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Concept Changes In Nursing

Concept Changes In Nursing

Thanks to the authors say the presence of Almighty God and his grace as blessing so I can finish the paper with the title Basic Concepts of Nursing "Concept of Change".
In writing this paper can not be separated from the support, guidance and direction from all parties, either directly or indirectly. Therefore, in this occasion the author wishes to thank: Ns. Rinco Siregar, S. Kep ​​as tutors in the writing of this paper.
End the authors would like to thank those involved in the provision of assistance to the author. Hopefully, this paper can be useful for any reader.

nursing have two main options associated with the change, they innovate and change or they can be changed by a state or sutuasi. Nurses have the skills in the process of change. First the nursing process is an approach to systematic problem penyelesayan and consistent with planning change. Second, nurses gain knowledge taught in class and have the practical experience to work effectively with others.Changes in health care / nursing is an integral unity, and changes in nursing perkemangan indoneria. Even is a strange or improper occurred, if the general public and the environment is constantly changing, while nursing is a part of the community has not changed in keprofesiannya life together. Change is a way of self-defense of nursing as a profession and an active role in the era of kesejagatan (Millennium III). So nursing Indonesia, especially the scientific and professional community nursing Indonesia, view and retain the era kesejagatan professionalization process is not as a threat to be feared or avoided, but it is a challenge to work harder spur propesionalisasi nursing process in Indonesia and to the nursing mensejajarka country other countries.Changes can be described in several ways, including changes planned or unplanned. Changes are not direcanakan changes without any preparation, whereas the planned changes are planned and dipiikirkan peribahan earlier, the occurrence in a long time, and including any planned jelas.perubahan a goal that is easier to maintain than the changes that occur in human development or Anat unprepared for a threat. For this reason, peerawat should be able to manage change.
A. Definition

Change is a process where a shift or transfer of state remains a state that is dynamic, meaning that it can adapt to the existing environment. Changes can include a balance of personal, social and organization to make repairs or improvements and to implement new ideas or concepts in mencampai particular purpose.
B. Factors that support change
a. The change is seen as a positive by the target changed
b. changes in accordance with the values ​​and norms that are believed
c. Simple changes and concrete
d. Target changes involved from the initial phase
e. open communication between the target and innovator change (change agent)
f. Evaluation as part of the process of change
C. Strategy changesIn a change in need right way so that goals can be achieved in the change appropriately, effectively and efficiently. How to require a specific strategy in changing them.1. Strategy rational empirical (empirical rational strategies)a. The basic assumption: human beings are rationalb. It is believed that the change was necessary: ​​basic research and the dissemination of knowledge through general education.c. Systems analysis as staff and consultants, particularly those associated with difficulties / problems sestem.

2. Reedukatif normative strategy, is based on:a. The pattern of events and actions supported by sociocultural norms and the individual commitment to these normsb. socio-cultural norms supported by individual attitudes and value systems.c. reedukatif normative approach to bring about change, through the direct intervention of a "change agent", interventions based on the application of a robust theory of change into the lives of individuals, groups, client systems either the organization or community.d. change agent must learn how to intervene reciprocity and collaboration with the community.3. Force-force strategya. Based on pengguanaan strength or power in general is based on using the power of moral force and political force.b. Conducting the evaluation results of the change or changes.c. Conducting observations and control or overcome obstacles.
D. Ecological changes
According to Urie Bronfrenbrenner
1. MikrosistemMikrosistem is the setting in which the individual lives include family, individual, peer, and school environments. In this mikrosistem most direct interaction. For example, with parents, peers and teachers.2. MisosistemMisosistem environment includes the relationship between several mikrosistem or relationships between multiple contexts.
3. Ecosystems3
Ecosystems involved when experiences in another social setting. Where individuals do not have an active role influencing what people experienced in the context of the near future.
4. MikrosistemMikrosistem include culture in which individuals live. Culture refers to patterns of behavior, beliefs and all other products of human group, passed on from generation to generation.
5. KronosistemKronosistem events include the beginning of the transition over the course of the lives and circumstances sosiohistoris.
E. Changes in nursingIn the development of nursing is also undergoing a process of change in line with the will and teknelogi. The reason for the change in nursing, among others.a. Nursing as a profession is recognized by the community and provide health care through nursing care would be required to always turn towards self-reliance in the nursing profession so that the profession will change professional direction by showing that the nursing profession is recognized by health professionals are aligned in the health service.b. Nursing as a form of professional nursing care services provided to the public will meet the demands of society to make changes in the application of appropriate models of nursing care within the scope of nursing practice.c. Nursing as a science must always change and evolve in line with the demands of the times and changes teknelogi, because it always make changes demanded by The studies of nursing that nursing is recognized shared by other disciplines who possess a solid grounding in science.d.4
Keperwatan as the scientific community have always had to show professional lives in their duties and responsibilities and always make changes so that the image of the profession to survive and thrive.F. Examples of changes
a. Changes in terms of its
1. Spontaneous change
- In response to a controlled natural occurrence.
- Changes that will occur can not be predicted in advance.
2. Changes in growth- The development or progression that occurs in individuals, groups and organizations in the development of growth.
3. Changes planned- In an effort aimed at mencampai better rate.b. Changes in terms of the nature of the engagement
1. Participatory Change- Through the provision of adequate information- There is a positive attitude towards innovation- The emergence of commitment
2. Changes coercion (coerced change)- With the overhaul of the organization- Require personal power (personal power)c. Changes in terms of the nature of management
1. Change of plans- Adjust the activities with the aim- With a clear starting point and prepared in accordance with the objectives to be achieved
2. Random or chaotic changes- Without the effort to prepare the starting point changes- No effort preparing for activities consistent with the objectives


In the development of ecological theory according to Bronfenbrenner human interaction with the environment is in five key environmental systems, namely: mikrosistem, mesosistem, ecosystems, and kronosistem makrosistem. Where is the continuity or discontinuity of ecological memilikin attention. With more emphasis on the change of the stability of environmental factors very strong influence.

A. Aziz Alimul Hidayat. Basic Concepts of Nursing. Edition 3, Jakarta, Selemba Medika, 2008. changes + in + keperawatan.html