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nursing care ablatio retina

Retinal detachment is movement of the transparent sensory retina from the outer pigmented layer of the retina. In other words, moving away from the retina of the outer wall of the eyeball.

Signs and symptoms of Retina ablatio

1.Photopsia, Flashes, the emergence of a very bright light in the visible range of the visual field.
2.Bintik black appear in the folds of the range of the field of view (float)
3.Terlihat dark in the range of visual field
4.Not no pain or headache

Patofisologi Ablatio Retina
Ablatio on the retina from the vitreous fluid can enter and subretinal space subsequently mixed with subretinal fluid. Ablatio retina can be a way to naturally classify programs according to the mode of formation:

    After the Ablatio Rhegmatogen bone formation or rips in the retina of the eye that penetrates to the sub retina, if the fluid is enough, can cause the retina will detach accumulated
    Therefore dependent ablatio, which occurs when the retina is pushed out of the epithelial layer or graded relationship Claus fibrous tissue in the body or glass or fibrous tissue connections in the glass body.
    Ablatio exudative, caused due to the buildup of fluid in the retina caused the accumulation of inflammatory processes, if the situation remains fluid gathering, one layer will detach the sensory layer will be separated from the pigment epithelium layer.

Investigations on Ablatio Retina
1.Pemeriksaan visual acuity
Direct 2.Ophtalmoskop
3.USG eye
4.Visi mix

Retina Therapy Management Ablatio

In Ablatio action procedure in alkukan Retina surgery by scleral bucking where the intention here is binding retina detached again.
a. Management of patients before surgery
1.memberikan terhdap patient care so as not to worry.
2.memberikan attention to the patient to reduce the activity of
3.Cuci patient's face with an antibacterial solution.
4.Anjurkan patient not to touch your eyes to avoid contamination.
6.Mengadministrasikan medications for pain, nausea, vomiting, and as directed.
7.Menutup eye with an eye patch for eye movement mencengah

b. Management of patients after surgery

1.Istirahtakan patients (total bad repo) at least 24 hours in prime.
2.Pengukuran vital signs Premium All times in 24 hours.
3.Evaluasi blindfold
4.Using all ADL needs
5.Adakan medical procedures and treatments

N Patient care Keperawata With Retina Ablatio

a. Subjective data

1.Pasien complained, suddenly I saw a flash of bright spots and dark space view apada fly in a view.
2.Pasien complained of seeing the curtain covering the visual field (the view).
3.Pasien fear and anxiety gets there immediately thought of the loss of visual function / vision as well as sudden.

b. Objective Data
Examination in alkuakan with a handheld tool that can bring indirect ophtalmoskop gamabaran or gray bubbles and creases form on the retina that move and vibrate.

1.Pasien will have limited activity
2.Mata patients covered by Gaas
3.Pasien given drops midryatil
4.For visual acuity: OD 1/4 s 2/60
5.Wajah patient looked tense and worried

Retina nursing diagnosis found in patients ablatio

1.Perubahan sensory perception of sight
3.Kurang self-care related

Post Operative

• Acute Pain
• Will experience many will have little risk of infection
• care for self Kuaranganya sendir