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Ethics Issues In Nursing

Ethics Issues In Nursing

Everyone faces the same moral issues in health care settings. This means that nursing ethics is valid only during the term refers to lawful sub categories in medical ethics.
1. Euthanasia
Euthanasia is deliberately not doing anything to prolong the life of a person or intentionally do something to shorten life or end of life of a patient, and this is for the benefit of the patients themselves. Development of euthanasia is inseparable from the development of the concept of death.Type EuthanasiaEuthanasia can be viewed from several sudut.Euthanasia can be divided into:1) Passive Euthanasia2) active Euthansia
In the review of the government, euthanasia can be distinguished:1) Euthanasia volunteers (at the request of the patient)2) Euthanasia ivoluntir (not at the request of the patient)2. Abortion
Abortion is defined as the expenditure of the fetus or products of conception spontaneously before 24 weeks gestation, which could happen miscarriage (abortion). According to WHO abortion is spending an embryo or fetus whose weight is 500 grams or less, which is equivalent to 22 weeks' gestation.Definition of Abortion
What is a Content abortion (Abortion)In medus, abortion (either miscarriage or abortion) means the cessation of pregnancies that occur between cells embedded dirahim fertilized egg until 20 weeks.In other words, miscarriage or abortion is a discharge of the fetus and the uterus before the fetus is able to live independently.Definition of Abortion
Abortion / abortion is the end of a pregnancy (by certain effects). Abortion adalh a kontrovensial and emotional issues that trigger bias cause animosity between the two sides.
According Fak About Abortion, info on women's health kit by the Institute for Social, March 1991. the medical term abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy after tertanamnta eggs (ova) are fertilized in the womb (uterus), prior to the age of the fetus (fesus) at 20 weeks.
Anyone who does abortions is making sin and have done criminal acts that require payment of diyat aborted fetuses is a slave male or female diyat perfect man (10 tail camel), as has been explained in the authentic hadith on the matter . Rasullulah SAW said:'' Rasullulah SAW a decision in the matter fetus of a woman who died in Bahni Lihyan dead, with one ghurrah, Taitu attack slave male or female'' (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim, from Abu Abdul Huairah RA qadim Zallum, 1998).
While abortion on a fetus that has not reached the age of 40 days, the law allowed (ja'iz) and does nothing. This is due to that what is not yet a fetus in the womb because he is still in the stages of germ (blood clot), prior to the creation phase shows characteristic minimal human.
Abortion remains a controversial issue, not only from a health perspective but also from the point of view of law and religion. Abortion is usually done on imedis related to life safety threat or a serious health problem in the person of the mother, such as severe pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes, kidney failure, hipertens, there are usually even among addicted mothers terinpeksi or virus.Fundamentals of abortion
Abortion basically stop pregnancy before the fetus is able to live independently. Standard abortions occur between four to twelve weeks of pregnancy, but the procedure is legal in the U.S. until the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy. Indeed there are rare cases in which the baby can live since the age of twenty weeks of pregnancy, but most of them get a real and permanent damage. Most abortions occur before the finish line twelve weeks.
Currently in the United States there are two options when faced with an abortion. In medical or operative. Operative is the traditional way, which a doctor dilate the cervix, removing its contents, and patients go home. Medical abortion requires oasien take some pills, which will cause spontaneous abortion or miscarriage.Abortion Operative
Standards concerning abortion operative cervix dilate slowly and suck it out with a tool like a vacuum. We called suction curettage (suction curettage). Usually this takes about ten minutes, and depending on where you are, bias using general anesthesia or local.
First, the doctor performs a pelvic examination to determine the size and position of the uterus, where both of these things, but also from week to week of pregnancy. Doctors then clean the vagina with cairanantiseptik to reduce bacteria.
The first tool used in abortion is tenakulum, which looks like a small ice tongs. These objects hold the cervix to remain in place-this sounds worse than it actually is. Cervical remained silent reduces trauma to the cervix.
After doctors hold the cervix, she will begin to widen with the dilator. Dilator is a rod with gradations of size used to open the cervix slowly. Dilator is inserted into the cervical canal to stretching, to evacuate the contents of the uterus can be done. This is done slowly and gently. The idea is to avoid muscle tears or permanent injury to the cervix.
Dilator of the first and the smallest size of a rod pengsil. And the greatest of your thumb. Diingkan cervical dilatation depends on how much the patient's pregnancy. At the age of 6 weeks, dilation will be very small because only few of its network and not terbentu. At the age of 12 weeks, there is more structure and networks, so, usually cervical magnified 2-fold.
After enlarging the cervix, the doctor inserts a catheter (small tube) into the cavity of the uterus, which is attached to the vacuum. This thing is clean the entire contents of the uterus. After that, spoon curette (an instrument made of iron, slender, danmelengkung) inserted to gently scrape the uterine wall and to ensure that all the networks have come out.
The patient was then taken to the recovery room, where he rested for about half an hour, and then the doctors will make sure there is no excessive bleeding or pain. After abortion operatives, my instruction to the patient is "Do not put anything or anyone punkedalam your vagina for 2 weeks. 'Cervical normally closed, but after the abortion, the cervix will open and any bacteria in the vagina entry bias. The main activity of the worry from the medical perspective is sex-ejaculation that may carry the bacteria directly into the uterus is a very bad idea.
Since the vagina is a relatively dirty, abortion facilities and / or gynecologist will give pascaaborsi preventive antibiotics for one to seven hari.tingkat infection to abortion about two to three percent, but you can reduce it to half a snit biotic.
Two weeks after the abortion, the patient must return to the gynecologist for a re-examination to be sure that she was not still pregnant and had no pain or signs of infection. This time is also a good opportunity to discuss and evaluate the patient's choice of contraceptive.
It is the obligation of physicians to send all the products of conception (POC known in the medical world to potologi experts to identify placental tissue. Potologi If the experts do not find the placental tissue, this means that patients 1) not pregnant, 2) she was pregnant at a place outside the womb, usually in the fallopian polopii, such as ectopic pregnancy, or 3 she was pregnant in the womb and the doctor did not clean it properly.
Untreated ectopic pregnancy could menyebbkan internal bleeding, shock, or death. Severe pain, dizziness, fainting, or flatulence may be the first clue that this complication occurs to you. However, it has become standard practice for the pathologist to tell your doctor if you can not find the placental tissue, when the patient comes to the doctor's room, repeated pregnancy tests, and perform a sonogram (ultrasound).
Abortion incomplete (incomplete) is another complication, which means doctors fail to remove all the tissue in the uterus. This can occur because the soft doktermelakukannya position but one, because the pregnant uterus is the organ which is soft and fragile. Appropriate action depending on the hole size, location, and time at which the procedure took place. Treatment berkisarantara not anything to do with repair operations.
Abortion is very rough with great curettage can cause the formation of scar tissue in the uterine wall can stick to each other and stop menstruation. If you had an abortion and did not menstruate within four to six weeks, see your genekolog. This problem can be treated, but the sooner the better diagnosed. Infection after abortion, although rare, can also cause scarring in the uterus.Organ transplantOrgan transplantation is tissue. Organ transplantation is a medical act which is very beneficial for patients with impaired organ function are severe. The types of transplants:1) Authograft.2) Anograft3) Isograft4) xenograft2.8.5. SupportingSupporting physical support is like a second hand on the wound to the abdomen when coughing, can also be psychological as nurses who want to listen to the patient actively or holding the hand of a dying patient.