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Treatment of diarrhea

The incidence of diarrhea in Indonesia is increasing every year. Because many causes of diarrhea itself. Understanding itself adallah diarrhea bowel movement (defecation) by the number of stools more than normal (normal 100-200 cc / hr feces). With liquid stools / semi-solid, can be accompanied by increased frequency. There is also a sense of diarrhea is diarrhea is loose, watery stools more than 3 times a day. Similarly, according to the WHO definition of diarrhea (1980).
Surely it would be different between infant diarrhea and diarrhea in adults. Both in terms of quantity and quality. Since diarrhea is closely related to fluid in the body, while there is clearly a difference between the fluid needs of adults with children. That is apart from the difference in terms of physical as well as anatomy physiology as well.
diarrheal diseases are still one of the major diseases in infants and children in Indonesia. Estimated morbidity and the incidence of diarrhea in Indonesia ranges between 150-430 per thousand population annually. With the effort that has now been implemented, the hospital mortality rate could be reduced to less than 3%.
Handling of childhood diarrhea and infant diarrhea handlers are different from an adult's diarrhea. Diarrhea in children if they do not immediately get the help that will quickly and accurately can lead to children falling under unfavorable conditions. But if the treatment of children with appropriate treatment of diarrhea then it will help in restoring the condition of the children themselves.
Handling and treatment of childhood diarrhea or adult is actually focused on the return of fluids lost in the diarrhea itself. Dehydration is a common problem in the incidence of diarrhea when it is not getting enough fluids. If not in the rate of severe diarrhea in adults given enough drink enough to replace the fluid out and also oralit. But if the patient's condition had not improved and the diarrhea continues to level the worse it will be wise to immediately be brought to the health service such as a hospital or clinic.
Treatment of childhood diarrhea and the treatment of childhood diarrhea can be done at home if the diarrhea in our children are still in their infancy. Here are the steps and tips to overcome diarrhea in children such as:
  1. We need to know at first is bahwasannya cause of diarrhea in this case is acute diarrhea that often occurs is because of a virus, then the bottom line is there is no treatment that can cure, because usually diarrhea will heal itself after a few days. It's just that at issue in dealing with diarrhea is to address the symptoms experienced by patients / sufferers. And also to prevent dehydration.
  2. Acute diarrhea is the case then treatment can cure or even just by providing food and drink / liquid as usually only a little more than usual is consumed.
  3. The thing to remember also that the maintenance treatment of diarrhea not just give medicine to stop the diarrhea, because diarrhea itself is a defense mechanism of the body to remove contaminated food from the intestines. Trying to stop diarrhea with much less medication to excess, this can be illustrated as well as clog the pipeline that will go out and cause reflux and will exacerbate the channel
  4. Because the rate of diarrhea in acute diarrhea is the defense mechanism of the body, and it will go away by itself after a few days in which diarrhea more features - from water (watery) started berampas, less frequent and eventually heal and be healed.
  5. That needs to note again is bahwasannya prevention and handlers will mainly symptoms of dehydration symptoms (lack of body fluids) and other symptoms such as heartburn.
  6. It is the treatment of acute diarrhea in the category, but when coupled with signs of diarrhea and other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea mixed with blood of course this will require further medical care in the health service in general.

Similarly, the handlers had a little friend of childhood diarrhea and may be useful and can provide benefits. Point importance in terms of overcoming both diarrhea infant diarrhea, diarrhea in children, or diarrhea in adult oang first aid we can give is the gift of fluids to prevent dehydration.