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Technique Against Dysmenorrhoea

 Dysmenorrhoea is a very painful menstruation, without any abnormality on pelvis. Several theories suggest dysmenorrhoea can be overcome using the application of warm compress or effleurage technique. The Objective of this research is to identify the effectiveness between warm compress and effleurage technique in the reduction of dysmenorrhoea. Method Pre experimental design was conducted to 15 female student of which received warm compress and 15 female student of which received effleurage technique. Samples were recruited using random sampling. Data were collected using questionnaire. A Paired Sample T-test and Independent Sample T-test was used to examine the difference between the two groups.  Result findings There is no significant differences between warm compress and effleurage technique in the reduction of dysmenorrhoea intensity (p = 0,310). Both intervention group had significant to reduced  dysmenorrhoea intensity (p = 0,00). Conclusion Warm compress and effleurage technique can be equally used to reduced dysmenorrhoea intensity.
Keywords : Dysmenorrhoea, Pain Management, Pain Intensity                   

A.    Background
Menstruation comonly may caused the emerge of pain or sickness in abdomen area. This pain absolutelly disturb if it is not be cured. There are many ways to reduce the pain for example : through pharmacologics; by using analgesic medicine or anti inflamation nonsteroid medicine ( NSAID), or  reducing the pain with the intervention or nursing care without using pharmacologics medicine because nonpharmacologics treatment is safer than consuming pharmacologics medicine. Pain management by using non pharmacologics is safer because it is not arising the side effect and using physiological process. For reducing the pain intensity, it is suggested to use non pharmacologics pain management, such as : massage, ice therapy, warm compress, relaxation therapy and hypnosis ( Bare and Smeltzer, 2002 )

Based on the experimental which is conducted, in Indonesia the rate of Dysmenorhea up to 64.25% which consist of 54. 89% for primary dysmenorrhea and 9.36%  secondary dysmenorrhea ( Info sehat, 2008 ). Moreover, the research to 89 the students of Nurshing Program of Sriwijaya University, it is found that 64% of the students get dysmenorrhea and 36% not get dysmenorrhea.  Most of the students do not try anything to reduce the intensity of the pain and only little part of them who finding solution to reduce the pain of dysmenorrhea by using cajuput oil, warm compress and analgesic medicine. Unfortunatelly, the effectiveness of both treatments are not evaluated yet, and it is necesarry to examine and compare which one is more effective to reduce or to prevent dysmenorrhea.

B.     Objective
The objective of this research is to identify the effectiveness between warm compress and effleurage technique in reducing dysmenorrhea.

C.    Hypothesis
There are differences between warm compress and effleurage technique through the intensity of menstruation pain ( Dysmenorrhea ).

D.    Method
Pre experimental design was conducted to 15 female students of which received warm compress and 15 female students of which received effleurage technique. Samples were recruited using random sampling with inclution criteria getting primary Dysmenorrhoea, the average rate of less than 20 years old, and based on the criteria of those female students do not smoking or having diet, event getting depressed.

Data were collected  by using quetionaire through two group of samplings. Meanwhile, to measure the intensity of dysmenorrhea pain is using Mankoski classification. The first group is exemined by taking warm compress which lies under the stomach for ten minutes at the first day of getting menstruation. Then, the second group is examine with efflurage by giving soft touch to the stomache used circle movement ( one direction) and giving soft pressure for ten minutes at the first day of getting menstruation.

A Paired Sample T- test and Independentsample T- test was used to examined the difference between two groups.

E.     The Analysis
  1. The intensity of Menstruation Pain before and after Giving Warm Compress
The sampling which is taken from 15 respondens,  before treating by warm compress, it is gained that the highest intensity of the pain is 7 and the lowest intensity of the pain is 3 and the rate of SD is 1.20. After giving treatment with warm compress, there is 5 for the highest intensity of the pain and the lowest intensity of the pain is 1, while the rate of intensity of the pain is 3.13 and the rate of SD is 1.30. The whole respondens having decreassion after giving treatment with warm compress for ten minutes. The decreassion of the higest intensity of the pain is 4 and the decreassion of the lowest intensity of the pain is 1. And the rate for the decreassion of the intensity of the pain is 2.06 with the rate of SD is 0.961

The painfull of menstruation of the subjects is caused by the overload prostaglandin secretion in endometrial area when the subjects get their menstruation. The increassion of prostagladin number may caused over contraction of uterus, the decreassion of blood stream to uterus, vasospasme arteriolar, and ischemics of uterus muscle.

The previous research which is conducted by Akin et all ( 2001) which compared the effectiveness of giving  warm compress intensivelly and the effectiveness of ibuprofen in reducing of primary dysmenorrhea, it is shown that warm compress therapy is reducing the  intensity of the pain if it is comparing with the member group of control who do not get the treatment.

According to Bobak ( 2005 ), warm compress is functioned for reducing or preventing the pain of which the heat from the compress is able to reduce the ischemics because it is declining the contraction of uterus and defusing blood vessel, so, it may reduce the suspense and the pain, increase blood steam, and reduce vasocongesti pelvics. The therapy of heat i s used to cure the pain and it is influenced in four difference levels;may use local warming to reduce the stimulus or nociceptor perifer respons around it. Local warming influenced in changing blood vessel to be vasodilatation; reducing a dismissal from bradikinin, prostaglandin, and another alogogenics substance ( Thomas, 2006 ).

  1. The Intensity of the Pain before and after Effleurage Technique
Before giving treatment by using Effleurage technique, it is found that the highest intensity of the pain is 7 and the lowest intensity of the pain is 2 with the rate of mean  the pain intensity is 4.8 and the total SD 1. 56. After receiving Effleurage technique, the highest intensity of the pain is 6 and the lowest intensity of the pain is 1, with the rate of the pain intensity is 3. 06 and the total SD 1. 48.  The sampling from 14 respondens having decreation of the pain intensity and only one responden who is not responsif after receiving Effleurage technique for ten minutes. The decreation of the highest intensity of the pain is 3 levels and the lowest decreation of the pain intensity is 0 level or we may say that it is not decreased. The rate of mean decreassion of the pain intensity is 1. 73 with the total SD is 0.798.

The result of this research is supported Ekowati’s research, Ekowati et all ( 2010 ), it is stated that massage effleurage technique to abdomen has an effect for the decreassion of the intensity of the pain for dysmenorrhea. The decreassion of menstruation pain is occured after giving massage effleurage technique. It stimulates the tactile  fiber of the skin, so, the signal of the pain can be blocked (Bobak, 2005). According to Meek (1993),  soft touch and massage are the integration of sensory technique which is influenced the activity of otonomous nerve system. If we perceive a touch as stimulus for relaxing, so, it will arise the respons of relaxation ( Perry and Potter 2005)

  1. The Analysis of Influence of Warm Compress in  the Reduction of Dysmenorrhea

Table 1
 The Influence of Warm Compress in the reduction of dysmenorrhea

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference

Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean


Sig. (2-tailed)

b. The Analysis of Influence of Effleurage technique in the reduction of Dysmenorrhea
Tabel 2
The Influence of Effleurage technique in the Reduction of Dysmenorrhea

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference

Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean


Sig. (2-tailed)

  1. The analysis of Effectiveness between Warm Compress and Effleurage Technique  in the Reduction of Dysmenorrhea
Tabel 3
Perbedaaan Perubahan Tingkat Intensitas Nyeri Menstruasi Antara Kelompok Kompres Hangat dan Kelompok Teknik Effleurage

t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference

Mean Difference
Std. Error Difference


Sig. (2-tailed)

From the table 3, it is shown that the two treatments; warm compress and effleurage technique may reduce the pain intensity in menstruation ( dysmenorrhea ). But if we see the differences of the changing of the intensity the pain, there is no significant differences, p value = 0. 310. It can be concluded that there is no differences effectiveness between the use of warm compress and effleurage technique in the reduction dysmenorrhea.

According to Perry and Potter ( 2005 ), warm compress and effleurage technique is nonpharmacologics therapy; cutaneus stimulus, in which skin stimulus is used for reducing the pain. The method of cutaneus stimulus is not really clear. One of theory stated that this way will stimulate a dismissal of endorfin which is blocking the transmission of pain stimulation. Gate – Control Theory stated that cutaneus stimulus activated the fiber of sensory nerve A – Beta and make it bigger and faster. This proccess is reducing the transmission of the pain through the fiber C and Delta- A with small diameter. It will caused the gate sinaps closing the transmission of pain stimulus.

F.     Conclussion
  1. The intensity of the pain of the responden before receiving warm compress, for the highest intensity of the pain is 7, and the lowest intensity of the pain is 3, with the rate of mean is 5.2 and total SD is 1. 20
  2. The intensity of the pain of the responden after receiving warm compress with the highest intensity of the pain is 5, and the lowest intensity of the pain is 1, with the mean rate is 3. 13 and total SD is 1.30.
  3. The intensity of the pain of the respondens before effleurage technique with the highest intensity of the pain 7 and the lowest intensity of the pain 2,and the rate mean is 3. 06 and SD 1. 48.
  4. The intensity of the pain of responden after receiving effleurage with the highest intensity of the pain is 3. 06 and total SD 1. 48.
  5. From 15 respondens who receive warm compress, it is getting the decreassion of the mean rate 2.06 and 15 respondens who receive effleurage technique get decreassion for 1.73. It is shown that warm compress and effleurage technique is effective in the reduction of the pain intensity of menstruation. The result of the data to the effectiveness between warm compress and effleurage technique through the intensity of dysmenorrhea using independent sample T- test with α = 0, 05 is gained the P value = 0.310, it means that the hyipothesis is not valid or in another word there is no significant differences between warm compress and effleurage technique againts dysmenorrhea.


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