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ethical principles of nursing

ethical principles of nursing

a. Autonomy (Autonomy)
The principle of autonomy is based on the belief that individuals are able to think logically and be able to make their own decisions. Adults are considered competent and have the power to create your own, choosing and have different decision or choice that should be respected by others. The principle of autonomy is a form of respect for the person, or seen as an endorsement not pushy and act rationally. Autonomy is the right of self-reliance and individual liberty are demanding to distinguish themselves. Professional practice reflects autonomy when nurses respect the rights of clients to make decisions about her care.

b. Do good (Beneficience)
Beneficience mean, just do something good. Goodness, it requires prevention of fault or crime, elimination of errors and increase goodness or evil by themselves and others. Sometimes, the situation of health care, there is a conflict between this principle of autonomy.
c. Justice (Justice)
The principle of fairness is needed to terpai equal and fair to others who uphold the principles of moral, legal and humanitarian. This value is reflected in the exclusion professionals when nurses worked for the correct treatment of the law, standards of practice and a true belief to get quality health care.
d. No harm (Nonmaleficience)
This principle means not cause harm / injury to the client's physical and psychological.
e. Honesty (veracity)
The principle of veracity mean full truth. This value is required by the health service to deliver the truth to each client and to ensure that the client fully understands. The principle of veracity in touch with one's ability to tell the truth. Information must exist in order to be accurate, komprensensif, and objective to facilitate the understanding and acceptance of existing material, and tell the truth to clients about all things related to his situation during treatment. However, there is some argument to say the limit for such honesty would be a mistake if the truth client prognosis for recovery or a paternalistic relationship that "doctors knows best" because individuals have autonomy, they have the right to get full information about his condition. Truth is the basis for building a trusting relationship.
f. Keeping promises (Fidelity)
The principle of fidelity required individuals to appreciate the promise and commitment to others. Nurses faithful to its commitments and keeping promises and secrets of clients. Obedience, loyalty is the duty of a person to maintain the commitment he made. Faithfulness, describing compliance with the code of conduct that nurses stated that the basic responsibility of the nurse is to promote health, prevent illness, restore health and minimize suffering.
g. Karahasiaan (Confidentiality)
Rules in the principle of confidentiality of information about clients is client's privacy should be maintained. Everything contained in this document the client's health record should only be read in the context of the treatment of the client. No one can obtain such information unless authorized by the client with proof of consent. Discussion of clients outside the service area, delivered to their friends or family about clients with other health professionals should be avoided.
h. Accountability (Accountability)
Accountability is a definite standard that measures a professional can be assessed in situations that are not clear or without exception.