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Set Various Positions Patients

Set Various Positions Patients

      1.      Perform Patient Preparation
1. 1. Greetings therapeutic delivered to the client / family friendly upon meeting
1.2. Action plan described to the client / family understand
1.3. Plan validated program back
1.4. The need for tools and materials are identified
1.5. Readiness client be re-examined
2. Doing persippan tool
2. 1. prepared with a complete tool:
a. Supine position (supine)
    2.   Preparation tool
2.1 Prepared With A Complete Tool:
- Pillows
- Blankets
- The bed
- Bel if necessary
Leaning b.Posisi
- 4 pieces pillow
- The bed
c. position Fowler
- Backrest or seat backs
- The special tidttr (functional bed) - Pillow
d. Semi-Fowler position
- Backrest or seat backs
- Special Beds - Pillow
e. position orthopnce
- The bed
- Table Overbed / pillow 4-5 pieces
- Ball pimpong
f. position Lithotomi
- A special bed obstetric examination
- Blankets or fabric cover
b. Genu Pectoral position (Knes Chest)
- The bed
- Pillows
h. Dorsal Recumbent Position
- The bed or operating table or counter checks
- Blankets
i. position Sim
- In accordance with the measures to be taken, such as providing huknah
j. Trendelenberg Position
- Beams supporting foot of the bed - Pillow
- A special bed, when there
2.2. Tool neatly organized
2.3. The tool below to near patient
3. Regulatory Action Position

a. Supine position.
- Patients stretched carefully and trimming
- Blanket is installed to cover the limit of the patient's neck
- Tell the patient places and positions bell and how to use them
- Patients trimming
b. Position Tilt
- A pillow is placed normal or transverse
- A pillow slightly tilted to the right, if the patient is placed on the right side
 - A support pillow placed dorsal
- Feet on ditekuk, placed somewhat to the front of the lower leg, supported on a pillow
- Hands on straightened out, placed on a pillow in the back butt
- Arm below lest depressed
- Dada should be able to expand / deflated by independent
- Leaves folded ears lest
c. Fowler position
- The patient is seated and trimmings, cushions arranged according to the needs
- In particular bed, the patient and his bed and arranged seating
- Both arms propped up with pillows
- Patients may be made up
d. Semi-Fowler position
- The patient is seated, backup backs or placed under the seat or on kasw head, arranged
until half sat and made
​​up. Pillows arranged according to the needs
- In specific patient bed and arranged directly tidurny half sitting, under the knee elevated as needed, both arms propped up with pillows
- Patients may be made up
e. position Orthopnoe
- The position remains the same bed
- * Overbed table taken transverse to the place of sleep and one or two pillows placed on it.
  * If using a pillow, pillows stacked neatly overlap and put in front of the patient
- The patient leans forward, arms on the table above or beside a pillow
- Organize patient to do inspiration and expiration affordably
- Tell the patient that done repeatedly
f. position Lithotomi
- The patient lying supine and the bottom of the dress is open
- Second leg ditekuk and assisted by a nurse to put on penahanlutut
g. Genu Pectoral position (Knes Chest)
- Pillow removed from the bed
- Patient must menungging
- Under clothes should be removed, if necessary
h. Recumbent dorsal position
- The patient lying supine and the clothes in open
- Bend knees, thigh Try leaving and stepping foot on bed
       i. position Sim
- The patient lies down, then tilted to the kid with half a face down position of the  
, while the left leg straight, bend the right knee and thigh and pulled toward the
  chest while the left hand above the  head
- Or behind his back and his right hand wrought diata.s sleep
- Patients trimming
       j. Trendelenburg position
- The bed with the foot elevated beam
- The patient was placed supine without a pillow and a pillow under the folds of the knee were
- Among the patient's head and foot of the bed were pillows as a buffer
- At a special bed, the leg can be instantly elevated as needed 
4.1. Documented patient response 
4.2. The timing of the action 
4.3. Documentation recorded with clear and readable 
alisar juni padang, AMK
4.4. Documentation signed and clearly named