Communicating with Specific Groups
Morbidly all patients easily handled or easily interact with others.
Response thd patient health changes influenced by BBP circumstances:
pressure due to illness
life experience seblmnya
family and social relationships
personality factors
Interactions are difficult
The purpose of communication:
Stay calm sekligus know the response of nurses pd appear interchangeable.
Show respect pd patients
Support the control and autonomy of patients
Assess the patient's response within the current situation
Nursing interventions
Evaluate patient response and adjust the communication
Some interactions are difficult
Response thd crisis
Anger is a response thd fear, frustration, lack of control / anxiety.
Patients become angry krn dpt:
Loss of control / freedom due to illness, stress admission.
Fear of disease / treatment / ketdkpastian future, etc..
How does the nurse when the patient is angry?
Understanding anger as a unique response to a stressful situation that thd, and assessed saecara individual.
When the patient's angry:
need to be heard, b / p followed by an apology
Use reflection and questions re-unt validate and expand the hearsay
Techniques to face an angry patient
Stay calm and listen
Avoid being defensive, withdrawn or aggressive during the explosion.
Keep the tone of voice remained low and control, speaks softly and slowly.
Avoid too many smiles
Reflect / say again what I have said to seek clarification
Anxious feeling scared / anxious undelivered comfortable, and the source can be known / not.
Anxious intensity of low, medium, heavy
Signs / symptoms of shaking, forgetfulness, insomnia, wringing her hands, rapid breathing, palpitations, etc.
Strategies to help patients who are anxious
Be aware of the signs and symptoms of anxiety
Try to understand the feelings of patients demonstrating sincere desire to help patients.
Avoid being nervous / defensive
Speaking slowly and briefly, AVOID the phrase "tenangakan yourself" or "you'll feel better tomorrow lbh"
Help patients unt express feelings and identify the source of anxiety
Do not assume the patient's anxiety without performing the validation
Assess the patient's support system
Adjust unt interventions reduce anxiety
Refer patients if severe anxiety / insuperable.
Symptoms of depression can be short term or long term to handle differently.
and symptoms of changes in appetite and sleeping habits, uninterested
with seblmnya activity, decreased libido, crying, talking and moving
slowly, the expression of sadness, despair, feeling helpless.
Speaking with depressed patients
Begin with "You keliahatannya malcontent"
Show understanding, awareness, and acceptance of thd behavior including crying / angry.
Prevent ill patients to make major decisions within life.
Support activities in line with the modest improvement eg folding clothes, gardening
Think of all the ideas and statements seriously about suicide, for example, wanted to 'end it "," do pd myself ", etc..
Dpt crisis occurs when the normal balance of life disrupted and skills unt overcome unequal.
Two categories:
Development of the birth-death crises (eg, school / college, marriage, divorce, birth, death)
Situational crisis injury, sudden illness, house fire, car accident, etc..
Hts nursing assessment includes:
- Genesis and effect pd patients & families
- System support existing
- Coping previously used
- Assessment Ririko suicide / behavior of force.
Unt a crisis intervention
Reach hub adjuvant therapeutic terbuak & effective communication
Allow the patient to express feelings and talk about events experienced less strain.
Assess behaviors managed to overcome that powered the patient review the previous strategy.
Support unt patients seek and receive help from others, termsk relatives, religious leaders, community groups.
Support patients within p'kembangan personal hub unt relieve stress and focus pd precious aspect.
Refer patient evaluation and treatment continued unt.
There are 2 types:
Patient / behavioral demands attention / help
Behavior with sexual intent
Thd approach patients who require
Use a communication style that flexible.
Ambila breath within dn listen to patients
Avoid defensive response
Speak with a voice tone
Do not engage within the debate, be curious and flexible
Combine the expectations of patients according to the availability of time and resources
Explain the role and availability of nurses to patients
Seek support from colleagues shg impaired nursing ill patients.
Behavior with sexual intent
Experience of illness and disability can change the way patients express and defend their sexuality.
Normal physical touch mrp section provides nursing arrested within one
Nurses need to know that in the next one taken dpt behavior by patients.
Communicating about sexuality
Maintain privacy pd physical space
Go to the personal information needed, just pd those who are involved within the care
Prevent embarrassing situation that
Observe cues that indicate the emotional wounds caused by abuse shy, reluctant, aggression
Responding behavior with sexual intent
Dressed in accordance with the work environment
Monitor behavior and conversation unt maintain professional boundaries
Immediate response thd sexual touching speech or fair undelivered "joke like that makes me ill comfortable".
Ask another nurse unt present during the physical care of patients or change tasks as needed.
Deficit talk interchangeable occur as part of the process p'kembangan or krn disease.
Deficit interchangeable happen in accepting and or express info & problem.
There are 3 forms of deficits: aphasia, loss of hearing, loss of vision.
A common way to maximize communication
the technique of the patient, for example: Idioms cues, hearing aids,
or family pervasive interpret the meanings of words and gestures
Give enough time and arrange for the presence of interpreters / kelg members before b / p.
Put yourself abreast with the patient allows for the patient can look at gerakn mouth and facial expressions nurse.
Speak slowly and clearly with the tone being used.
Provide paper and pencil or unt blackboard help patients communicate.
Aphasia adl neurological condition in which the function of Idioms disturbed / cut no.
3 forms of aphasia:
Expressive aphasia, magical words formed / overexpressed
Receptive Aphasia incomprehensibility Idioms
Global aphasia include expressive and receptive
Communicating with patients afasik
Give enough time for the patient to process unt mind and receive info.
Focus pd unt patient's ability to communicate.
Use the touch, facial expressions and voice.
Support the board with an alternative method, the image if the method used ill-me effective.
Avoid long conversations, keep the conversation short reply and straight to the point.
Praise and patient effort to use humor unt provide relaxation when communication is difficult.
Disorders of decreased hearing interchangeable - deaf (deaf perspective and conductive)
Deaf perspective due to damage to the nervous system
Conductive deafness due to damage to the structure sound stimuli conductor
Unt visual communications media clients
Unt visual communications media clients
get the message through his interlocutors try lip attitude and
movements are captured by the senses retrievable viasualnya
Techniques to communicate with hearing loss
Tell your presence with the client how to touch or position themselves in front of clients
Use language that is simple and easy to speak slowly unt read the lips of your clients
Speaking with the right position in front of the client and maintain the posture that face common Imik
Do not engage in conversation while chewing something (food, gum, etc.)
Strive to maintain the environment as quiet as possible unt help clients focus on communications that do.
Organ damage the cornea, lens, vitreous humor turbidity, damage to the brain nerve impulse conduction
Brain damage (level of perception)
Due to decreased visual acuity to blindness (partial - total)
As a result of visual impairment:
The ability to capture stimuli when hearing someone relies communicate & touch
Communication disorders feel weak and isolated
that do have hearing and touch è optimize visual function is replaced
by a pervasive information transferred through the other senses
Techniques to communicate with patients impaired vision
Take a position observable by the client (if the partial blindness) or declare your presence (nurses) with sound.
Specify the identity (name and role) you
Speaking with a normal tone of voice is important
Explain why you touch or say the words did touch pd seblm client
Explain sdg aktivias that goes around the patient, explain the procedure that will be done.
KPD Notify client if you want to hang up or leave the room client
Orient the client pd voices that sounded in the vicinity
Orient the client pd environment when clients move to that of environmental foreign to him.
Devrisasi sensory ICU section
Foreign environment, noise and equipment undelivered known to cause disorientation.
The role of nurses to support someone who emmbingungkan situation, orient and comfort
Communicating with patients in the intensive care unit bag
Make patients aware of when you are approaching state the name
Tell your name and role seblm intervention.
Speaking as if all patients m'dengar
Describe the procedures that will be performed
Give progress information