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Nurses Role & Functions

Nurses Role & Functions

The role of nurses is expected behavior by others on a person according to his position and systems, which can be influenced by social circumstances of both the nursing profession and outside the nursing profession which is constant.

1. NURSING CARE PROVIDERSAs a provider of nursing care, the nurse helps clients regain their health through the healing process. Nursing care focuses on the needs of clients in holistic health, including efforts to restore emotional health, spiritual and social. Caregiver provides assistance to clients and client families using minimal energy and time. In addition, in its role as provider of nursing care, nurses provide care to pay attention to the state of basic human needs through the provision of nursing care using the nursing process so it can be determined nursing diagnosis to be planned and carried out actions appropriate to the level of basic human needs, then be evaluated for their development. Providing nursing care made from simple to complex.2. CLINICAL DECISION MAKERS
Making decisions is a core clinical nursing practice. To provide effective care, nurses use critical thinking skills through the nursing process. Before taking action nursing, both in the client's condition assessment, care delivery, and evaluate the results, the nurse draw up an action plan to establish the best approach for clients. Nurses make decisions on their own or in collaboration with clients and families. In any situation like this, the nurses work together, and in consultation with health care professionals deliverance other ri (Keeling and Ramos, 1995).3. CLIENT PROTECTION AND ADVOCATES
As a patron, nurses help maintain a safe environment for clients and take measures to prevent accidents and to protect clients from possible adverse effects of a diagnostic or treatment measures. Examples of the nurse's role as protector is to ensure that the client does not have an allergy to the drug and pay a visit immunizing disease in the community.While the role of the nurse as advocate, nurse protects the client as a human rights and law, as well as assist clients in claiming their rights as needed.
4. CASE MANAGERIn his role as a case manager, a nurse to coordinate the activity of other health team members, such as nutritionists and physical therapists, when set group providing care to the client. Growing practice model gives nurses the opportunity to make a choice career path you want taken. With a variety of workplaces, nurses can choose between the role of nursing care manager or as an associate nurse managers who implement decisions (Manthey, 1990). As managers, nurses coordinate and delegate responsibilities to oversee health care and more.5. Rehabilitator
Rehabilitation is the process by which individuals return to the maximum level of function after an illness, accident, or other event giving rise to helplessness. Often, clients experience physical and emotional changes their lives. Here, the nurse acts as a rehabilitator to help clients adapt to the situation as possible.6. ITS COMFORT
Caring for the client as a human being, because the nursing care should be directed at the whole person rather than just physical, it provides comfort and emotional support often gives strength to the client as an individual with unique feelings and needs. In giving comfort, the nurse should assist clients to achieve the therapeutic goal is not to meet emotional and physical dependence.7. COMMUNICATORS
Nursing includes communications with clients and families, among fellow nurses and other health professionals, and community resource information. In providing effective care and make decisions with the client and the family could not have been done without clear communication. Communication quality is the decisive factor in meeting the needs of individuals, families and communities.8. Instructor
As a counselor, nurse explains to the client concepts and data about health, demonstrate procedures such as self-care activities, to assess whether the client understands the things described and evaluated the progress in learning. Nurses use teaching methods appropriate to the abilities and needs of the client and involve other sources such as family in a planned teaching.

9. CollaboratorThe role of nurses here do as a nurse working with the health care team consisting of physicians, physiotherapists, nutritionists and others to try to identify the necessary nursing services including discussion or exchange of opinion in determining the form of the next service.10. Educators
This role is performed by assisting clients in raising the level of knowledge of health, disease symptoms even a given action, resulting in perubahab behavior of clients after health education.11. CONSULTANTThe role here is as a consultation on the issue or the appropriate nursing actions for granted. This role is carried out at the request of the client tehadap information about the purpose of nursing care rendered.12. Reformer
Role as a reformer can be done by holding planning, cooperation, and purposeful, systematic changes in accordance with the method of delivery of nursing services.

Function nurseThe definition of the function itself is a work carried out in accordance with the role. Functions can be adjusted to change the existing situation. in carrying out its role, the nurse will perform a variety of functions including:
1. Independent FunctionsIs a function independent and not depend on others, where the nurses in performing their own duties performed by its own decisions in taking action in order to meet basic human needs such as physiological needs (fulfilling the needs of oxygenation, fluid and electrolyte needs, nutritional needs, fulfillment needs and other activities), fulfilling the needs and comfort, love love needs, esteem needs and self-actualization.
2. Function Dependent
Is a function of the nurses in performing activities or instruction messages from other nurses. So as an act of delegation of tasks given. It is usually silakukan by specialist nurses to general nurses, or primary nurse to nurse practitioner.

3. Interdependent functions
This function is carried out in a group of teams that are interdependent among each other. This function can occur if the service takes the form of teamwork in the delivery of services as in providing nursing care to patients who have complex diseases. This situation can not be resolved by a team of nurses alone but also from doctors or others, such as doctors in providing treatment measures in collaboration with nurses in reaction monitoring onat given.
Definition of Nursing
After browsing the Internet I finally found a definition of nursing:1. Nursing is a job that aims to maintain / care for the sick or weak to the profession is a nurse ( Nursing is a profession that focuses on keeping, maintaining and restoring optimum health of individuals, families and communities ( The nurse is a health professional aims to treat, maintain safety, and heal the sick or injured either acute or chronic, health care planning and conduct emergency care within the framework of health care in a broad sense ( Nursing is an applied science that has a unique knowledge base using the basic principles of physical, biological and human behavioral sciences ( / department_nursing / philosophy.htm).5. Nursing is the protection, promotion and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, reduction of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment which is based on human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations ( Nursing includes independent or collaborative care of individuals, families, groups and communities, sick or healthy either with all the conditions that enveloped him. Nursing consists of health promotion, disease prevention, and treatment of the sick, disabled and dying world. Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in the formulation of health policy for patients and health systems management, and education and ethics of nursing (
Nursing is not just dwell in the hospital, according to the definition above, nursing is divided into several sections:1) Emergency Nursing2) Maternity Nursing (Children and pregnant women)3) Nursing Gerontik (Elderly)4) Medical Surgical Nursing (Surgery and Medicine, etc.)5) Community Nursing (Community)

In the nursing process, there are four stages:1. AssessmentBasically the purpose of the assessment is to collect objective data and the opinion of the client. The data collected includes the client, family, community, environment, or culture. (Mc Farland & mc Farlane, 1997)As for the things that need to be considered during the assessment include:

Understanding the overall situation being faced by the client by looking at the physical, psychological, emotional, sosialkultural, and spiritual yagn can affect health status.
Gather all the information related to the past, present and even even something that could potentially be a problem for the client to create a complete database. Data collected from the nurse-client for interacting and other sources. (Gordon, 1987; 1994)
Understand that the client is the primary source of information.
Secondary sources of information include family members, people who play an important role and the client's health record.
Data collection methods include:

Conducting interviews / interview.
Medical history / nursing
Physical examination
Collecting data supporting the results of laboratory and other diagnostic and health records (medical records).
2. Nursing DiagnosisNursing diagnosis is subjective and objectively analyze data to make nursing diagnoses. Nursing Diagnosis involves a complex process of thinking about the data gathered from the client, family, medical records and other health care providers.The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA, 1992) defines the kind of nursing diagnoses that include clinical decision the client, family, and community response to something yan potential health problems in the process of life.

In making nursing diagnoses needed a good clinical skills, including the formulation of nursing diagnoses and nursing in making a statement.
The process of nursing diagnoses were divided into groups and ensure the accuracy of the diagnostic interpretation of the nursing process itself. Formulation of nursing diagnoses statements have some requirements that have the knowledge to distinguish between something that is actual, risks, and potential nursing diagnoses.
3. InterventionNursing interventions is the prescription for the specific behaviors expected of the patient and / or actions to be performed by a nurse. Intervention to assist patients in achieving the expected results.Nursing interventions should be specific and clearly defined. Qualifying as how, when, where, frequency, and magnitude of the contents of the planned activities. Nursing interventions can be divided into two independent is performed by nurses and collaborative is made by other care givers.4. EvaluationEvaluation refers to the assessment, stages, and repair. At this stage the nurses find the cause of why the nursing process can succeed or fail. (Alfaro-LeFevre, 1994)Nurses found the client's reaction to nursing interventions that have been given and determine what is the target of the plan is the basis of nursing can diterima.Perencanaan to support an evaluation.Reassign new information provided to the client to change or delete a nursing diagnosis, goals, or nursing interventions.Determining the target of an outcome to be achieved is a joint decision between nurses dank lien (Yura & Walsh, 1988)