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nursing care Appendicitis

Appendicitis is an inflammation that often occurs in the appendix which is a serious case of abdominal surgery are the most common.

Etiology of Appendicitis
Appendicitis is a bacterial infection caused by obstruction or blockage due to:
1. Hyperplasia of lymphoid follicles
2. Fekalit presence in the lumen of the appendix
3. Tumor appendix
4. Foreign bodies such as worms askariasis
5. Appendix mucosal erosion due to parasites such as E. Histilitica.
According to research, epidemiology suggests eating low fiber diet will cause constipation which can cause appendicitis. This will increase the pressure intra caecal, causing functional obstruction appendix and enhance the growth of bacteria flora in the colon.
Pathophysiology of Appendicitis
Appendicitis is usually caused by a blockage of the lumen of the appendix. Obstruction causes mucus produced mucosal appendix suffered dam. The longer the mucus is more and more, but have limited Elasitas appendix wall resulting in increased intra-luminal pressure. These pressures will impede lymph flow resulting in mucosal edema and ulaserasi. At the time it happened acute appendicitis focal marked with epigastric pain.
When mucus secretion continues, the pressure will continue to increase. This will cause venous obstruction, edema and bacteria will grow through the wall so that inflammation of the peritoneum arising widespread and can cause pain in the lower right abdomen is called acute suppurative appendicitis.
When disturbed arterial flow will occur infrak followed gangrene appendix wall. This stage is called appendicitis ganggrenosa. When the wall of the appendix fragile it will happen prefesional called appendikssitis perforation.
When the process is slow, the omentum and the adjacent bowel will move in the direction appendix to appear appendikkularis infiltrates.
In children due to shorter omentum and appendix are longer, thinner walls. The situation is coupled with immune system is less easy to perforation occurs, whereas in the elderly prone to occur because there is an interruption of blood vessels.
Signs and Symptoms of Appendicitis
Pain is felt in the lower quadrant of the abdomen and is usually accompanied by mild fever, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Local tenderness at the point of Mc. Burney pressure when it's done. Tenderness off may be encountered.
The degree of tenderness, muscle spasm, and if there is constipation or diarrhea are not depending on the severity of the infection and the location of the appendix. If the appendix circle behind the cecum, pain and tenderness can be felt in the lumbar region: when the tip is in the pelvis, these signs can only be detected in rectal examination. Pain on defecation shows that the end of the appendix close to the bladder or ureter. The existence kekeakuan on the bottom right of the rectum muscle may occur.
Tand Rovsing can arise with left lower quadrant palpation, which is paradoxical cause pain felt in the lower right quadrant. If the appendix has ruptured, and the pain can be more diffuse; abdominal distension caused by ileus paralitikdan client's condition worsened.
Complications of Appendicitis
The main complication of appendicitis is perforation of the appendix, which can develop into peritonitis or abscess. The incidence of perforation was 105 to 32%. The incidence is higher in young children and the elderly. Perforation generally occurs 24 hours after the onset of pain. Symptoms include a fever with a temperature of 37.7 ° C or higher, a continuous abdominal tenderness.
Management of Appendicitis
In acute appendicitis, the best treatment is surgery appendix. Within 48 hours to be done. Patients in obsevarsi, a break in the Fowler position, given antibiotics and was given food that does not stimulate peristalsis, if there is perforated drain given the lower right abdomen.
a. Pre operative action, including patients in the hospital, given antibiotics and compresses to reduce the temperature of the patient, the patient is asked to bed rest and fasting
b. Operative action; appendiktomi
c. Post operative action, one day post surgery clients are encouraged to sit up in bed for 2 x 30 minutes, the next day soft foods and standing outside the room, the seventh day stitches removed, the client's home.