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concepts of health and illness



In this chapter will be assessed on how healthy understanding of pain and how the relationship between both.A. Understanding Health and IllnessHealthy can not mean something static, settled in certain circumstances, be considered anything but healthy dynamic phenomenon. Health as a spectrum is a condition that is flexible between the body and the mental distinguished in the ever-fluctuating range or swinging closer and away from the peak of happiness life of perfect health. Many have a reference of what a healthy sense of pain.Healthy / health is a state of well being of the body (physical), soul (spiritual) and social which allows everyone to live a socially and economically productive. (Act N0. 23/1992 on health)Understanding pain itself is a process in which there is no disturbance and stability between the body and mentally normal. Which refers to abnormalities in body condition that can interfere with daily activities such as physical activity, spiritual and social.2.1 Definition of HealthySome healthy sense such as:
Ø WHO, 1947Healthy is a state of perfect physical, mental and social development not only free of disease or infirmity.
Contains three characteristics:
a. reflects the concern of the individual as a humanb. looked healthy in the context of the internal or external environmentc. Sebai mean healthy and productive creative life
Healthy is not a condition tetapai is penyesesuaian, not a state but a process.The process of individual adaptation here is not just the physical but the social environment.

Ø Law N0. 23/1992 on healthHealthy / health is a state of well being of the body (physical), soul (spiritual) and social which allows everyone to live a socially and economically productive. (Act N0. 23/1992 on health)
Ø Pender (1982)Healthy individuals are the embodiment obtained through satisfaction in their dealings with others (actualization). Behavior that is consistent with the objectives, competent self-care while adjustments necessary to maintain the stability and structural integrity.
Ø Pepkin'sA state of dynamic equilibrium between form and function of the body that can make adjustments so that the body can cope with interference from outside.
Ø Zaidin AliEquilibrium between the health status of the biological, psychological, social and spiritual enable the person to live independently and productively
Ø President's Communision On Health Of Nation Stated Need (1953)o Healthy Þ is not a condition, but it is an adjustment, not a state but a processo The process of adaptation to the individual who is not only their physical, but the social environment.

Ø Payne (1983)a. Þ healthy functioning of effective self-care resources (Self Care Resources) that guarantees action for self-care (Self Care Action) adequately.b. Self Care Resources Þ covers the knowledge, skills and attitudesc. Self Care Action Þ behavior is treated in accordance with the purpose to obtain, maintain and improve function, psychosocial and spiritual.

Ø Healthy According to Dunn (1959).
Healthy is something incident where no signs and symptoms of the disease.

Ø DEFINITION HEALTHY PENDER (1982)Healthy: Embodiment individuals obtained through satisfaction in their dealings with others (actualization). Behavior that is fit for purpose, self-care is needed for the competent while penyesesuaian mempertahankanstabilitas and structural integrity.

Ø DEFINITION HEALTHY PAUNE (1983)Healthy: The function of the effective self-care resources (self care Resouces) which guarantees tindakanuntuk self-care (self-care Aktions) in adekual.Self care Resoureces: encangkup knowledge, skills and attitudes.Self care Aktions: Behavior that is consistent with the objectives necessary to obtain, maintain it and menigkatkanfungsi psicososial da piritual.

Ø DEFINED BY INDIVIDUAL HEALTHUnderstanding healthy according to one's individual sound and picture is very varied.Factors that influence a person on sick:1.Status developments.Ability to understand about health and ability to respond to health perubahandalam say with age.
Example: The baby can feel pain, but can not reveal and overcome.Nurse's knowledge about the status of individual development makes it easy to carry out an assessment of the individual and helps anticipate the behavior-perilku next.

Social and cultural 2.Pengaruh
Each culture has an idea of ​​the sound and diturunhan parents extended to the children.Example: - China: good health is a balance between yin and yang.
- The figure (low economic) the common flu, feeling healthy.
3. Past experience.Seseoran may consider any pain / pain dysfunction (not working) to help determine a definition of healthy.
4. Hope someone about him.A person can expect to function at a high level of both physical and psychosocial if they are healthy.Other factors associated with yourself.
1.How individuals receive him properly / fully.2.Self Esleem (self-esteem), body image (an image of yourself), needs, roles and capabilities.
It can be concluded from the above some healthy sense then that health is made up of three dimensions: physical, psychological and social development can be interpreted in a more positive, in other words, that person is given the opportunity to develop the broadest capabilities that he was born to obtain or interpret healthy.
2.2 Factors Affecting Self Someone About Healthy

Developmental status
- Ability to understand the health and capability to respond to changes in health associated with age.- Example: The baby can feel pain, but can not reveal and mengatsainya.- Knowledge of nurses about the status of individual development makes it easy to carry out an assessment of the individual and helps to anticipate subsequent behaviors

The influence of sociocultural
- Each culture has an idea derived from healthy parents to their children.- Example: The Chinese, is a healthy balance between Yin and YangPeople with low economic looked something ordinary flu and feeling healthy

Past experience
- One can feel the pain / pain or dysfunction (not working) under normal circumstances because of previous experience- Help determine one's definition of healthy

Hope someone about her
- One can expect to function at a high level of both physical and psychosocial if they are healthyØ OTHER FACTORS RELATED TO SELF- How do people accept themselves well- Self Esteem. Body Image, the needs of the role and capabilities- If there is a threat: anxiety (anxiety)

2.3 Definition of pain
Some sense of pain, including:Ø Pepkin'sAn unpleasant kedaan that hit someone causing disruption in daily activities both physical activity, and social and spiritualØ KleinmanImpaired function or adaptation of biological processes and psychophysiological on someone
Ø ParsonThe imbalance of the normal functioning of the human body, including a number of biological systems and the condition of adjustment
Ø Pain is a disruption in the normal functioning of the individual as a totality including the state of organisms as biological systems and social adjustment. (Pemons, 1972)
Ø Parsors (1972)Þ Pain Disorders in the normal functioning of the individual as a totality, including the state of organisms as biological systems and social adjustmentØ Baursams (1965)Someone uses three criteria to determine if they are ill:- The symptoms: increased temperature, pain- Perception of how they mersakan good, bad, sick- Ability to carry out daily activities, work atupun school

Ø Oxford English DictionarySick as a condition of the body or any part of the body organ which functions impaired or deviant.
Ø Zaidin AliCircumstances that disrupt the balance of the health status of biological, psychological, social and spiritual disorder resulting bodily functions, productivity and independence indivisu in whole or in part.
Ø BAUMAN (1965)Seseoang menggunakan3 criteria to determine whether they are sick:
1.Adanya symptoms: Rising temperatures, pain.2.Persepsi about how they feel: good, bad, ill.3.Kemampuan to carry out daily activities: work, school.
Disease is the medical term digambarkansebagai disturbance in body function that generates berkuranya capacity.
2.4 UNDERSTANDING DISEASEØ The medical term is described sebgai disturbances in body function resulting in reduced capacityØ The relationship between health, illness and diseaseBasically a healthy and sick- Results intraksi someone with the environment- As a manifestation of the success / failure you adapt to the environment- Health problems: imbalance between factor: Host-Agent-Environment

2.5 The relationship between health, illness and disease
Ø The relationship between sick and healthy concept of disease is basically an ill health, namely:
1.Hasil one interaction with the environment.2.sebagai manifestation of success / failure to adapt to the environment.3.Gangguan Health.

Ø Factors that influence healthy behaviors.Healthy ill be on something where everyone moves throughout his life.
1.Suatu scale measuring relative measure into healthy / health.2.kedudukannya: dynamic and individualistic.3.Jarak measuring scale: an optimal healthy state at one point, and a willingness on the other point.

2.6 Pain and illness behavior
Pain is a state in which the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, developmental disturbed. Not only the state of the disease processIt is therefore not the same ill with the disease. For example:- A person with leukemia who are undergoing treatment may be able to function as usual.- As someone with breast cancer who are preparing to undergo surgery will probably get hurt in another dimension, in addition to physical dimension.Behavior is a sick sick behavior that includes: how to monitor a person's body; define and mengintrerprestasikan; symptoms experienced; recovery efforts and the use of health care system.An individual who thinks he is sick sick behavior could serve as a coping mechanism.

2.7Tahapan sick according to Suchman divided into 5 stages:
a. Phase Transitions: people believe that there is an abnormality in the body; felt he did not fit / feel the onset of the symptoms felt the danger.
Having three aspects:- Physical: pain, high fever.- Cognitive: interpretation of symptoms.- Emotional response to fear / kecamasan.Consultation with the people closest to: symptoms of feelings, sometimes try the treatment at home.

b.Tahap assuming the sick role (sick Rok).Acceptance of pain.1. Individuals seeking reassurance illness from family or friends: the role of pain produced.2. Seeking help from other health professionals, treat yourself, follow the advice of friends / family.
The end of this phase can be determined that the symptoms have changed and feel worse. Individuals are still looking for confirmation of the family about the illness. Rebcana treatment met / influenced by knowledge and experience.
c.Tahap contact with health services- Individuals who are sick: seek advice from healthcare professionals on their own initiative.- 3 types of information:1. Validation of sickness.2. An explanation of the phenomenon that is not understood.3. Confidence that they will be good.- If there are no symptoms: individual perceives himself cured, if any symptoms return on health position.
d. Phase dependenceIf healthcare professionals validate (specify) that a person is sick: a patient Yany dependency for assistance.Everyone has different dependencies as needed.
* Assess the patient's dependency needs in associate with the stage of development. ® Nurse* Support the patient's behavior that leads to independence.
e. Healing Stage1.Pasien learn to let go of the role of pain and return to pre-illness.2. readiness social function3. members of patients to function with increasing independence.4. provide hope and support.
F. Level PreventionTo address health issues including disease prevention known three stages:Primary prevention: health promotion (health promotion) and protection (specific protection).Secondary 1.Pencegahan: early diagnosis and immediate treatment (early diagnosis and prompt treatment), limiting disability (disability Limitation)Tertiary prevention: rehabilitation.

2. Primary prevention in the individual not suffering from pain, the efforts are:
a. Health promotion / health promotion aimed at improving the body's resistance to health problems.
b. Special protection (specific protection): specific efforts to prevent the spread of certain diseases, such as immunization, improved skills for preventing teen drug use and solicitation to cope with stress and others.3. Secondary prevention in the individual became ill
a. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment (early diagnosis and prompt treatment), the main objective of this action is1) prevent the spread of the disease if the disease is an infectious disease, and 2) to treat and stop the disease process, to heal the sick and prevent complications and disability.b. Restrictions disability (disability Limitation) at this stage defects that occur overcome, especially to prevent the disease continued to be led to defects worse.4. Tertiary Prevention
a. Rehabilitation, the process is sought to be defective in the suffering is not a barrier so that the individual can function optimally suffering physically, mentally and socially.The third scheme of prevention is

Travel 2.8Proses Disease Distinguished Up
a) phase before the sick: characterized by a balance between agents (germs of disease, hazardous materials), host / body and the environment and
b) phase of the onset of illness: who ultimately recover or die.Control of the disease (source: leavel and clark, 1958)
Health promotion through interventions on the host / body such as eating a balanced nutritious diet, healthy behavior, improve the quality of the environment to prevent diseases such as eliminating breeding grounds for germs, reduce and prevent air pollution, eliminating breeding grounds for disease vectors such as standing water become breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes, or the agent of disease such as giving antibiotics to kill germs.
Special protection is done through specific actions such as immunization or protection in hazardous industrial materials and noisy. Conducting gargle-gargle with a solution of flour to prevent dental caries. While against germs as washing hands with antiseptic solution before surgery to prevent infection, wash your hands with soap before eating to prevent diarrheal disease.
Early diagnosis through screening processes, such as breast cancer screening, cervical cancer, the presence of certain diseases during pregnancy, so that treatment can be done during the early and the bad effects can be prevented.
Sometimes the boundaries of the three stages of prevention is not clear that there are overlapping activities that can be classified in a special protection but can also be classified on the early diagnosis and treatment as soon as the treatment of precancerous lesions in the cervix may include early treatment can also special protection.
In addition to primary prevention, secondary and tertiary health care among doctors, nurses and public health practitioners are known as the five levels of prevention, also known as the four stages of activities to address public health issues, the four stages (Rossenberg, Mercy and Annest, 1998) are:1. What is the problem (surveillance)?2. Identify the problem.3. what is the problem?4. when did it happen?5. Where?6. who is the sufferer?7. how did it happen?8. when did that happen if anything to do with the season or period?9. Why does it happen (identification of risk factors)?10. Why it is more apt to occur in certain people, what factors increase the incidence (risk factors) and what factors decrease the incidence (protective factors)?11. What's working (evaluation of interventions). On the basis of the two previous steps, can be designed effort needs to be done to prevent problems, deal with patients and their immediate healing and advocacy efforts to help victims and assess the success of the action in preventing and remedying the problem.12. How to expand effective interventions that (implementation on a large scale). Once known effective interventions, the next action how to implement the intervention in various places and settings, and develop resources to implement them.

2.9Ciri traits Healthy and sick
Ø The characteristics of healthy1. The normal temperature 36.5 ° C - 37.5 ° C.2. Healthy body fit and not limp.3. His face brightened, no pain, emotional stability4. No physical, psychological, and social.5. Always think positive and do not feel any disturbance.6. Able to perform all activities with enthusiasm.
Ø The characteristics of pain1. Abnormal temperature> 38 ° C.2. His body was limp, limp, tired, and not the spirit of doing all the activities.3. His face was pale and the body feels pain.4. The existence of physical, psychological, and social.5. Always thought that he was sick (suggestion in itself).

3.1 Conclusion

The concept of healthy-sick is a complex concept and the multi-interpretation, many factors that influence healthy or sick. Every individual, family, community and health professionals define healthy / sick differently depending on the paradigm. Cognitive ability to form thought one way to understand the factors related to the disease and using knowledge about health and illness they have to maintain their own health. Emotional factors also affect the health beliefs and ways melaksankannya.
3.2 AdviceTo keep our state to stay healthy and fit think a positive, because the illness begins with a state of physical, spiritual and social unfavorable. Pain is not only due to natural factors but factors of our subconscious.Want a healthy,
Pobud positive thinking.

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