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Communication In Organizations

Communication In Organizations


A. Definition
  • Communication comes from the Latin word "communis" or "common" in English that means the same. Communicating means that we strive to achieve uniformity of meaning, "commonness". Or the expression, through communication we try to share information, ideas, or attitudes to other participants.
  • When two people are together, they communicate continuously because they can not behave. PALO ALTO strongly believe that one can not not communicate (Palo Alto)
  • Communication is a process of exchange of information among depressed individuals through a common system (common), either by means of symbols, signs or behavior or action. (Himstreet & Baty)
  • Everet M. Roger in his book Communication in Organization, defines the organization as an established system of people working together to achieve common goals, through the ranks, and the division of tasks.
  •  Organizational Communication can be defined as the performance and interpretation of messages between communication units that are part of a particular organization.
  • An organization consists of units of communication in hierarchical relationships between each other and work in an environment

B. Communications Unit
• A system is defined by the Pool [1973] as "any entity that can be sustained in a two state or more".
• In a communication system, the situation is the relationship between people.
• In a state of organizational communication system address is the relationship between people in positions [positions].
• basic unit of communication in an organization is one position. People can be socialized by the office, creating a cycle that is more appropriate to the circumstances of position, at the same positions they will be personalized, results in a figure or image that correspond to the state of the page.

C. Communication Process
Broadly speaking, the communication process is divided into two, namely:
1. Internal Communication
2. External Communications

1. Internal Communication
a. Downward communication, the communication that takes place when people who are at the management level to send a message to his subordinates. The function of the flow of communication from top to bottom are:
ü Providing storage or work instructions (job instruction)
ü A description of the leadership of why a task needs to be done (job retionnale)
ü Submission of information regarding the applicable regulations (procedures and practices)
ü Providing motivation for employees to work better.
b. Upward communication, the communication that occurs when subordinates (subordinate) to send a message to his superiors. The function of the flow of communication from the bottom up are:
ü Submission informai on job work or duties that have been implemented
ü Submission of information on employment issues or tasks that can not be resolved by subordinates
ü Submission of suggestions for improvement of the subordinate
ü Submission of complaints from subordinates about himself and his work.
c. Horizontal communication, the act of communication is taking place among the employees or the part that has an equal footing. The function of the horizontal flow of communication is:
ü Improve the coordination task
ü Efforts problem solving
ü Information sharing
ü conflict resolution efforts
ü Developing relationships through joint activities.
2. External Communications
Organization's external communication is communication between the leadership of the organization with audiences outside the organization. In large organizations, communication is mostly done by the head of public relations of the leaders themselves. 's Own leadership is limited to things that ianggap very important. External Communication consists of reciprocal lines:
a. Communication from the organization to the public. Communication is carried out generally as informative, done in such a way that the audience feel have an involvement, at least there is an inner connection. This communication can be through a variety of forms, such as: magazine organization's press release; articles in newspapers or magazines; radio address; documentary; brochures; leaflets; poster; press conference.
b. Communication from the audience to the organization. Communication from the audience to the organization is the effect of the feedback and communication activities undertaken by the organization.

D. Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Communication
1. Formal communication channels
SKF affect communication effectiveness with 2 ways:
ü Coverage Formal channel widening in keeping with the organization's collapse
ex. Effective communication is difficult to achieve within a big organization and cabang2nya spread
ü SKF can impede the flow of information between levels of the organization
ex. Submission of information from lower-level officials can be delivered on top of it, ill always directly on the manager / director

2. Organizational authority structure
The difference in power and status (status) within the organization will determine the pihak2 communicate with someone as well as the content and accuracy of communication
3. Specialization office
ü The members of a group working together will tend to communicate with the term, objectives, timing and style of the same
ü Communication between different groups tend to be hampered
4. Ownership of information
ü Individuals who have special information and knowledge you know about their work
ü Ex. Head of nursing, chief administrative

E. Organizational Communication Functions
In an organization both commercially and socially oriented, communication within the organization or agency would involve four functions, namely:
1. Informative function
Organizations can be viewed as an information processing system (information-processing system). That is, all members of an organization hope to gain more information, better and timely. The information obtained allows every member of the organization to carry out their work in a more definite information is basically required by all those who have different positions in an organization. The people at the level of management the information needed to make an organization's policies or to address conflicts in the organization. While employee (subordinate) requires information about security, social security and health, and so leave permission.
2. Regulative function
Regulatory function is associated with the regulations in force in an organization. In every agency or organization, there are two things that affect the regulatory functions, namely:
a. Superiors or people who are at the level of management that is those who have the authority to control all of the information submitted. Besides, they also have the authority to give instructions or orders, resulting in the possibility of organizational structure they are placed on the top layer (position of authority) so that the commands executed properly. However, the attitude of subordinates to execute many commands depends on:
ü validity penyampaikan leadership in command.
ü The power of leadership in giving sanction.
ü trust subordinates to superiors as a leader and as a person.
ü The credibility of the message received by subordinates.

b. In relation to the message or message. Regulative messages basically oriented work. That is, subordinate regulations require certainty about the job and should not be allowed to be implemented.

3. Persuasive Functions
In arranging an organization, power and authority will not always bring results as expected. The fact is, many leaders who prefer to persuade subordinates rather than giving orders. Because the work is done voluntarily by employees will result in a greater concern than if leaders often show power and authority.

4. Integrative Functions
Every organization is trying to provide a channel that allows employees and job tasks can be executed properly. There are two formal communication channels such as publishing specialized in the organization (newsletters, bulletins) and a progress report oraganisasi; too informal communication channels such as interpersonal conversations during work breaks, sporting events or field trip activities. Implementation of these activities will foster a desire for greater participation of employees within the organization.