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nursing care septal deviation

Nasal trauma caused many accidents are blunt, so the risk of resulting in various complications such as infection, nasal obstruction, scarring and fibrosis, secondary deformity, synechiae, nasal saddles, nasoolakrimalis duct obstruction, and perforation of the nasal. By the time, consisting of nasal trauma new trauma, which has not been formed callus, and old traumas, when the callus was hardened. Based on the relationship with the external ear, there is such a traumatic open and closed trauma. Directions trauma determine the damage, such as when the trauma comes from the lateral nasal bone fracture will occur if the ipsilateral mild, while severe trauma would cause rice septal deviation and contralateral nasal bone fracture.
Nasal septum is part of the nose that limits the right and left nasal cavity. Septum nasi serves as the support rod nose (dorsum nasi). Septum nasi is divided into two anatomic regions such as the anterior part, which is composed of cartilage quadrangularis, and the posterior part, which is composed of the lamina perpendikularis os ethmoidalis and VOMER.
Under normal circumstances, the septum nasi is straight in the middle but in adults is usually not perfectly straight septum nasi in the midline. Septal deviation may cause nasal obstruction if severe deviations occur. Accidents on the face of a septal deviation biggest factor in adults.
Symptoms most often arise from septal deviation is difficulty breathing through the nose. Difficulty breathing normally on the nose, the nose sometimes the opposite. In some cases, the septal deviation may also result in obstructed sinus drainage of secretions that can cause sinusitis.
In the case below, septal deviation caused by blunt trauma and symptoms experienced by patients were mild that treatment was only for the symptomatic.

Septum deviation is a situation where there is the reversal of the septum nasi of it lies in the medial line of the body.
Septal deviation divided into several classifications based on the location of deviation, namely:
Type I; lumps that do not interfere with unilateral air flow.
Type II; lump unilateral already disrupt the flow of air, but it still has not shown any significant clinical symptoms.
Type III; deviation in Konka media (area osteomeatal and turbinasi middle).
Type IV, "S" septum (posterior to the other side, and anterior to the other side).
Type V; unilateral large bulge at the base of the septum, while on the other hand is still normal.
Type VI; Type V plus unilateral sulcus of the caudal-ventral, suggesting cavity asymmetry.
Type VII; combination of more than one type, the type I-type VI.
The forms of the nasal deformity is deviation, usually a C or S; dislocation, the lower outer cartilage of the septum to the maxillary crest and into the nasal cavity; protrusion of bone or cartilage septum, when it extends from front to back are called cristae, and when very pointy and flat called spina; synechiae, if the deviation or septal crest met and adhered to conchae presence.
Causes include septal deviation rice direct trauma, Birth Moulding Theory (abnormal position while in the womb), congenital anomalies, trauma after birth, trauma at birth, and the difference in growth between the septum and the palate.
Risk factors septal deviation was greater when labor. After birth, the greatest risk is that of sports, such as contact sports (boxing, karate, judo) and do not use a helmet or a seat belt when driving.
Septal deviation can usually be seen through the inspection directly on the bridge of his nose. However, it is also necessary to ensure radiological diagnosis. From examination rinoskopi anterior, septal protrusion can be seen in the direction of deviation if there is a severe deviation, but the mild deviation, the results can be normal.
Mild septal deviation will not bother, but if the deviation is quite heavy, causing constriction on one side of the nose. Thus, it can interfere with the function of the nose and cause complications.
Symptoms that often arises is usually a unilateral nasal obstruction or bilateral as well. Another complaint is pain in the head and around the eyes. In addition, the smell can also be disrupted if there are deviations in the upper septum.
• Analgesics. Used to relieve the pain.
• Decongestants, used to reduce secretions of the nose.
• Surgery.
• Septoplasti.
• SMR (Sub-mucous Resection).
Septal deviation can clog the sinus ostium, so that is a factor predisposing to sinusitis. In addition, the deviation of nasal septum also causes a narrow space, which can form polyps.
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