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Implementation patients with snake bite

Implementation of nursing is an act that has been planned in a nursing action plan that includes other courses of action independent (standalone) and collaboration. However, the implementation of nursing adapted to the situation and condition of the patient. Act of self-care activities that are based on the conclusions or decisions on their own and do not constitute instructions or orders from other health workers. Action is action that is based collaborative joint decision outcomes such as doctors and other health workers. (Tarwoto Wartonah, 2004: 6).
Evaluation is the last step of the nursing process by identifying the extent to which the purpose of the plan is achieved or not nursing. If the goal is not achieved, then the fault lies need to be re-examined, sought a way out, then record what was found, and whether the intervention needs to be revised.
Hugh A. F. Dudley (Ed), Hamilto Bailey, Surgery, Volume XI, Gajah Mada University Press, 1992
Diane C. Baugman, Joann C. Hackley, Medical Surgical Nursing, Lippincott, 1996
Donna D. Ignatavicius, at al., Medical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing Process Approach, 2nd Edition, WB. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1991.
Susan Martin Tucker, et al., Patient Care Standards: The nursing process, Diagnosis and Evaluation, Volume V, Volume 2, EGC, Jakarta, 1998.
Joice M. Black, Esther Jacobs Matassarin, Medical Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Contuinity of Care, 5th Edition, WB. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1997.
Soeparman, Sarwono Waspadji, Internal Medicine, Volume II, Hall Publisher Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta, 1990
Diane C. Baugman, Joann C. Hackley, Medical Surgical Nursing, Lippincott, 1996
Donna D. Ignatavicius, at al., Medical Surgical Nursing: A Nursing Process Approach, 2nd Edition, WB. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1991.
Susan Martin Tucker, et al., Patient Care Standards: The nursing process, Diagnosis and Evaluation, Volume V, Volume 2, EGC, Jakarta, 1998.
Joice M. Black, Esther Jacobs Matassarin, Medical Surgical Nursing: Clinical Management for Contuinity of Care, 5th Edition, WB. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1997.
Soeparman, Sarwono Waspadji, Internal Medicine, Volume II, Hall Publisher Faculty of Medicine, Jakarta, 1990