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nursing care patients with violent conduct


Violent behavior is a form of behavior that a performance aimed to injure someone, either be physically and psychologically.
violent behavior is a response to that stressor faced by someone. These responses can cause harm either to themselves, others and the environment.


Anger is an emotional expression of the individual against who experienced or perceived event which is considered as a threat so that individuals experiencing stress. Anger is an emotional state, which ranged from angry crankiness until that great. (Kaplan & Sadock). Angry is a nagging feeling that arose in response to concerns / needs that are not met which is perceived as a threat (Stuart & Sunden, 2001)


Response adaftif maladaptive response
Pasief frustrating assertive aggressive violence
Assertive is that expressed anger without hurting others will provide relief to individuals and not cause problems.
Frustration is anger that is expressed in response that occurs due to failure to achieve the goal as unrealistic or any obstacles in the process of achieving.
Passive is a continuation of frustration in which the individual is not able to express feelings.
Aggressive is
aggressive and angry behavior is accompanying an incentive to act in a destructive and can still be controlled.
Behavior that seems to be: long face, spoke harshly, demanding, and rude violent.
Violence is angry and hostile feelings that accompanied strong loss of self-control.
ž Individuals can ruin oneself, others and the environment. When angry uncontrolled until maladaptive response (hardness), the individual can use violent behavior.
Violent behavior can manifest physically (injure yourself, increase the mobility of the body), psychological (emotional, angry, irritable, and opposed), spiritual (felt so powerful, immoral) (Stuart & Laraia, 1998)
Kekersan behavior is individual behavior that is intended to injure or harm, individuals who menjdi individual actors who menjeadi victim, and the victim's unwillingness receive individual behavior. Marrison (1993) adds that violent behavior is like the behavior of others can harm self-mutilation in the form of threats, environmentally-destructive behaviors such as household furniture, slamming doors, the threat of harsh words, tone of voice eminence and hostile


 red face and tense
 sharp views
 jaws firmly clamped
 Clenching hands
 road fro
 Talk rough
 high voice, scream or shout
 secar Threatening verbal or physical
 throwing or hitting objects / people.

Nursing Diagnosis
Violent behavior

1. Nursing actions for patients
a. Destination

  1. Patients can identify the causes of violent behavior.
  2. Patients can identify signs of violent behavior
  3. Patients can specify which kind of violent behavior that he had done
  4. Patients can mention the consequences of violent behavior that does
  5. Patients can mention how mngontrol kekerasanya behavior.
  6. Patients can control the behavior kekerasanya be physically, spiritually,. Social and terafi psikofarmaka.
b. Action
1. Construct a trusting relationship
in building a relationship of trust needs to be considered so that patients feel safe and comfortable when interacting with you. Measures that should you do in order to build relationships of trust are:
a. Therapeutic greetings.
b. Shake hands
c. Describe the purpose of interaction
d. Make subject contract, time and place of each meeting patient.
2. Discuss with patients the causes of violent behavior and that this time last
3. Discuss the feelings of the patient in the event of the cause of violent behavior.
a) Discuss the signs and symptoms of physically violent behavior
b) Discuss the signs and symptoms of violent behavior psychologically
c) Discuss the signs and symptoms of violent behavior is socially
d) Discuss the signs and symptoms of violent behavior is spiritually
e) Discuss the signs and symptoms of violent behavior in intellectually
4. Discuss with patients that violent behavior is usually done in a moment of anger are:
a) Social / verbal
b) For other people
c) Against yourself
d) For the environment
5. Discuss with the patient due to his behavior
6. Discuss with the patient how to control violent behavior are:
a) Physical: at the mattress and pillow, breathing in
b) Drugs
c) Social / Verbal: secar expressed anger assertively.
d) Spiritual: prayer / praying according to the assurance patients.
7. Exercise control be physically violent behavior:
a. Practice breathing in and hit the mattress pillow
b. Arrange training schedule and am breathing in the mattress pillow.
8. Exercise social control of violent behavior secar / verbal
a) Discuss the results of the exercise to control violent behavior be physically
b) Exercise express anger verbally secar: refuse properly, with good feelings
c) Develop training schedule revealed secar angry verbal.
9. Exercise control violent behavior is spiritually
a) Discuss the results of the exercise be physically control violent behavior and social / verbal
b) Exercise prayer / prayer
c) Create a training schedule prayer / prayer
10. Exercise control violent behavior dutifully taking medication.
a) Educate patients take medication regularly in abundance with five principles correctly.
b) Arrange secar regular medication schedule.
2. Nursing actions for families
a. Destination
families to care for patients at home
b. Action
1. Discuss with friends about violent behavior (causes, signs and symptoms, and behaviors that arise due to such behavior)
2. Educate families caring for patients with violent behavior
a) Encourage families to take action to motivate patients who have been taught by nurses
b) Teach the family to give praise to the patient when the patient can perform these activities in abundance right
c) Discuss with your family the actions that must be performed when the patient shows symptoms of violent behavior
3. Discuss with your family the conditions of patients who need to be reported immediately to the nurse, such as throwing or hitting


1. In patients
a. Patients are able to mention the causes, signs and symptoms of violent behavior, violent behavior that used to do, and the consequences of violent behavior that do
b. Patients are able to use violent means to control behavior on a regular basis as scheduled:
1. Physically
2. In social / verbal
3. In spiritual
4. With terfi psikofarmaka.