunnah) prayers midnight (tahajud) to draw closer to God and relieve stress which is the source of disease. Note Qur'an Surat Al-Isra 'verse 79

And at night praying partly tahajudlah you as an additional worship thee; Hopefully Lord will raise you to a Praiseworthy.

5. Prompts cover food and drink, especially at night. Note the Hadith of the Prophet

6. Prompts exercise, such as walking, jogging / running, swimming, archery, and horse racing. Note the Hadith of the Prophet.

C. Telling (required) sick people seeking treatment to treat the disease, as the words of the Prophet Muhammad.

تداووا عبادالله فإن الله تعالى لم يضع داء الا وضع له دواء غير داء واحد الهرم.

Berobatlah you, O servants of Allah! Because God does not make the disease but also makes the drug, in addition to the disease, is the old hospital. (Hdits Reported by Ahmad, Ibn Hibban and Al-Hakim)

According to Islam, the Islamic doctrine that performing health category A and B above, it is a preventive precedence over / take precedence over the range of C that are curative. Because other than people not suffering, it is also usually much cheaper.


II. The relationship between the Patient Health Officer

Islam greatly appreciate health task, because this task is very noble humanitarian task, for helping fellow human beings who are suffering. And according to Islam, the relationship between health care workers to patients is as a service vendor relationships with service users, because the patient can utilize the knowledge, skills, expertise, health care, while health workers earn a reward for his profession in the form of salary or honorarium. And there was a ijara agreement between the two sides, is a contract in which one party use of goods, energy, thought, skill, and expertise of the other party / by giving rewards. And as a result of the relationship between the patient's health arises rights and obligations on both sides. And in accordance with the principles of legal justice was guarded by Islam, then the rights and obligations of both parties must be balanced in accordance with their respective position. The greater the responsibility, the greater the rights and obligations as well as rights and obligations between husband and wife, where the husband's responsibility is greater than the wife's responsibility, it is logical and fair that the rights and obligations of the husband more than the rights and obligations of the wife . Similarly, the rights and obligations of health workers more than the rights and responsibilities of patients, because the responsibility is very great health, mind and body is patient safety. Note Qur'an Surat Al Baqarah verse 238 and An Nisa 'verse 34 of the position, rights and status of husband and wife;

Keep all prayer (mu), and (guard) prayer wusthaa [152]. Stand for God (the prayers) with humility.

[152] wusthaa Prayer is the prayer in the middle and the most important. there are those who say that the meaning is wusthaa Asr prayer. according to most experts hadith, this verse emphasizes that all prayer is done with the best.

The man is the leader for women, because Allah has favored partly their (male) partly on the other (female), and because they (men) have spend of their property. So therefore virtuous woman, who is obedient to God again maintain themselves [289] when her husband was not there, because God has kept (them) [290]. women whom you fear disobedience [291], then admonish them and send them to their beds, and beat them. then if they mentaatimu, so do not be looking for the way to distressing [292]. Allah is ever High Exalted, Great.

[289] That is: not applicable cheating and maintain her husband's secrets and treasures.

[290] That is: Allah has made obligatory upon the husband to his wife mix well.

[291] nushuz: It is the obligation of a husband to leave his wife. nushuz of the wives like leaving the house without her husband's permission.

[292] That is: to give the wife who feared peljaran defiance must first be given advice, if the advice is not useful then separated from their beds, useful if not also then allowed to hit them with a punch that does not leave a mark. when the first had no good way do not run the other way, and so on.

Below are a few illustrations of the rights and obligations among health care workers to patients, between Laing:

A. Rights and Obligations of Health Personnel

1. Obligations

    Carry out duties in accordance with the oath of office
    Providing good service (conscientious, friendly, communicative, and non-discriminatory) of patients
    Setting the rates affordable to all segments of society, seek cheaper treatment is still quite effective, especially for patients who are socially weak economy. It is therefore prudent that the government has required all doctors prescribing generic drugs
     Seek relief from the cost of care and treatment for patients who really do not / less able
    Responsible for the death / suffering and loss of patients who actually caused by the fault or negligence of health workers
    Protecting patients from other religious propaganda target
    Delivering the message / probate patients who died to family / heirs who did not accompany the death
    Burial seek help as soon as possible, either unidentified or maintained by his family
    Refuse service requests that conflict with religious teachings. For example: abortion, menstrual regulation (MR), or euthanasia, either by giving injectable drugs or drinks can accelerate the death of the patient, or by not providing the necessary medicines for the health of patients, despite the insistence of the patient himself.

2. Rights

      Get rewards in the form of salaries, honoraria and other appropriate according to the service provided to patients
      Getting a proper appreciation of the government and people for their dedication and scientific discoveries in the field of health / medical
    Getting professional legal protection
    Protecting patients from outside threats to the safety of his soul and faith / religion
      Rejecting health care as opposed to religion.


B. Patient Rights and Responsibilities

1. Obligations

    Pay consultation fees, treatment, according to the official rate set
    Trust and obey all orders, advice and regulations given by health workers, as long as not contrary to the teachings of Islam
    Explain exactly what happened to him, what he suffered and what it means.

2. Rights

    Getting good service / human from health
      Protection from external threats to the safety of life and faith / religion
    Demanding health responsibility for the calamity that has befallen him, when the accident occurred due to fault or negligence of health workers
    Rejecting health services that are contrary to the teachings of Islam.