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communication techniques in special circumstances

 Sensory disturbances on the client being treated in hospital or individuals in the general population, among others due to:1. Anatomic organ disorders2. Impaired physiological organ3. Maturity / maturation4. Degeneration5. Cognitive perceptionIn this communication, the various organs of the body is required to produce the delivery of messages to the environment. Sensing organ systems involved in communication with the known senses, including sight, smell, hearing, speech and touch. The overall sense is controlled by the nervous system that integrates the sensation / feeling and sensory memories and emotions are stored in the brain.There are two levels of communication disorders are disturbances in sensing systems and integrative levels. Disorders of the sensing system include impaired vision, impaired speech and impaired sensing. While disorders involving higher integrative system, including mental disorders, impaired maturation think (the degeneration process of thought) and the client is not aware of; including clients in foreign languages.
Special circumstances:1. Communication in clients with impaired vision2. Communication to clients with hearing impairments3. Communication in clients with speech disorders4. Communication on the client is not aware of5. Communication in foreign languages ​​on the client6. Communication in clients with low level of knowledge / cognitive maturity disorders.

Talk NeurophysiologyThe cerebral cortex is the surface of the cerebrum which is the center of all the organs contained in the human body. Cerebral cortex is central to sensory functions and motor functions.The movement of organ talk largely determined or controlled by both hemispheres but the language is largely determined by the ability of the left hemisphere. Language centers found in the frontal lobe, parasentralis gyrus, supramarginal gyrus, angular gyrus, inferior parietal gyrus, temporal lobe and the anterior part of the occipital lobe.
Speech mechanism
 Organ of hearing:→ sound source sound / vibration air → mechanical impulse (middle ear) → electrical impulses (inner ear) → auditory nerve (nerve austikus) → auditory cortex in the brain. Centre perception (Wernicke):Here the impulse is processed and observed that there are processes: differentiation stimuli with background, storage stimulation, formation and structure analysis. Sound banks:The part that serves as a relay station that connects the center to the center of sense perception. Here the stimuli that means or will mean dismpan and forwarded to the central notion for further processing. Central senses:Stimulation received (after going through the process of sensation and perception) is then associated with the understanding they have, through the thought process that stimulus eventually becomes a concept. The concept is then stored and ready to be used in the process of association, reproduction, imagination, abstraction, and also will serve well in the process of thinking. brain engram:Center store run movement for genuine patterns sounds (especially speech sounds) are accepted. This works when a person wants to express an idea or expressed knsep can diterina and dinengerti by audiences on the speaker intent. motor centers:Center controlling the movement of speech organs, mechanism of respiration, phonation, articulation and resonance when speaking. The mechanism is consistent with the pattern of movement is determined by the bank engran. Organ talk:Covers all organs function in the process of respiration, phonation, articulation and resonance. Respiratory organs: diaphragm, chest muscles, abdominal muscles, and respiratory tract. Phonation organs: larynx especially plika vocalist. Organ articulation: labium, palate, tongue and teeth and pharynx. Feedback:It is a sensory process to control (awareness and control) speech organ movement. Divided into 2 types:1. Auditory feedback: where in less than twenty-five hundredth of a second (0.008 seconds) someone will hear his own voice. Thus he will know and be aware of the truth or error.2. Feedback KINESTHETIC: from the time of the mpuls motor nerves to the muscles at once oaring will feel the movement happening. Thus people will be aware of the truth or falsity of speech organ motion.
Kesimpulanya speech mechanism can be divided into two processes:1. The process that starts from the time when a person hears the auditory stimuli and to form a conceptual understanding (receptive process).2. The process by which a person's understanding of the concept expressed through symbols of sounds produced by organs of speech (expressive process) including awareness and control of the speech mechanism.
Speech DisordersAbnormalities of speech is one type of communication disorder characterized by the presence of errors in speech sound production process. Clinically speaking in hubungnnya disorder symptoms with causes of speech disorders can be distinguished as follows:1. Disaudia: Impaired speech due to hearing loss causes sufferers find it difficult to accept and process intensity, tone and sound quality of speech. Compensation: discussed using cues or gestures to communicate.2. Dislogia: speech disorder with respect to intellectual or mental incapacity level of intelligence.3. Dysarthria: speech disorder that occurs due to paralysis, weakness, spasticity or muscle coordination disorder organs of speech in connection with any damage or lesions in the central and peripheral nervous system.4. Disglosia: speech disorder caused by abnormalities in the shape and structure of the speech organs, especially the articulator. For example palatoskisis (sometimes accompanied by cleft palate cleft in the lip), malokulasi (abnormal tooth structure above and below), Anomaly (other causes that lead to organ structural deformities crazy talk: thumb sucking, mouth sores, mandible fracture, etc.).5. Dislalia: speech disorders associated with psychosocial conditions. For example:• Less attention auditif: rat → kikus• Range of short memory: tu or atu shoes →• Impaired auditory perception: speech sound almost the same, then the eye →• Errors mimic• Idioglosia: in twins• bilingualism• Errors articulation
Language Disorders1. Delays in language development2. Aphasia
Voice Disorders1. Abnormalities loudness2. Abnormalities of tone3. Kelaianan quality4. Afonia
Rhythm abnormalities1. Stutter2. Cluttering: spoke in a very fast3. Palilalia; tendency to repeat words or phrases uttered during
Management teraphy SpeechThe nature of the action in speech therapy can be distinguished:1. Curative2. Rehabilitative3. Preventive4. Promotive
Procedures Speech Therapy1. AssessmentStudies conducted to determine the symptoms of the disorder / communication disorders systematically, either subjective symptoms or objective symptoms. Assessment through interviews, observation test to measure the ability of communication.2. Diagnostic and prognosticBased on the assessment determined the type and background disturbance / abnormality in the form of anatomical conditions, physiological, psychological and sociological. It can also be expected that optimal development or may be achieved by the patient.3. PlanFill in planning include:• The purpose of the procedure integral speech• Methods and techniques of speech therapy and alternatives• The use of equipment and facilities to be used• Referral intra-and interdisciplinary4. Implementation• Stimulation: Provide strong excitatory bias in the form of visual, auditory and tactile• Psikoedukasi: Provides a sense that people have a positive attitude towards the behavior of communication so that they can interact with their environment.• Motokinestetik: Train people to be able to menempatka organs or muscles properly.• The placement of phonetics: Train people to be able to put the organ speak at the right place and move in the right way so that it can correctly pronounce the sounds of language.• Compensation: Do if the patient is no longer possible to do in a normal way.5. EvaluationTo determine the development of skills in therapy, so as to know the possibility of the patient being able to communicate in carrying out its duties and functions in everyday life. It could be argued stage patients return to activities such as pre-hospital communication behavior.Speech therapy is not the only approach to communication disorders, in providing complete therapy still needs cooperation with several other disciplines. Speech therapy Language disorders are healing and recovery. The ultimate goal is to return the patient to the original lingkungn or resocialization. Rehabilitation team consists of: doctor (specialist neurology), speech therapy nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, protetis ortotis, social workers, psychologists and family of the patient.