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Conceptual model of Virginia Henderson

Conceptual model of Virginia Henderson
PreliminaryVirginia Henderson was born in 1897, the fifth child of eight children in his family. He is native of Kansas City, Mo. Henderson spent their infancy in Virginia because his father practiced law in Washington D, C.During World War I Henderson interested in nursing. So in 1918 he entered the Military Nursing School in Washington DC Henderson graduated in 1921 and occupies a position as a staff nurse at the Henry Street Visiting Nurse Service of New York. In 1922, Henderson began teaching nursing at the Norfolk Prostetan Hospital in Virginia. Five years later he entered the Teacher's college at Columbia University where he co-berturt holds a BS and MA in education care. In 1929, Henderson became supervisor of teaching at the clinic Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, New York. He returned to the Teacher's college in 1930 as a teacher training analytical processes of care and clinical practice until 1948.Henderson enjoyed a long career as a writer's research. While teaching at the Teacher's college he rewrote fourth edition Bertha Harmer posts Textbook of the Principles and Practice of Nursing and practice of Nursing after the author's death. This edition was published in 1939. The fifth edition of the book was published in 1955 and contains the definition of the work of Henderson nursing. Hnderson joined Yale universities since the early 1950's and has done much to further treatment research through this association. Beginning in 1959 until 1971. Henderson heads the Nursing Studies Index Project, sponsored Yale. Nursing Studies Index into a four-volume biography is equipped with index maintenance, analysis, and literary history from 1900 to 1959.In the 1980's Henderson still active as a Research Associate Emeritus at Yale. Henderson achievements and influence in the profession of nursing has provided more than tuujh doctoral degree and Christiane Reimann Award for her first time.Central Concept Description1. Man:Being a full, complete and independent and have 14 basic human needs which include:

Eating and drinking
Bed Rest
Maintain body temperature
Avoiding danger
2. Community / environment:All external conditions affecting the life and development of organisms3. Health:Seen as an individual's ability to perform 14 components of nursing care without assistance (eg, breathing normally). Health is the basis for the functioning of quality of life and require independence and interdependence. So more to the quality of life rather than life itself that allows people to work effectively and achieve or maintain health if they have the strength, desire or knowledge required.4. Nursing:Unique functions of the nurse is to assist the client either healthy or sick, in carrying out activities that contribute to the health, recovery or die in peace. Activities to be carried out without assistance if have the power / ability, desire or knowledge. Also do it in such a way as to help clients independently as soon as possible.ELEMENT MAIN PURPOSE1. The purpose of nursing care:Self-sufficiency in basic needs satisfaction 142. Client:Human, having a complete and self-contained 14 components of basic needs3. The role of the nurse:-Additional complementary role to maintain or restore independence to the satisfaction of the basic needs of 144. Source of difficulties / problems:Not have the ability / strength, will or knowledge5. The focus of the intervention:Deficits are a source of trouble client6. How to intervention:Action to replace, supplement, add, raise or increase strength, will or knowledge7. Consequence

Increasing independence in the fulfillment of basic human needs 14
Died peacefully
Affirmation-an affirmation THEORETICAL- Nurse Patient RelationshipThree levels of nurse patient relationship can be recognized:

nurse as a substitute (replacement) for the patient.
nurse as helper (helper)
nurse as a partner (partner) with the patient. In times of serious illness, the nurse looked like "nothing substitutes patients lacked to make it into a complete, intact, or free because of reduced physical strength, will or pengatahuan.
During conditions of recovery (convalescence), nurses help patients achieve or regain independence. Henderson states "is a relative independence. None of these words does not rely on others, but we strive to achieve health are interdependent, rather than relying on pain.Nurses should be able to observe not only the needs of the patient, but also the conditions and pathological conditions change.Nurses can change the environment in which he considers necessary. Henderson believes in every situation of the nurses who know the reactions of physiological and psychological dadan to temperature, light and color.Nurses and patients are always trying to achieve a goal, whether in recovery or a peaceful death. One goal nurses must maintain patient days as normal as possible. Making healthy is an important goal alinnya by the nurse.- Nurse Physician RelationsHenderson uniquely demanding task which had by nurses from the doctors. Care plan, which is being formulated by perawt and patients together, should be on the run with a way to propose a plan of treatment that a doctor determined.The nurse as a member of the medical team. Nurse jobs are interdependent with other health workers. Nurses and other team members to help each other run the full treatment program, but they should not do the work of others. Henderson reminds us "no one on the team gave the burden to other members, where anyone they are not able to perform the particular task.OF LOGICHenderson seems to use a form of deductive reasoning logic to establish the definition of science to maintain. He mena rik conclusions definition treatment and 14 science needs of the principles of physiological and psychological. One must study the assumptions of the definition of Henderson's work to assess the adequacy of that logic.

 Definition of Henderson nursing care as it relates to the practice showed that nurses who see their main task as giving direct care to patients will find immediate benefit to the advancement of patient conditions become self dependent. Henderson believes the treatment process is a process of problem-sloving and not just specific care issues.