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Clean and Healthy Behavior

                                                    FRAME EXTENSION

Guidance Title: Clean and Healthy Behavior (Handwashing is good and right)
General Purpose:
After the lectures, students are expected to elementary school (SD) capable of executing Clean and Healthy Behavior (Handwashing is good and right).
Specific Objectives:
  • Elementary students are able to know the definition of washing hands properly.
  • Elementary students are able to know what the benefits of hand washing
  • Elementary students are able to know what is the impact if it does not wash hands
  • Elementary students are able to practice how to wash hands properly
  • Elementary students are able to explain again how to wash hands properly.
Day / Date: January 7, 2012
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 9:20 pm
Venue: Classroom
Objective: Students of class I-II Elementary School (SD)
Methods: Lectures, demonstrations, question and answer
Media: Clipchart
                        Materials: Paper, markers
                       Soap, small towel, dipper and bucket of water
  1. What is to wash your hands?
  2. What are the benefits of hand washing?
  3. What is the impact if you do not wash your hands?
  4. Elementary students are able to practice how to wash hands properly!
  5. Elementary students are able to explain again how to wash hands properly!