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things to note after giving birth

When you're waiting for has arrived, Little sdh source of happiness in your arms and you officially become a mother. But be aware that arise with your baby, there are also symptoms (pain and parting with pregnancy). This afternoon Pregnant Mama Boutique team to discuss things you need to know hamiil postpartum mothers.

1. In Physical
• Output from the vagina that is similar to menstrual blood (lochia)
• Seizures in the abdomen when the uterus to contract
• Fatigue
• discomfort, pain, numbness in the perineum if your vaginal delivery (especially if you get stitches; pain get worse when you sneeze and cough) or surgical melaluo caecar
• Pain around the incision
• Sitting and walking uncomfortable
• Difficult urination for one or two hariRasa pain throughout the body
• Rupture of eye blood vessels; lebab blue-black around the eyes, on the cheeks, or elsewhere due to strong pengejanan
• BerkeringatRasa uncomfortable and breast enlargement sejitar third or fourth day after delivery
• Putting sore and chapped when you're breastfeeding

2. In Emotional
• Happy, depression, or switch-over between the two
• Feeling unable or hesitant to be a mother, especially if you are breast-feeding
• Feeling overwhelmed by the physical and emotional challenges that challenges you
• Frustration, if you are still in the hospital and wants to go home