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History and Development of Nursing in the World

History and Development of Nursing in the World

The history of nursing in the world begins in ancient times (Primitive Culture) to the emergence of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale as coming from the UK.
Keperwatan developments strongly influenced by the structure of the development and progress of human civilization.

The development of nursing beginning in:
1. Age Antiquities (Primitive Culture)
Man was created had the instinct for self-care (reflected in a mother). Expectations at the beginning of the development of nursing is the nurse must have a maternal instinct (Mother Instinc). From his Mother Instic then shifts to the time when people still believed in something of a force mistic that can affect human life. This belief is known as Animism. They believe that sickness is caused by forces of nature / supernatural influences such as rocks, big trees and high mountains.
Then proceed with confidence to the gods of the time in which they assume that the disease is caused due to anger the gods, so that the temples established as a place of worship and ask for healing sick people in the temple. After that, the development of nursing continues to change with the Deaconess & Philantrop, a group of elderly women and widows who assist the pastor in caring for the sick, since it's come further nursing.
2. Age Sites
The development of nursing began to shift towards the spiritual in which someone who is sick may be due to a sin / the curse of God. Care centers are places of worship so that at that time the religious leaders called doctors who treat patients. Nurses are considered as a slave and the only help and work on the orders of religious leaders.
3. Christian era
Nursing initiated during the development of Christianity, which at that time formed Deaconess many women is an organization that aims to mengunjungiorang ill while men are given the task of providing care to bury the dead.
In the reign of Lord-Constantine, he founded Xenodhoecim hospes a shelter or sick people who need help. At this time in Rome Hospital stand the Monastic Hospital.
4. Mid-sixth century AD
In this century of nursing developed in Southwest Asia the Middle East, along with the development of Islam. Islamic influence on the development of nursing can not be separated from the success of the Prophet Muhammad spread Islam.
VII century AD, in the Arabian Peninsula such as rapidly developing science must Sciences, Chemistry, Hygiene and medicine. At this time began to emerge the basic principles of nursing care such as importance of personal hygiene, food hygiene and environment. Well-known figures of the Arab nursing is Rufaidah.
5. The beginning of the sixteenth century
At this time, the structure and orientation of the changing of religion into power, the war, and the exploitation of the colonial spirit. Churches and places of worship were closed, but the place is used by religious orders of caring for the sick. With this change, the negative impact of the reduction in nursing are nurses. In order to fulfill the lack of nurses, a former prostitute who has been converted to work as a nurse. The positive impact of this period, with the crusade, to help victims of war takes many volunteers as a nurse, they consist of orders of religious women who followed her husband to war and soldiers (men) who served as a nurse copies.
Influence crusade against nursing:
a. Became known concept P3K
b. Nurses are needed in the army began causing job opportunities for nurses in social.
There are 3 hospitals play a major role at the time of the development of nursing:
1. Hotel Dieu in Lion
Initially the work done by the former nurse who has repented WTS. Further work is replaced by nurses trained nurses through nursing education in this hospital.
2. Hotel Dieu in Paris
The work done by nurses religious order. After the French Revolution, the religious order was abolished and the work done by nurses free people. Pioneer nurse in this hospital is Genevieve Bouquet.
3. ST. Thomas Hospital (1123 M)
Pioneer nurse in this hospital is Florence Nightingale (1820). At this time the nurse began to believe a lot of people. At War Crimean war, Florence was appointed by the British state to reorganize nursing care in military hospitals in Turkey. It provides an opportunity for Florence for achievement and also improve the status of nurses. Then Florence dubbed as "The Lady of the Lamp".
6. The development of nursing in the UK
Florence returned to England after the Crimean war. In 1840 the UK experienced a major change in which nursing schools began to appear and modern nursing Florence opened the school. Florence educational concepts affect nursing education in the world.
Florence Contribution to the development of nursing a. l:
a. Nutrition is an important part of nursing care.
b. Occupational and recreational therapy for the sick is
c. Hospital Management
d. Developing a nursing education
e. Stand-alone treatment in contrast to the medical profession
f. Continuing education for nurses.
History and Development of Nursing in Indonesia
The history and development of nursing in Indonesia started in the Dutch colonial period up to the time of independence.
1. Dutch Colonization Period
Perkembangam nursing in Indonesia affected by the socio-economic conditions at the time of Dutch colonial rule, Britain and Japan. In the Dutch colonial administration, the nurse comes from the indigenous population called assisted Zieken Velpeger Oppaser as guardian of the sick.
In 1799 the hospital was established Binen Hospital in Jakarta for health care staff and the Dutch army. Dutch colonial government's efforts at this time is to establish a Public Health Service and the Department of Health People's Army. Daendels established a hospital in Jakarta, Surabaya and Semarang, but not followed by the development of the nursing profession, because the goal is only to the benefit of the Dutch army.
2. British Colonial Period (1812 - 1816)
Gurbernur General UK when VOC ruled the Raffles very concerned about the health of the people. Departing from the motto that belonged human health, he made many efforts to improve the health of indigenous peoples, among others:
- General vaccination
- How to care of patients with mental disorders
- The health of the prisoners
After the colonial government back into the hands of Dutch, population health is more advanced. In 1819 the hospital was established. Stadverband in Glodok Jakarta and in 1919 was transferred to the hospital Salemba. Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM). Year 1816 - 1942 stood hospital - the hospital is almost the same hospital. PGI Cikini Jakarta, RS. ST Carollus Jakarta, RS. ST. Boromeus in Bandung, Semarang Elizabeth Hospital. Along with that also stands schools nurse.
3. Japanese Occupation Period (1942 - 1945)
At this time the development of nursing in decline, and the world of nursing in Indonesia experienced the dark ages. Nursing tasks performed by people not educated, hospital leadership was taken over by the Japanese, eventually causing drug shortages plague.
4. Period of Independence
In 1949 began the construction of the health sector hospitals and clinics. Teachers was founded in 1952 and the school nurse setimgkat junior nurses. Professional nursing education began to be established in 1962 is owned by the Department of Health Akper in Jakarta to produce professional nurses beginners. The establishment of the Faculty of Nursing (FIK) began to appear, founded in 1985 PSIK (Nursing Science Program) which is a rise of nursing momentum in Indonesia. PSIK FK UI in 1995 changed its status into FIK UI. Then came PSIK-new PSIK like Undip, UGM, UNHAS etc..