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The concept of Nursing by Jean Watson

The concept of Nursing by Jean Watson
Nursing as a science of human care is based on the assumption that human science and human care is the primary basis in uniting goals of nursing. As a human science nursing seek to integrate empirical knowledge with estetia, humanities and tips / art (Watson, 1985). As knowledge of the human care focus to develop the core knowledge of nursing, as stated by Watson (1985) human care is the heart of nursing. This view of nursing as a science about humancare is comprehensive. This includes the development of knowledge as a basis in the areas of:
1. Assessment of the human condition
2. Explication of the human experience, and its response to a variety of healthy-diseased
3. Assessing the management of the conditions attached to them
4. Description of attributes caring relationship
5. The study of how human systems for care must be realized
In the science of human care explication search should include a variety of methods to gain a complete understanding of human phenomena. This search should facilitate the integration of knowledge from the biomedical, behavioral, sociocultural, arts and humanities to find a new nursing knowledge. Through the integration of strategy and analysis, objectivity world can be connected with the world opinion of the human experience to achieve this linkage. Perspectives on human science provides an opportunity for thinkers / nursing researchers to conduct the study of nursing science and direction, in order to lay the foundations of the subject matter as well as scientific and social responsibility through this perspective, the study of meaning, ethical values, human health and nursing can performed.
In view of the man believed to be a person of nursing as a whole, as a fully functional integrated self. In the concept of holism, the man seen as a highly intact, ..... the human is Viewed as greater than, and different from, the sum of his or her parts .... (Watson, 1985:14), which means that the presence of the various aspects of the human self, to work together and respond to realize it together. Since then human wholeness is unique, different from other human beings. Humans are also believed to be an open system (openned system), which interact with other human beings and the environment as a dynamic, continuous, and that all important for personal development. Basic view of man, which is the paradigm of nursing is the central focus in turn gave way to the exploration of human science, human responses (to health and illness) and human care and lead nurses to understand and treat other people (clients) as a whole, unique and humane.
• Watson (1985:48) states healthy as unity and harmony within the mind, body and soul. Its also associated with the degree of congruence between the self as perceived and the self as experienced, Such a Viewed of health focuses on the entire nature of the individual in his or her physical, and moral realms social.esthetic-instead of just certain aspects oh human behavior and physiology. The definition of health is revealed that the intact condition and harmony between body, mind and soul, and this is related to the level of concordance between self-perceived and self-realized. Views on health focuses on the whole person covers things that are physical, social, ethical and moral, not just focusing on the aspects of human behavior and physiology alone. From some of the concepts of healthy (and pain / illness) above can dikemDari some concepts of healthy (and pain / illness) above can be put forward some principles such as:
• Healthy describe a person's integrity conditions that are multidimensional, which can fluctuate depending on the interrelation between the factors that influence.
• healthy condition can be realized if basic human needs are met.
• healthy condition can be achieved because of the ability to adapt to internal and external environment.
• Healthy can not be expressed as a condition that stops at a certain point, but it varies depending on the capacity to function in a dynamic environment.
• Health as a state of dynamic equilibrium between form and function of the body (human) because of his success to adjust to the effects that can interfere with (agent, environment).
• Carative factor according to Watson was trying to appreciate the human dimensions of care and subjective experiences of the people we care for.
The elements contained in carative factor is:
1. Human values ​​and altruistic (Humanistic-Altruistic System Value)
2. beliefs and expectations (Faith and Hope)
3. Sensitive to yourself and to other people and dogs (Sensitivity to self and others)
4. Helps foster confidence, make connections in the humane care
5. Expression of positive and negative feelings
6. The process of problem-solving treatment in kreativ (creative problem-solving caring process)
7. Learning the transpersonal (transpersonal teaching learning)
8. Support, protection, improvement of physical, mental, social and spiritual.
9. Assistance to human needs (Human needs assistance)
10. The existence of the phenomenon of spiritual power.
Of the ten carrative factors above, Caring in nursing on efforts to humanely treat clients as human beings and completely different from other human beings (Watson, 1985) with regard to the humanities in the process of determining whether the conditions are met basic human needs and compliance efforts through various forms intervention is not only a technical ability but with "warmth, kindness, compassion." Watson then introduced "clinical caritas process" (CCP), to put his carative factor, which is derived from the Greek "cherish", which means to give love and attention khusus.Jadi clinical caritas process is a patient care practice wholeheartedly awareness, and of love.
Clinical caritas process, are as follows:
- Caring for patients with full consciousness, heart and love.
- Present in body and soul, supportive and able to express positive and negative feelings from the basics of spiritual values ​​in relation to the patient as a one-being-cared-for.
- Cultivation of spiritual and transpersonal, beyond themselves and to be more open-sensitive and compassionate.
- Creative use of self and all the way in the treatment process, the artistk, as part of a caring-healing-practice.
v create a healing environment at all levels, physical and non-physical, with full awareness and overall, the attention to beauty, comfort, dignity and peace.
- Involved in the process of teaching and learning experiences, which are presented as a unified "being and meaning" (being and meaning), and try to see and refer to the frameworks of others.
According to Watson (1999), transpersonal caring relationship that berkarakteriskkan special human relationship depends on:
- Moral nurses who are committed to protect and enhance the dignity of human beings like themselves or taller than him.
- Nurses caring consciousness communicated to preserve and appreciate the spiritual, therefore it does not treat a person as an object.
- Treatment of conscience that has the potential to heal the relationship and since, relationships, experiences and perceptions of progress.
- This relationship describes how the nurse has exceeded an objective assessment, showing attention to one's subjectivity, and deeper in their own health situation sendiri.Kesadaran nurses a concern for sustainability and an understanding of the perceptions of others.
- This approach highlights the uniqueness of the two sides, the nurse and the patient, as well as mneguntungkan mutual relationship between two individuals, which became the basis of a hubungan.Oleh therefore, that in-patient care and both are plugged in seeking meaning and unity, and may be able to feel the suffering of patients.
- The term transpersonal means go out yourself and allow it to achieve spiritual depth to improving comfort and healing pasien.Pada Ultimately, the goal of transpersonal caring relationship is related to protecting, enhancing and maintaining the dignity, humanity, unity and harmony of mind.
C. CARING occation / MOMENT
CARING occation by Watson (1988, 1999) is a chance (of space and time) when the nurses and others caring human came when implemented, and of both with a unique phenomenon to have the opportunity to come together in a moment of human to human interaction. For Watson (1988 b, 1999) a remarkable field in accordance with the framework of one's reference point or feelings experienced by a person, body sensations, thoughts or spiritual beliefs, goals, expectations consideration of the environment, the sense perceptions are all based on one's experience in life, present or future will be. Watson (1999) emphasized that the nurses in this case as a care giver also need to understand in a moment kehadiranya kesadaan and caring with his patients, more information from both sides as well as nurses who cared for can be affected by the treatment and the actions that they perform, so will be a part from his own life experience
Caring can be a tranpersonal occation where possible the spirit of both (nurses and patients) then the opportunity that allows openness and abilities to develop. (Watson, 1999, pp. 116 -