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tips on choosing a good meat products

 1. Fresh Meat.
Sales of fresh meat mostly done openly, with no sign of containers and labels, making it difficult for consumers to distinguish which one is halal and which one is not, but to distinguish between the other pork, because pork sales are usually separate. Unfortunately, in some supermarkets selling pork separation with other not so decisive that consumers should be careful to choose the supermarket that sells halal meat separated perfectly with pork.
In Indonesia for local meat, beef cuts usually done in slaughterhouses (RPH) used to say, the year 2011 RPH in Indonesia amounted to 420 and 273 place Butchering (TPH), RPH, and TPH is assisted by an interpreter slaughtered 1290 people. From 1290 the interpreter hamstrung the 811 (64%) people were already certified interpreter slaughtered halal implement the Islamic way of slaughtering.
Even RPH exists in which the majority of Balinese Hindu religion, keep slaughtering according Islamic law. Therefore, because it is a local halal beef relatively more secure.
The beef was imported legally guaranteed halal because the rules established by the Decree of the Minister of Agriculture Department of Agriculture numbers: Cut 413/Kpts/TN.310/1992 about slaughtering and meat handling and ikutannya results. into Indonesia's halal mandatory initial inspection by a team of personal MOA and MUI, and kosher certification agency that oversees negara2 exporter.
There is also the illegal import of meat that is not halal assured that physically difficult to distinguish the legal import of meat, could be illegally imported meat is sold for less than the average price of local meat and meat legally imported. Therefore, if you see the price of meat is cheaper than the market price, then it needs to be extra careful, have questioned the results of the meat, or better jikatidak buy.

*** How to choose food products in packaging that has been guaranteed halal status is as follows:
1. If the product is in the packaging of processed food has put a number MD (registration number that shows the POM products produced in the country) then see if there is halal label, if there is then it is guaranteed halal, because in order to be allowed in the box labeled halal then must obtain halal certification from MUI. If there is no label halal halal certainly not guaranteed.
2. For imported products, see if it has a number of ML on the packaging, if it is noticed that the language used in the packaging, if it is noticed in Indonesian halal label. If there is then kehalallannya is guaranteed. for products imported from Muslim-majority countries such as Malaysia, halal label note, if there's nothing then it is halal guarantee. For other imported products, if there is no halal label should be avoided and kitapunharus careful. if the product is labeled as halal but is produced by the non-Muslim majority country, in this case need to inquire into the validity of his label LPPOM MUI.
3. For food products industry results, usually numbered registration SP, is problematic because it is still quite a lot actually labeled halal despite not getting halal certification from MUI, some are already. this happens because ketidakfahaman small industry on the issue of halal certification. Therefore our understanding is needed to assess whether this small industrial food products.
4. List can be seen at the Halal Journal Halal MUI LPPOM issue or a quick search on www. Halal Hub. Com, this list contains products that have been certified halalal of MUI.

*** How to choose food without packing snacks and food are as follows:
Given memungkinkanuntuk not labeled halal street food and food without packaging it is not easy to choose which one was guaranteed halal, kosher certification said bias typically do not reach these products are, therefore, consumers must be encouraged to be able to assess the product to be in doubt buy halal or not.
The majority of Muslims in Indonesia because consumers feel his kumunitas most often do not realize that not all food is served halal are not all guaranteed. this can happen due to ignorance of the restaurant manager and the consumers themselves. Therefore, it is important for consumers to know the regulations.
In general, modern food types are more vulnerable or doubtful halal than (traditional foods) because many of the materials used are imported and originated from the State-negaranon Muslims (especially hewahi materials and derivatives).
Specifically Muslim consumers should be wary of Chinese food because in the making often involves pork fat and wine, in the form of white wine or red wine (ang cui). Besides itukie increasingly frequently used in the manufacture capcai use lard in their manufacture.
Japanese cuisine and the like are often involved in the making of sake and mirin are not allowed to be consumed by Muslims. Western cuisine is also vulnerable because many are using cheese halal (halal status doubtful) wine (especially French cuisine), meat that is not, builon (meat extract, wine vinegar, etc.).