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Optimal Implementation of Nursing Actions

Optimal Implementation of Nursing Actions
If nursing plans have been prepared there must be the implementation phase of nursing actions in order to meet client needs optimally. Implementation is the management and realization of the plan of nursing has been compiled at the planning stage.
Type of action
1. Independently (independent): is an action initiated by the nurse to assist clients in addressing the problem or respond to a reaction because of the stressor (penyait), for example:
1. Assisting clients in daily activities melakuan
2. Provide skin care to prevent pressure sores
3. Encourage the client to express feelings appropriately
4. Creating therapeutic lingungan
2. Interdependence (interdependent / collaborative): is nursing actions on the basis of cooperation among the care team or with other health care team such as doctors, physiotherapists, health analysts and so on, for example in terms of:
1. Provision of drugs according to doctor's instructions
2. Infusion
3. Referral / dependence (dependent): is nursing actions on the basis of referrals from other professionals, such as physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, and so, for example:
- Feeding on the client in accordance with diit that was created by a nutritionist
- Exercise - Physiotherapists
Interverensi Nursing
1. Maintaining endurance
2. Preventing complications
3. Finding changes in body systems
4. Establishing relationships with clients lingungan
5. Implementation of physician messages
6. Promote the safety, comfort and safety of clients.
Interverensi Principles of Nursing
1. Based on the response to the client
2. Based on the use of resources available
3. Improving the ability of self-care and self reliance
4. In accordance with the standards of nursing practice
5. Legal basis
6. In accordance with the responsibilities of nursing practice
7. Cooperation with other professions
8. Emphasis on aspects of prevention and health promotion
9. Applying the most effective method of nursing
10. Considering the essential health needs
11. Taking into account the factors of environmental change
12. Increasing the role of the client in the client's nursing care.
Implementation of Nursing Actions
1. Jump: handled by the nurse who discovered the client's health problems
2. Delegation: submitted to another person or another nurse who can be trusted to act in the client's nursing.
Nursing Considerations Actions
1. Individuality client
2. Involving clients in intervention
3. Prevention of complications
4. As a condition of the body, defense efforts to improve health
5. Sense of security for the client
6. Appearance wise nurse
Implementation Measures of Nursing Actions
1. Review the data and update the data
2. Revised plan of nursing as a response to changes in the client's response to health problems
3. Determining the client's needs and help nursing
4. Implementation of actions
5. Studying the client's response
6. Communication.
Basic Strategy Implementation Measures of Nursing
1. The process of teaching and learning related to health education
2. Two-way communication between the nurse and the client
3. Psychomotor skills of nurses to help meet client needs
4. Cooperation between nurses and other health professionals
5. Nursing leadership in nursing care menglola
Things that Need to Look For
A. Preparation Phase:
1. Understanding the nursing plan
2. Utilizing skills in implementing nursing actions
3. Master the technical skills of nursing
4. Knowing the necessary resources
5. Understand the legal and ethical codes that apply in the field of nursing
6. Knowing the side effects and complications that may arise
7. Knowing the standards of nursing practice for success menguur
8. Appearance nurses in carrying out nursing actions should convince
B. Implementation Phase:
1. Safety clients
2. Safety and comfort of clients
3. Prevention of complications.